@Yuracye: oh wait no...I see it now...I can see the difference! It is a bit smaller...nodnod font 12 is acceptable.
Ahh do you wear glasses? I remember when I did, my left one had like this extra thicc glass while the right one was like, okay sized. It's so weird... but I don't wear glasses now because they're too expensive
Ahhhh wow 3 hours and... only halfway ;A; so much work, I am impressed. Hope you're taking breaks. And drinking enough too! Wish I knew the answer though, I did when I was a kid but we had to have scissors and glue with us. Our school had like a special art program.
@sunny: Ahh thank you~I'm glad it worked and wow I like your username! Automatically makes a person smile
Forums Welcome Committee Insert a title that will make you want to click
@Kjemi: ha, same, that's why I chose it. What's the reason behind your username, I'm curious lol :3
currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

@sunny: Well, Kjemi, in norwegian means..chemistry... and I like chemistry. Plus it sounds pretty cool... it's like sh-e-mi
@kjemi: Right??? Idk, I'm confused. I'm just going to be lazy and leave it at whatever the normal sized font is. xD When I actually make posts, I suppose I'll use the 12 font. /nodnod. Which, if I can mange it, I might make a small art shop later. Nothing serious, but I like drawing and this website, so it's a win/win situation. u vu//
I have glasses.... I just don't wear them as often as I should. xD I need new ones honestly. The ones I have now... I've had for like 8 years already?? My lenses are pretty thick, but I've seen small kids with super thick ones. o ___ O ; My distance is really only messed up.
n ____ n ;; To be fair, I've been taking lots of mini breaks to type on here and whatnot. Plus, music is playing in the background and it's a little distracting. The complete silence just makes me feel weird though. The struggle is real.
I always had a whole pencil kit, but I'm not sure how charter schools work. I haven't even seen the classrooms, so I don't know if they have a desk or just a table + chairs. I should have asked to see some of the classrooms tbh. /flops.
....The meaning behind your username is amazing. omg.
I just hit random keys on the keyboard. rip me.
I have glasses.... I just don't wear them as often as I should. xD I need new ones honestly. The ones I have now... I've had for like 8 years already?? My lenses are pretty thick, but I've seen small kids with super thick ones. o ___ O ; My distance is really only messed up.
n ____ n ;; To be fair, I've been taking lots of mini breaks to type on here and whatnot. Plus, music is playing in the background and it's a little distracting. The complete silence just makes me feel weird though. The struggle is real.
I always had a whole pencil kit, but I'm not sure how charter schools work. I haven't even seen the classrooms, so I don't know if they have a desk or just a table + chairs. I should have asked to see some of the classrooms tbh. /flops.
....The meaning behind your username is amazing. omg.
I just hit random keys on the keyboard. rip me.
@Yuracye: Ahh I feel you~I opened an art shop too ;u; for the first time and I got quite alot of interest.. Bless
Woah the same glasses for 8 years??? That's.... how... how have you managed to not break them??? And yeah ;u; I think everyones eyesight is turning worse. Before we know it we'll all need thick glasses haha
Mini breaks are important though. If I remember correctly we can like only concentrate for max 45 min? And I think even then it's a pretty big struggle.And I understand the not working in silence. I know people say you can do things better then but it just...is so off putting. Ahhh ;u; you probably should've asked to see the classrooms, but I'm sure you'll learn alot from this and that things will work out!
Haha...well I'm not sure if it's amazing...just makes me a pretty big nerd. Liking chemistry pfft.. ... though really you just hit random keys? That's so cool, I never would've guessed
Woah the same glasses for 8 years??? That's.... how... how have you managed to not break them??? And yeah ;u; I think everyones eyesight is turning worse. Before we know it we'll all need thick glasses haha
Mini breaks are important though. If I remember correctly we can like only concentrate for max 45 min? And I think even then it's a pretty big struggle.And I understand the not working in silence. I know people say you can do things better then but it just...is so off putting. Ahhh ;u; you probably should've asked to see the classrooms, but I'm sure you'll learn alot from this and that things will work out!
Haha...well I'm not sure if it's amazing...just makes me a pretty big nerd. Liking chemistry pfft.. ... though really you just hit random keys? That's so cool, I never would've guessed
@kjemi: Ahhh. Did you draw the art in your signature? It's super cute omg. ;;;
Whenever sites open up, I feel like that's where most of the interest comes from. I got a lot of attention from users when I opened on Syn when it first opened. x ____ x ;;
Uhhh. I don't wear them as much, so I supposed that helps preserve them. I've gone through a few cases though. xD
Oh noooooo. I was reading an article the other day and it mentioned there will be an eye surgery that gives you better than 20/20 vision. Which.. sounds scary but awesome at the same time. But, then again, I think my fiance has really good vision???
Yeh, they are. I managed to finish everything besides the example piece, but I do have plenty of time to work on it. I'd literally work on the lesson plan for 2-3 minutes, then relax for one minute. that's probably why it took so long honestly.
I could probably have like dubstep in the background, but nothing with lyrics because I'll just sing along and that's where I get stuck. Like, my fiance was literally playing catchy alternative/rock songs and catchy pop songs in the background so it was really hard to concentrate. rip.
I should have, I was just already there for 45 minutes, and I had another interview in a few hours and honestly I just wanted out of there.
I like math myself. > > ;;; Well, up into calculus but I liked to believe that it was the teachers fault because she got fired the next semester. Heh.
Yeah! Surprising, yeah?? I think I added another letter or two and was like "Yeah, that sounds like a name." xD
Whenever sites open up, I feel like that's where most of the interest comes from. I got a lot of attention from users when I opened on Syn when it first opened. x ____ x ;;
Uhhh. I don't wear them as much, so I supposed that helps preserve them. I've gone through a few cases though. xD
Oh noooooo. I was reading an article the other day and it mentioned there will be an eye surgery that gives you better than 20/20 vision. Which.. sounds scary but awesome at the same time. But, then again, I think my fiance has really good vision???
Yeh, they are. I managed to finish everything besides the example piece, but I do have plenty of time to work on it. I'd literally work on the lesson plan for 2-3 minutes, then relax for one minute. that's probably why it took so long honestly.
I could probably have like dubstep in the background, but nothing with lyrics because I'll just sing along and that's where I get stuck. Like, my fiance was literally playing catchy alternative/rock songs and catchy pop songs in the background so it was really hard to concentrate. rip.
I should have, I was just already there for 45 minutes, and I had another interview in a few hours and honestly I just wanted out of there.
I like math myself. > > ;;; Well, up into calculus but I liked to believe that it was the teachers fault because she got fired the next semester. Heh.
Yeah! Surprising, yeah?? I think I added another letter or two and was like "Yeah, that sounds like a name." xD
@Yuracye: I did~ Thank you ;u; I tried my best . You were on Syn too? That's so cool c:
Ahh I suppose rarely using them would keep them safe...I have some 6 year old glasses but I haven't touched them in years...they just sit there. I look so derpy in them too. So I shun them... wow 20/20... if it involves a robot eye....I'm in. I can be a cyborb and finally be able to put on makeup decently. I am jealous of your fiance... I also want good vision
Ahh sounds like a normal work process! Lots of breaks and small ammount of work... er minus the mix of different music .
I can relate to wanting to leave fast.. meetings can be so stressful. And really ? You like math? Ahhh you're the first person I've met that also likes math ;u; I always feel odd since everyones like "I hate math".
Ahh I suppose rarely using them would keep them safe...I have some 6 year old glasses but I haven't touched them in years...they just sit there. I look so derpy in them too. So I shun them... wow 20/20... if it involves a robot eye....I'm in. I can be a cyborb and finally be able to put on makeup decently. I am jealous of your fiance... I also want good vision
Ahh sounds like a normal work process! Lots of breaks and small ammount of work... er minus the mix of different music .
I can relate to wanting to leave fast.. meetings can be so stressful. And really ? You like math? Ahhh you're the first person I've met that also likes math ;u; I always feel odd since everyones like "I hate math".
@kjemi: Well you're doing great! * A*/// It's super cute!!
Yeah! I was there on the first day that it opened, so I'm really attached to it, I guess. q ___ q
YEP. That's pretty much why I don't wear them. They're frame-less glasses, so it kinda looks like I'm not wearing glasses, and that's why I got them in the first place. x ____ x ;
RIGHT? I'd be down for anything as long as it helps my vision in the long run. I I just hate wearing glasses and I'm lazy so I feel like I'd end up messing up with contacts. |||OTL
Yeah! xD I mean, it got done, so that's all that matters. Now, all I need is the actual book (hoping it's in libraries or book stores tomorrow) and then calling out of work to go teach it and then hopefully breathe a breath of fresh air when they offer me the job and tons of money and then I'm set for life. * U */// MWHAHAHHAHA.
Oh yeah! It was always one of my favorite subjects! Probably because I was half decent at it? I got straight A's in all the math classes in college. q vq
Yeah! I was there on the first day that it opened, so I'm really attached to it, I guess. q ___ q
YEP. That's pretty much why I don't wear them. They're frame-less glasses, so it kinda looks like I'm not wearing glasses, and that's why I got them in the first place. x ____ x ;
RIGHT? I'd be down for anything as long as it helps my vision in the long run. I I just hate wearing glasses and I'm lazy so I feel like I'd end up messing up with contacts. |||OTL
Yeah! xD I mean, it got done, so that's all that matters. Now, all I need is the actual book (hoping it's in libraries or book stores tomorrow) and then calling out of work to go teach it and then hopefully breathe a breath of fresh air when they offer me the job and tons of money and then I'm set for life. * U */// MWHAHAHHAHA.
Oh yeah! It was always one of my favorite subjects! Probably because I was half decent at it? I got straight A's in all the math classes in college. q vq
@Yuracye: >////< thank youu ...chibi things are my speciality ;u; Wow that is a long time ago...I was there for ..maybe a couple of months? I didn't really post though... haaaah ;u;
Thats so.. odd...and off pair of glasses.Trying to disguise themselves... Ahhh yess ;u; I could do so much with better eyes.... I tried coloured contacts but I realized I just can't get them in. My eyes are too scared to let me put anything in them. I once tried for 40 min straight with no luck...
Hohoho I hope that happens! You deserve to be set for life and have a job, that you hopefully like too >w< haha.
That's so awesome! I think you're like a pro if you get straight A's! I'm the decent one haha ;u; I like the way math makes you work and it usually makes sense. I miss math
Thats so.. odd...and off pair of glasses.Trying to disguise themselves... Ahhh yess ;u; I could do so much with better eyes.... I tried coloured contacts but I realized I just can't get them in. My eyes are too scared to let me put anything in them. I once tried for 40 min straight with no luck...
Hohoho I hope that happens! You deserve to be set for life and have a job, that you hopefully like too >w< haha.
That's so awesome! I think you're like a pro if you get straight A's! I'm the decent one haha ;u; I like the way math makes you work and it usually makes sense. I miss math
@kjemi: Hehe! I really only do chibis as well! They're fun to play around with in my opinion. /nodnod.
Ah, yeah. I had a lot of fun on there. There's no way we'd be able to go back to it now though. It's really only mainly used as a dress up dream avatar site if you think about it.There were people mentioning that it should be left that way, but eh.
Yeah... I just picked them because it looked like I didn't really have glasses. You know, those teenage years. /ded. That's what I'm afraid of with contacts. x ____ x I don't like anything near my eyes, so the thought of having to put something in my eye freaks me out. And if I lost them I'd be on trouble, so that's a definite no.
Ahhh, thanks! I don't think it will be the job that I ultimately stay in, but it's better than what I'm making now, so it's a start.
They were pretty easy classes, like Math101/Intro to Math, so it was super easy. xD
I think of math as a puzzle, and I think that's what makes it fun for me.
Ah, yeah. I had a lot of fun on there. There's no way we'd be able to go back to it now though. It's really only mainly used as a dress up dream avatar site if you think about it.There were people mentioning that it should be left that way, but eh.
Yeah... I just picked them because it looked like I didn't really have glasses. You know, those teenage years. /ded. That's what I'm afraid of with contacts. x ____ x I don't like anything near my eyes, so the thought of having to put something in my eye freaks me out. And if I lost them I'd be on trouble, so that's a definite no.
Ahhh, thanks! I don't think it will be the job that I ultimately stay in, but it's better than what I'm making now, so it's a start.
They were pretty easy classes, like Math101/Intro to Math, so it was super easy. xD
I think of math as a puzzle, and I think that's what makes it fun for me.
@Yuracye: They are! And there are so many styles to go with too. Mine have changed so much in just the past few years!
They had some really cool items ! I really liked this one T-shirt they had...it had a cat on it.
Ahh the teenage years...fun times..not really...;u; ahh there are so many horror stories with contacts too... I shudder just thinking bout it. But they look so cool ..
Ahh staying in one job forever would be boring. I've learned one thing from adults....er.. older adults. You never stay in one place too long. Trying new things is always smart.
Ahh...still if they're in college they must be a bit tough at least c: and yeah math is alot like a puzzle.
They had some really cool items ! I really liked this one T-shirt they had...it had a cat on it.
Ahh the teenage years...fun times..not really...;u; ahh there are so many horror stories with contacts too... I shudder just thinking bout it. But they look so cool ..
Ahh staying in one job forever would be boring. I've learned one thing from adults....er.. older adults. You never stay in one place too long. Trying new things is always smart.
Ahh...still if they're in college they must be a bit tough at least c: and yeah math is alot like a puzzle.
@kjemi: YES!
Mine has changed a lot from a few years ago. I think I actually made them look more... well rounded?? They used to be practically giant heads on stick figures before. xD
Yess. TT U TT I loved a lot of their items tbh. Even the common items were really attractive. ;;;
LMAO. If I could just erase my teenage years, that would be gr8.
Seriously. I mean, there's so many horror stories about everything though, if you really think about it. Contacts have been publicly available for a long time, but there still could be mistakes about it- or there's a chance it won't work with your body or w/e.
Aughh, I know the feeling. x ___ x I've been at my current job for two years and it's killing me. I've gotten too comfortable though, and I think that's my problem. I get easily frustrated too because not a lot of people offer great solutions to difficult problems. Sometimes I understand it's out of their power, but it would be great if they were able to help out with certain things, even if it meant stopping what they needed to get done. > > ;;; They're working on it, so it's a start...
Eventually though if I get my tenure as a teacher, it would be rude to constantly switch jobs. ;;;
Hmmm. I mean, I know other people had trouble with some the ones later in my college years, but Math101 was literally like... roman numerals and learning integers and stuff. It was really... basic type stuff.
I think that's why I like it so much! I enjoy puzzles too, even if they make my head hurt. xD
Mine has changed a lot from a few years ago. I think I actually made them look more... well rounded?? They used to be practically giant heads on stick figures before. xD
Yess. TT U TT I loved a lot of their items tbh. Even the common items were really attractive. ;;;
LMAO. If I could just erase my teenage years, that would be gr8.
Seriously. I mean, there's so many horror stories about everything though, if you really think about it. Contacts have been publicly available for a long time, but there still could be mistakes about it- or there's a chance it won't work with your body or w/e.
Aughh, I know the feeling. x ___ x I've been at my current job for two years and it's killing me. I've gotten too comfortable though, and I think that's my problem. I get easily frustrated too because not a lot of people offer great solutions to difficult problems. Sometimes I understand it's out of their power, but it would be great if they were able to help out with certain things, even if it meant stopping what they needed to get done. > > ;;; They're working on it, so it's a start...
Eventually though if I get my tenure as a teacher, it would be rude to constantly switch jobs. ;;;
Hmmm. I mean, I know other people had trouble with some the ones later in my college years, but Math101 was literally like... roman numerals and learning integers and stuff. It was really... basic type stuff.
I think that's why I like it so much! I enjoy puzzles too, even if they make my head hurt. xD
Hey, Kjemi! Welcome to Voltra!
I really like the chibi in your signature--it's super cute! Right now it's mostly just chatting and getting to know everyone, but roleplaying is an option and hopefully we'll be stacking ourselves up with games soon!
I really like the chibi in your signature--it's super cute! Right now it's mostly just chatting and getting to know everyone, but roleplaying is an option and hopefully we'll be stacking ourselves up with games soon!
@Yuracye: I remember at some point I had these weird uuh arms and legs made of blocks? They were almost as big as the head...yikes.
Ahh yeah...I agree. Anything between 10-18 ...didn't happen. Nope.
Yeah that's true...everything is scary... :vanora_shock: but specially contacts. You only get one pair of eyes :c
Oh that's understandable. Alot of people need a challange to feel okay and if your job stops that...well then it turns sorta monochrome... but true that if you're a teacher you might need to stick around for a while.
Oooh..that does seem do-able... like a crash course in math. I should go through one when I start university
@Slytherclaw: Thank you! I was really excited to join as I watch Voltra's progress on FB. Can't wait to see where we are heading..oh and thank you ;u; I am glad you find my signature cute.
Ahh yeah...I agree. Anything between 10-18 ...didn't happen. Nope.
Yeah that's true...everything is scary... :vanora_shock: but specially contacts. You only get one pair of eyes :c
Oh that's understandable. Alot of people need a challange to feel okay and if your job stops that...well then it turns sorta monochrome... but true that if you're a teacher you might need to stick around for a while.
Oooh..that does seem do-able... like a crash course in math. I should go through one when I start university
@Slytherclaw: Thank you! I was really excited to join as I watch Voltra's progress on FB. Can't wait to see where we are heading..oh and thank you ;u; I am glad you find my signature cute.
@kjemi: Ahhhhh. Good times. xD I'm glad I kept everything posted up for the most part. Makes me feel better when I see the improvements, even if it's minor. q vq ;;;
YEP. 19 is when I met my fiance- PERFECT TIMING. xD
Very true,very very true!!! I'd get paranoid about anything, so I don't want to take the chance for anything.
Well, I'm not really excited about challenges, I'm generally a lazy person, but change just scares me. x ___ x It's a different neighborhood and different people and stuff. ;;;;; I'm just frustrated with things that no one is doing nothing about. /sighs.
Yeah. xD It was easy stuff. I was honestly surprised when there were people that were looking over onto someone's else paper. Like... just study for 15 minutes, it doesn't take long.
YEP. 19 is when I met my fiance- PERFECT TIMING. xD
Very true,very very true!!! I'd get paranoid about anything, so I don't want to take the chance for anything.
Well, I'm not really excited about challenges, I'm generally a lazy person, but change just scares me. x ___ x It's a different neighborhood and different people and stuff. ;;;;; I'm just frustrated with things that no one is doing nothing about. /sighs.
Yeah. xD It was easy stuff. I was honestly surprised when there were people that were looking over onto someone's else paper. Like... just study for 15 minutes, it doesn't take long.
@Yuracye: There is very little that can be beat by seeing the improvement. Like if I look at my first art and now... there is a huge difference.
Aww that's awesome! Indeed the perfect timing.
I worry alot too...about the weirdest things too.
Oh different neighbourhood too? Makes sense you'd be scared, but I'm sure it will work out!
Ahh...that doesn't sound good.... I hope they learned some math at least
Aww that's awesome! Indeed the perfect timing.
I worry alot too...about the weirdest things too.
Oh different neighbourhood too? Makes sense you'd be scared, but I'm sure it will work out!
Ahh...that doesn't sound good.... I hope they learned some math at least
@kjemi: I can understand that! But, you don't realize it until you actually see it type of thing?
I do this yearly drawing type thing, and it really shows how I've been drawing. It's really nice because you can see where the bodies change or how you change up the dynamics of the poses and all. Like, one year I did a lot of couple pieces, so I worked on those one year and then another time it was a lot of static poses for half the year and then more interesting poses for the next half. It was pretty cool tbh.
NO I DO TOO. Even like "The neck... looks weird...." xD
Yeahh. It's even farther than my current job. It's an hour+ one way. orz. I'm assuming I'll be stuck in traffic quite a lot. But, I can manage that, I suppose. x ___ x
I hope so too! Even if it meant basic things like roman numerals.orz
I do this yearly drawing type thing, and it really shows how I've been drawing. It's really nice because you can see where the bodies change or how you change up the dynamics of the poses and all. Like, one year I did a lot of couple pieces, so I worked on those one year and then another time it was a lot of static poses for half the year and then more interesting poses for the next half. It was pretty cool tbh.
NO I DO TOO. Even like "The neck... looks weird...." xD
Yeahh. It's even farther than my current job. It's an hour+ one way. orz. I'm assuming I'll be stuck in traffic quite a lot. But, I can manage that, I suppose. x ___ x
I hope so too! Even if it meant basic things like roman numerals.orz
@Yuracye: It is! And it's so sad?? Because sometimes you can get discouraged cause the changes happen little by little..
Woah your system is really cool! I tend to be all over the place sadly.... though I should work harder on things I feel weak in... poses.. ahh. Are you thinking of doing inktober this year?
Oh wow..an hour +.... that is a long way... I hope you'll have some nice music at least when you get stuck ;u;
Woah your system is really cool! I tend to be all over the place sadly.... though I should work harder on things I feel weak in... poses.. ahh. Are you thinking of doing inktober this year?
Oh wow..an hour +.... that is a long way... I hope you'll have some nice music at least when you get stuck ;u;
@kjemi: YeS. AKJFHDGKJ. That's usually what gets me so upset honestly because I'm trying SO HARD TO IMPROVE ALL THE TIME. There's been days when I watch videos or look up tutorials and I just.. can't do it?? It's frustrating.
Ahh, I saw it done on dA, and I just go with that! Now it's been a sort of traditional thing. When I'm feeling really defeated sometimes I'll look at older art and tell myself that I'm getting better.
I've never done it before - since I don't really have the time or patience for art... but maybe I will this year! I'll have a lot of time in a car, so I might be able to sketch something up. Are you going to do it!!??
Y-yeah. Well, I have two CDs from my favorite bands, but it all depends on how my fiance feels since he'll be driving me there. xD
I was thinking about getting a mini PC of some form to write up last minute lesson plans or write down notes for the next day or something.
Ahh, I saw it done on dA, and I just go with that! Now it's been a sort of traditional thing. When I'm feeling really defeated sometimes I'll look at older art and tell myself that I'm getting better.
I've never done it before - since I don't really have the time or patience for art... but maybe I will this year! I'll have a lot of time in a car, so I might be able to sketch something up. Are you going to do it!!??
Y-yeah. Well, I have two CDs from my favorite bands, but it all depends on how my fiance feels since he'll be driving me there. xD
I was thinking about getting a mini PC of some form to write up last minute lesson plans or write down notes for the next day or something.
@Yuracye: I can relate to that so much!! I watch speedpaints and tutorials and I just end up with ??? because I try it but it ain't as good as I want it to be...
Well be careful not to draw and drive....never thought I'd say that hahaha... but yeah I don't know. I want to, but I'm not very good at it.. ink is so...permanent..but I got all of september to decide!
Aw that's so sweet of him. A good CD is a great way to start a day before work I think, can set a good mood. A mini PC ain't a bad idea either. Always ready for new ideas!
Well be careful not to draw and drive....never thought I'd say that hahaha... but yeah I don't know. I want to, but I'm not very good at it.. ink is so...permanent..but I got all of september to decide!
Aw that's so sweet of him. A good CD is a great way to start a day before work I think, can set a good mood. A mini PC ain't a bad idea either. Always ready for new ideas!
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.