They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

"Damn it!" the man cursed, as he ran through the forest, shoving vegetation and branches aside. "How could I have been found out!? I kept this mission as secret as I could!" he said further, tightly clutching at something in one of his hands.
He had been sent to retrieve something by his mistress, but just when he'd found it, a pair of people (one male and one female) appeared to stop him from returning.
Meanwhile, the two that were chasing him were starting to catch up, and the male looked at the female.
"Keep chasing him." he told his partner. "I don't know what he's up to, but it seems like that tip-off from Jake's buddy was right on the money." he went on.
"I'm going to get ahead of him, and we'll cut him off at the clearing that's ahead." he said further. "Just keep him distracted. Make him think that we're both still chasing him." he finished, before veering off slightly, and disappearing into the forest... though she could hear him moving ahead.
"Leave me alone!" she then heard their suspect yell. "I haven't done anything to you!" he exclaimed.
She did not respond, and merely continued to chase him.
Sure enough, when they reached the clearing, her male partner ran out from another area of the forest, slamming their suspect into a tree, causing him to fall to his ass, dazed.
"Halt! You are under arrest for trespassing and tampering in a restricted zone, by law of the Council and Triad!" the male declared, flashing his Unit badge.
The suspect just growled.
"You'll never take me! ABSOLUTE LOYALTY!" he declared, before he slammed his hand onto the tree behind him. This caused a swirling hole of mana to form behind him, and he fell back into it, the mana dissipated just as quickly as it appeared.
"Damn. He got away." the female said. "We need to report this to Sharp." they told the male, who bent down and picked up a fountain pen.
"Guess he dropped this." he mumbled, pocketing it. "Shame to let a good pen go to waste out here." he reasoned, before looking at his partner and nodding.
"Let's go." he agreed.
A few hours later, the two of them had left Sharp's office, and were making their way down one of the hallways. They ended up parting ways, and the male ended up bumping into Azazel when he turned a corner, causing the pen he'd found to come falling out of his pocket, though he didn't notice it.
"Watch where you're going, demon." he grumbled to Azazel, before just continuing to walk onwards.
"...he really needs to do something about his attitude towards demons." Azazel sighed, before shaking his head and continuing on where he was going... leaving the pen laying on the floor, unnoticed.
But it wasn't for very long, as a lone person noticed it out of the corner of their eye, and made their way towards it.
"Hello? What's this?" Illias asked, bending down and picking it up. He inspected the writing implement for a minute or so, before looking around. Seeing nobody there, he shrugged.
"I'm sure if it's important, it will be reported, and I'll return it." he reasoned, pocketing the pen.
'For now, seems a shame to leave it, in case someone more unscrupulous finds it.' he then thought, before looking at his watch and panicking slightly.
"Ah! Kiah'll have my head if I'm late for the compound testing!" he exclaimed, as he started to bolt toward the R&D department.
Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?
The one
For once!?