They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

Leo just sighed as he made his way through the halls of the Order. It seemed that, recently, a lot of the people he'd talked to were tense, or things were finally coming to a head for them.
He didn't think TOO much of it, considering they were in the middle of a stressful time of the year, as far as dreams were concerned. Politics were shifting in the world, as such, stress ran high, and it meant that they had to put more effort into making sure all their charges had a good amount of restful sleep.
Which was harder than it sounded.
However, for ALL the people he knew to suddenly be so tense? It DID strike him as a little odd.
Just as he turned a corner, he heard what sounded to be a heated argument just down the hallway, so he quickened his pace and went to see what was happening. The pair that he found having the discussion was a pair of more senior members of the Order, held in relatively high regards by others.
But they were really going at each other, it seemed.
"You IDIOT!" one declared. "A nightmare is the LAST thing his campaign manager needs right now!" he growled.
"YOU'RE one to talk!" the other shot back. "What about that recovering addict under YOUR care!? Because of that nightmare you were supposed to cut off, but ended up making worse, he'll probably hit the stuff harder than ever, which could KILL him!" they countered.
"That was unexpected, and not my fault!" the first one shot back. "I specifically used the sand to bring peace and serenity to him!" he insisted.
"And I did the same!" the other one countered.
"Stop trying to cover your sorry ass by hiding behind MY reasons!" the first one then snarled... which, at that point, made it look like things were going to get physical.
"Please, please..." Leo said as calmly as he could, deciding he needed to interject. "Fighting and arguing isn't going to help anyone." he told them as he slowly approached, trying to diffuse the situation.
The pair of them looked sharply at Leo, before they both spoke up in unison.
"Butt out, junior!" they barked.
"This isn't something for YOU to get involved in!" one of them said, reaching out and grabbing Leo by the collar. "I suggest you learn to let those higher ranked than you work out their OWN problems." he then snarled.
Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?
The one
For once!?