But sometimes even Walmart doesn't carry what I'm looking for, so I have to venture outside my comfort zone and go to a fancy store. Like Harris Teeter. Today was such a day, and while it wasn't as overwhelming as that one time I went to Whole Foods in search of natural food dye (where I felt like a dirty possum waddling around among the rich people), it was still pretty amazing. They had a huge selection of vegan and organic stuff, spices, cooking and baking supplies, etc. I was extremely tempted and ended up buying a lot more than I came for in spite of myself. If I'd had more money, I could have come away with some very nice things, indeed.
Needless to say, Harris Teeter has been bumped even higher up on my list of places to seek employment in my ongoing struggle to escape the grip of Walmart. It's still retail, and it'd still probably be back-breaking grocery store work with minimal pay, but it's gotta be better than where I'm at now.
guys for real this store is SO CLEAN. Everything looks nice and organized, it's quiet, and despite not being a huge store (it's not much bigger than the store I work at), it's got so much in it and it's all easy to find. There only seemed to be, like, one employee in the whole place, though. Maybe because it was late and a Sunday, who knows...
Where do you shop? What kind of grocery stores are in your area? Am I the only one who thinks this place is fancy and feels like out-of-place garbage when I visit? Where can I get a better deal on goat milk??! (so far the Walmart up the road from me--not the one I work at--has the best price on it, but 4$ a quart is still kinda high).