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Forums Quests Sham's Dreamy Quest - [ Open! | Editing2023 ]

Donator — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/18 02:59:02 )

    @Shampoo: The event is closing so I thought I'd move our conversation to your quest thread. xD

    Haha, yep! I've been working on hard on being more talkative too. c:

    Oh yea, it was overwhelming and difficult at first, but I just had to get over being shy and not talking to people. Had to learn and get over my dumb fear the hard way. Otherwise, I wasn't going to get anywhere. xD I've dealt with really awesome and friendly people and the really shitty and inconsiderate ones espeically when I used to work at a movie theater. But heh, crazy comes with the job. xD

    I don't think it was there intention to make it that way for mobile (or at least I don't think so anyway). It's hard to say because they aren't really transparent with us and since it's just so inactive with the majority of the userbase gone and the staff being busy. I just don't think Roli is mobile friendly. xD

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/18 07:46:15 )
@Totalanimefan: I was on both of those!! I think I went by just Shampoo on that one.
I think I should have an avi of me somewhere deep within my files?
> w <

@Valefor: Excellent!! > w < That would be awesome!
That is good! I used to be very active on avatar sites, cosplay sites, and even on the big social media forums but the last few years I seemed to turn more inward and avoid other people I used to hang out with. Some of them I had reasons for or just lost touch with.

I am glad you are being talkative again too! That way we both can talk together! > w < Encourage each other as well!
I think the first step is the hardest....i feel like I mentioned that in the event thread OxO!'''
After the first feeling or emotion/sense is over I think it is easier to just relax or at least feel okay with talking with others and people you do not know very well. Like at parties! Being forced into being talkative or talk to strangers for work or for school does throw you into the deep end but something that is what has to happen to give you that push!

Very true with the equal side of things in the work place! School is the same! I had that with college;;; OH MAN!! I always liked the older students who wanted to know personal info about you without actually being asked in return or in front of the whole class. Usually very personal questions like "are you looking for a bull?" (as in boyfriend?) oifioehio Oh man that was embarrassing.

Me neither!! It just S_S;; I want it to be active again like how gaia is but I dont want it to be gaia because I always thought it was better than gaia. It was my home for a long time after gaia. since 2008 I believe? >A< So long ago! Ten years!

Donator — She/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/18 19:59:29 )

@Shampoo: I would love to see your old avatars if you have them.


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/18 22:52:52 )
@Totalanimefan: Let me try to find them! I had a few older items but I was never really active on Ernya but I was more on caedon and the others. 0x0

Donator — She/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/18 22:57:47 )

@Shampoo: ah I see. I loved Ernya back in the day.
I also really liked Solia back in 08-10.


Donator — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/19 03:19:10 )

    @Shampoo: I know what you mean. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like interest in avatar sites have been on the decline these past couple years. Besides the face that most of us are now adults and probably have more important responsibilities and priorities than logging on to avatar. And some of us just grew out of it, ya know.

    Yes! I definitely do not mind chatting with you and also trying to encourage each other to be more talkative too! It's a win-win benefit!
    Agreed. I feel like the first step is usually the hardest too. Just trying to get yourself out there and talk. Trying not to hesitant with your response and just post it. And once you get past that feeling and get more comfortable, it's easier as you go on. c:
    Ahh, parties! It would have to be like that. xD

    Haha, I'm still in college and I know what you mean about those weird situations. Although, with college the age range can definitely play a factor versus high school, ya know. But yeah, I've had similar situations like that. Not the latter though. That's sounds very uncomfortable. ^^;

    Saaaaame! It's so sad to see it the way it is now. I've been on that site around the same time as you too! This sounds blunt, but I'm surprised that the site is still alive and not closed or permanently shut down already. It's been like this for a few years now. And I feel like the staff just doesn't care to do much more than they already can to bring in more users. I feel like that passion is gone.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/3 07:56:36 )
@Valefor: Sorry for the late reply and making you wait.

I do not think it is just you. I think things have changed with people or with younger people.
They don't go on forums anymore and stick to other forms of communication? More the social media land or even on snapchat?
and tik tok I feel? Chatting on forums like voltra and gaia is something the generation where the internet was new or when forums and avi sites were new. On another hand, Everyone could be too busy to go on a sites like this? That most people have little free time to post and focus on things things?
I know most people work all day and sometimes barely have time to sleep or even shower from their work day?
High schoolers and younger have all of the free time or now even they are working '6-8 hours a day'?
So I think it probably like you said/ not just one thing that stops people from coming on avi sites.
I hope soon or one when everyone can have more free time that they can enjoy avi sites too!

I hope you still feel the same about wanting to chit chat with me here? After such a long wait on my part.
Life got me down and then tried to pull my shoelaces back up. Doing better now. Slowly but surely. I hope.
Cheers on!

After I chatted with you a few months ago I've trying to get out more or out of the house more perslice.
Hahah Isn't that weird? Talk about posting more and then gets out of the house more XE
I will be going to a Gem and Jewelry show tomorrow with my Mom.
Then it is a friend hangout night on Friday....later.

Of course! It was. Very much. It still makes me nervous to talk to other people because they might ask questions I do not wish to answer and not sure how to answer because it all depends on how they will take the answer as well.

I do not think it is blunt and I am surprised it lasted this long seeing as a lot of the avi sites after Gaia/Roliana disappeared not long after they lost their original owner(s). Have you seen the new post on there though?
I think it is like we said about people going/coming in avi sites. They just get super busy with being an adult or trying to stay afloat being an adult.

Donator — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/4 04:46:03 )

    @Shampoo: Nah, you're fine. xD I actually forgot about this lol. I really don't mind. c:

    Yea, we're all grown up and have responsibilities now which is okay. It's a part of life!
    I've sort of noticed that. Social media such as twitter/snapchat/tik tok are more popular and i feel easy to use. That part about using forums to chat and whatnot hits me so hard because I relate to that when i first found out about Gaia or avatar forum sites. Ya know, avatar sites feel like a trend. It's not popular anymore so people move on to the next new thing. Or like we've both discussed before. People either grow out of it or are too busy nowadays.

    I still do feel the same about chatting with ya! c: Don't worry about late replies. I really don't mind at all. I'm really patient as you can see now lol. And I understand if you get busy and real life obligations take priority! But I'm glad to hear you're doing better! Keep it up! And don't give up! (ง •̀ω•́)ง✧

    How's that going so far? Have you been leaving the house more now?
    The Gem and Jewelry show sounds really interesting! I hope you enjoy it tomorrow! Will you be buying anything? xD
    Annnnd also hope you enjoy hanging out with your friend too!

    Yea...I'm sad to hear that it's officially closing this July, but I also think it's about time they did. There really was no point for them to keep it open with the site having barely any activity at all. It was fun while it lasted, and I'll cherish the memories i made on Roli. c:

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/12 03:58:55 )
@Valefor: I thought I started to reply to this but I think my closed the tab >x<;;
Again I am late to replying to this. However it goes along with what we are talking about XD;;

Life and things getting in the way or pulling you away from things like avi sites.
Very true but I hope maybe in later years people will get back to avi sites or they will be a trend again when everyone gets tired of twitter/snapchat/tik tok.
It is always changing and moving I think; the trends at least.
I dont wanna grow out of it ////ARGHH!!! < in a silly voice)

Awesome!! Eep > w < I will try!! Last three days I got really bad at going to bed on a routine and stayed up until 7am....eeps.
Never good at all and it took me 4 days to get back to some kind of normal bedtime. Or at least before 3am bedtime.
I love the cute face! The Kaoemoji? I forgot what the japanese term is for those faces!!

No....this past week I stayed at the home a lot and watched the dogs a lot or watched tv. Or just sleeping all day. Felt like doing nothing but on friday I got to go out with friends and family for thrifting. But I should make a day where I go out by myself for a bit. I am always with my parents or my mom going somewhere. I miss driving as well because either of them drive. S_S ;;

The Gem and Jewelry show was a lot of fun!! I found a lot of things to buy and picked out something for my friend's bday!
I am going to make her a mala.

Agreed. Sad but if they are not focusing on it like they want to or should then it needs to close until they can and I know keeping up a site like that for fun can be very pricey? Me too! Got me to through high school pretty good. Kept me sane too.

How was your week? I love your yin/yang avi!! 9 o9 So eerie cool!

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/13 11:47:55 )
@Totalanimefan: Those two feel so old right now >//<;;

Donator — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/14 20:08:18 )

    @Shampoo: Nah, you're fine. xD It happens lol.
    And don't worry about late replies. I really don't mind at all. Like I tell everyone else, I'm pretty patient. o uob

    I'm sure there will be some people who will remember avatar sites and come back. Or maybe it will be trendy again. xD But for now, I like the small knit communities that we have. And same! I feel you with not wanting to grow out of it! I'm really glad I found avatar sites because it's another outlet and I can make friends with online strangers and not have to show my face (if i don't want to) LOL.

    It can take some time to re-adjust your sleeping schedule again. Just keep at it and I'm sure you can go back to the routine you want. c:
    And yea I have no idea what the japanese emojis are called. xD I just found this site that has all of them and use them occasionally. LINK

    I hope you're able to take some time off and go by yourself. c: It's nice to hang out with others, but sometimes you just need some "me" time. xD
    And glad to hear you enjoyed the gem and jewelry show! What kind of things did you buy if you don't mind me asking? And what's a mala?

    And yep. Agreed. I think it's about time (although they should have done it sooner imo) to close the site for good. They aren't getting any revenue anymore since a lot of users aren't active anymore to donate. Same! It got me through high school too! Gonna miss Roli though.

    And my week's been okay. Just finished my last final yesterday so now i have more time. I'll be on voltra more often too. c:
    And thanks! I love making avis like these or headless ones. xD

Donator — She/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/15 18:42:05 )

@Shampoo: haha I feel you on that. It’s almost been 10 years since my high school graduation


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/06/2 05:27:26 )
@Valefor: I guess I am one of them! Someone who will remember avatar sites and come back!
I need to come back and check here more often! I am bad now and I don’t want to get on the computer or when I do, I get super distracted on other sites. Usually art sites or reading comic books 0o0;;

I do like the small knit community that we have and conmulated! Easy to know everyone and chat alot or easy to not miss anything. I agree!! Easy to chat on here over talking in person; I do find it harder to talk in person than online. Easier to be honest or say things you wouldn’t normally offline? Or even in person. I mean in the nicer way but I guess or sometimes it goes to the bad side OTL;;

I am working on it now! Getting on a better sleep schedule.
I am trying or been trying it to fit it all week. It is getting better now though!
I got up earlier today than I have in the last few days and that is a good start!
I need to keep it up and go to bed before 4-5am tonight! I should be able to do that!
I got this!! >D
Oh!! I know this site!! I forgot about it but thank you for reminding me again of it!!
ʘ‿ʘ ♡^▽^♡ ۹(ÒہÓ)۶ ୧☉□☉୨

I gotta use them more too!! >D

It is and I do miss hanging out with myself and going on ‘me’ adventures.
Its a while since I went to the library or to a cafe by myself; I just stay home and I am getting cabin fevered I think? Or not used to going out-nervous? I need to kick that as well! AGJHI*Y

Sweet!! Congrats on the final! How was it and what did you get on it? What are you doing now??
Sorry for the late reply >//<;;; I just got overwhelmed with things so I had to take a step back and now I feel better now. Me too!! Let’s be active on voltras more together!!
Me too!!

I love yours still! I can’t seem to get a good avi so far GRRR!

@Totalanimefan: It has?? Its almost the same here but it is still super long.. 7-10 years when said sound so long now! 0o0!!

Donator — She/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/06/2 06:32:54 )

@Shampoo: yeah June 4th will be 10 years since I finished high school.


Donator — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/06/2 07:00:26 )

    @Shampoo: Me too. xD Oh, Pantheon Online opened today! Are you on there as well! I just joined a while ago. c:
    You're fine. Don't feel obligated to reply when you're busy. And it's understandable if you get distracted because same. xDD

    It is easier to know everybody and chat more with a small community. It's definitely harder to miss anything honestly.
    I see what you mean though. It's easier to lie or keep some info since we don't know each other irl. We're basically talking to strangers online. ^^;

    I'm glad you're working on your sleep schedule and trying to make it work. Take it slow! Don't feel like you have to force yourself and stress yourself out!
    And haha yes! I joined toyhouse waaaay back but never used it. I decided to make use of it to organize all my ocs with its handy features.

    Ooh, I know what you mean! I currently don't have a car so i can't really go anywhere by myself unless I can borrow one of my parent's car. But that means having to drive to work and then picking them up later (which i really don't want to do xD). It does suck staying home all the time because there's only so much you can do.

    It was so stressful, but I'm just glad I passed my class. ; u; Right now, I'm taking a summer biology class and working on art. xD Don't remember if i asked you this before, but do you have any plans for the summer?

    Your avis are so cute tho! <33

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/16 23:22:31 )
@Valefor: I totally missed it but I just joined the site now!! I got super busy with doing chores and being super depressed but I am doing better and handling my emotions so far after my Florida work trip.
How is Pantheon Online so far still? Is it still exciting and active still?

All good news and still trying to get out of the house more but now that it is cold outside it is getting harder but I am doing good and I have to organize my mess that I started to clean up during the summer time.
I let it get out of hand and now I have to dust and organize things again xD

How are your classes going? What kind of classes? Is it finals time already since we last talked?

@Totalanimefan: It’s been a long time!

Donator — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/16 23:46:13 )

    @Shampoo: You're totally fine. Better late than never i guess! xD But I'm glad to hear you've joined! <33 I'm also glad to hear you're doing better with your health too. Take care! And take breaks if you need to! You're health is more important! c:
    And Panthon is doing fine. It's active and also a small community so exciting is subjective. xD We did just finished the Halloween event so the activity may have died down a bit. I'm still a bit new to staff and work as an item handler (meaning i prep and save items so they can be uploaded by the admin). But if you have any questions, feel free to ask me or any other staff.

    Oh no, it sucks that it got out of hand. But sometimes, it happens. And it's best to clean up and start again. I hope it hasn't been too overwhelming for you! How is that coming along for you?

    My summer biology course went well. I'm currently taking an abnormal psychology course, stats, and organic chemistry class (which is kicking my butt). xDD It's close to finals. There's about 4 weeks left, and it's going by FAST! D8
(ง •̀_•́)ง

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/17 00:16:34 )
@Valefor: True that and I would be sad if it was never or I missed you or the party! > x <

Me too! I needed a new place to hang out at/in since Roliana closed. I need to check another place!
Let me look up that one (it’s called) avalyss! I need to check on all of my old places i used to go online and my online things i just let sit for. A while.

In the last couple of weeks my mental health has been getting better and not so unstable or easily rise and fall. Right now I am trying to get back to my routines after being away from home for two weeks. I was in Florida with my mom the last two weeks for a family working trip. We were helping her mom and my dads mom with house things.

I will take breaks and I need to make sure I don’t get lazy again!

Sweet!!! For a site starting out is going to be small for a bit! Gotta get the word out! Well I guess not too soon thou! Or it’ll be crazy!!

<333 It is a little hard to see things on my iPad/mobile but the mobile is doing pretty good and I can change my avi pretty good; I’m still getting the hang of it still and which colors i like! I will have to make a note in my quest thread once I make one! I like the number 72!
When I have question I will defiantly ask! <33

True about getting out of the hand and I will clean it up so I can work again and get back into my art. I was too busy on my trip to even journal or make art. I tried to start ink toner but got a little behind in the beginning but never caught up. I will caught up thou! ^ w ^

At the moment I need to figure out where I will put books I have that can’t go on my book shelves... I need to go through all of my books and decide which ones to sell vs. keeping ones. I have dvds to go through as well! As well as dolls. My dust has a small pile on it before I can work on traditional art but I just need to get too it but I am feeling lazy and I just want to sleep all day. Sometimes I get overwhelmed because it doesn’t have a place to live at the moment and needs a place to sit for a while....until a place is made for it. I live with my parents so I have to ask them or make sure I don’t invade their space with my stuff but my dad’s stuff invaded my things all the time! 🤦‍♀️

HOLY MOLY!!! Which one is your favorite or the fun one out of those classes? Only 4 week.....????

Donator — She/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/17 00:39:10 )

@Shampoo: yeah it’s nice to see you back. I’ll give you some of the event items. You can earn and spend currency until the 18th.

By Ghost
Discord: Totalanimefan
I'm friendly and will chat with anyone!

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/17 01:59:40 )
@Totalanimefan: It is good to be back!!! > w < I missed you and everyone!
GASP!!! You spoil me!!! O o O!! o
I will be posting a lot of and what can I do to thank you??? 0 u 0

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