@kjemi: I understand where they're coming from, but if you get good sources online too, it really shouldn't be an issue. I personally like reading from paper though. I need to print out the articles to read them. Highlight and being online makes me distracted. xD
In my college it was more than three words in a row and you could have been plagiarizing. They put it through a whole online database thing and double-checked it.
It's always the best. ;;; So much drama and stuff. It's like X loves Y and Y loves A and B loves Y as well. xD Then B is trying to ruin Y's life and tries to convince A is not interested. It's a great time. * U* iloveit.
IT IS. I had a dragonfruit white tea and it was omg so good. No sugar needed or anything. It was great.
Yikes. I know there was someone who had to switch to decaf coffee, and they were really upset because they couldn't have the caffeine.
I really only have two cups at most tbh. q vq ;; I tend to drink either more or less on the weekends.
I've never cleaned the floor first, unless the floor was the only thing that I'm cleaning. xD
I hope she does too. Just seems like she'd need to do more work in the long run. Lmao.
Yep. It's gotten a lot better, but every now and then I get small coughing fits. orz.
Ohhh. I don't think that's the case. It's really only when I get into laughing fits and it's short quick coughs. I went to the doctor when I was feeling sick, but I still have like 5 days of medication first.
Yes! One is for stress too, which I really should use more of. Lmao.
It's a really bad art block. It's been about 6-7 months now. @ ~@ Every now and then I get a drawing that turns out really nice, and then it's dead for months again. This is the worst it's ever hit.
I just made an outfit for one of my OCs that I've been meaning to for awhile. I think I really like how it turned out too. Yess.
Same. x ___ x I'm going to let me kids live a little, but still let them know that I'm the boss. You know?
Forums Mini Shops Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~)
@Yuracye: Exactly! Some people can post some pretty good stuff online.. I can work with both. paper and internet, but I gotta admit it's easier to read on paper! That's why I like reading books on paper rather than e-books or whatever.
Yeah! That's what we've been told as well. Scary like if you accidentally word things alike something online ... Maybe that's just me being paranoid o-o
Yasss I'll post them on uuh TH once I got names and such @u@ ...what can you call a bumblebee oc even... ?
That sounds like alot of fun..not for them but like, makes an interesting story!
I've heard about dragonfruit tea *o* they make great ice teas my friends said. I've never had the fruit or tea.. kinda afraid to cause everyone says it's super sweet!
omg.... ;u; there are always energy drinks for those that want caffeine...err granted they are really sugary too ..
Ahh then you're pretty safe! 2 cups is an okay ammount in my oppinion
Me neither! I just..think it's so logical to do it last? Cause the dust you get off other places falls down and idk... I don't even think I was told to do the floor last ..I just automatically did.
Good that you went to the doctor at least, and good that it's gotten better! @A@ Though isn't it normal to cough if you laugh alot?
Ahh yeah! I think mint was good for stress? I'm not sure... I have these facts in my mind that Im not sure if they are even true
Time to gather a mob with pitchforks and torches and chase that artblock away! You have great art and should be able to draw all you want >u<
Really?? What kind of outfit? :00
Yeah, you can't be their friend. Gotta be a good guide !
Yeah! That's what we've been told as well. Scary like if you accidentally word things alike something online ... Maybe that's just me being paranoid o-o
Yasss I'll post them on uuh TH once I got names and such @u@ ...what can you call a bumblebee oc even... ?
That sounds like alot of fun..not for them but like, makes an interesting story!
I've heard about dragonfruit tea *o* they make great ice teas my friends said. I've never had the fruit or tea.. kinda afraid to cause everyone says it's super sweet!
omg.... ;u; there are always energy drinks for those that want caffeine...err granted they are really sugary too ..
Ahh then you're pretty safe! 2 cups is an okay ammount in my oppinion
Me neither! I just..think it's so logical to do it last? Cause the dust you get off other places falls down and idk... I don't even think I was told to do the floor last ..I just automatically did.
Good that you went to the doctor at least, and good that it's gotten better! @A@ Though isn't it normal to cough if you laugh alot?
Ahh yeah! I think mint was good for stress? I'm not sure... I have these facts in my mind that Im not sure if they are even true
Time to gather a mob with pitchforks and torches and chase that artblock away! You have great art and should be able to draw all you want >u<
Really?? What kind of outfit? :00
Yeah, you can't be their friend. Gotta be a good guide !
@kjemi: There's amazing articles online! A lot of the ones I need to look through were scientific ones so the math portion of it was a little tiring, but overall still really good reads if you can get past certain parts. xD
I think it's better on paper though! It's all right there and you can highlight or write little notes on the side. ;; That's what I like to do.
No, I know. I'm always paranoid about those types of things too. Honestly, even if I'm trying to paraphrase something, I need to re-word it a little bit. It was so nerve-wracking every time I tried to write something. Ugh.
Ahhh, no worries!! Take your time! I know you're trying to upload just one a day. ;;;
Uhm. Bumblebee gijinka?? I guess. Everything is a gijinka. haaa.
Well dragonfruit is my favorite fruit tbh. It's so yummy. D; I even made my own gijinka for it!
I drink energy drinks a lot, but so many people are telling me they're bad for me, but eh. I usually get the sugar-free ones though! They're my favorite. .... I also have gijinka for monster energy drinks. 5many OCs. orz.
It will be 2 cups until I feel like I need more. xD Maybe I'll take a shower to wake me up a little bit. Gotta wash my hair today anyway.
I have no idea where her thinking was tbh. rip.
Unless she generally only cleaned the floors and someone else cleaned counters type of thing?
Yeah, after three days I generally go to the doctors. That's usually a sure sign that I'm not feeling well.
I don't know?? I feel like I don't normally cough? My memory is pretty bad so maybe it is?
Oh good. I love mint too. That should be perfect. Maybe that's why I want mint chocolate so much when I'm stressed. xD
I know I saw a little drawing thing for it.
I've been trying. I generally do better with things I'm not used to drawing- maybe because I focus too much on it? Idk.
I can show you! Much easier that way. ;;
BAM THERE SHE IS. I only designed the clothes, not the OC unfortunately. It's a closed species, but I love them so much. agkjfhgfdg.

Exactly- that's going to be the tough part for me though. orz.
I think it's better on paper though! It's all right there and you can highlight or write little notes on the side. ;; That's what I like to do.
No, I know. I'm always paranoid about those types of things too. Honestly, even if I'm trying to paraphrase something, I need to re-word it a little bit. It was so nerve-wracking every time I tried to write something. Ugh.
Ahhh, no worries!! Take your time! I know you're trying to upload just one a day. ;;;
Uhm. Bumblebee gijinka?? I guess. Everything is a gijinka. haaa.
Well dragonfruit is my favorite fruit tbh. It's so yummy. D; I even made my own gijinka for it!
I drink energy drinks a lot, but so many people are telling me they're bad for me, but eh. I usually get the sugar-free ones though! They're my favorite. .... I also have gijinka for monster energy drinks. 5many OCs. orz.
It will be 2 cups until I feel like I need more. xD Maybe I'll take a shower to wake me up a little bit. Gotta wash my hair today anyway.
I have no idea where her thinking was tbh. rip.
Unless she generally only cleaned the floors and someone else cleaned counters type of thing?
Yeah, after three days I generally go to the doctors. That's usually a sure sign that I'm not feeling well.
I don't know?? I feel like I don't normally cough? My memory is pretty bad so maybe it is?
Oh good. I love mint too. That should be perfect. Maybe that's why I want mint chocolate so much when I'm stressed. xD
I know I saw a little drawing thing for it.
I've been trying. I generally do better with things I'm not used to drawing- maybe because I focus too much on it? Idk.
I can show you! Much easier that way. ;;
BAM THERE SHE IS. I only designed the clothes, not the OC unfortunately. It's a closed species, but I love them so much. agkjfhgfdg.

Exactly- that's going to be the tough part for me though. orz.
@Yuracye: :vanora_heart: Yessss. I like to read like psychology articles sometimes but I haven't recently...been too lazy for my own good TuT
It's just really stressful cause you see things differently than the teachers and lectors so like what if I see its different and they see it alike??? Though usually it's the other way around...
Yeah... I'd feel bad if I spammed all 3 of my subscribers.. xD "Kjemi uploaded 20 new ocs" oh dear...
No no I mean like name was...George? Beenson? Beelie... Tom?? I love making ocs but naming them is always so hard.
Ahh really? It's rare to find..dragonfruit here ...I've never seen it so I imagine it's probably super expensive too...should've tried it when I was in Japan T u T and wow you do? You have so many cool ocs omg
I used to drink alot of energy drinks but...juuuust like coffee I react bad to them most of the time. If I drink one can in the span of 7 hours I tend to be ok, but have trouble sleeping afterwards. Now only on special occasions I'll drink one.
A show sounds like a good idea ! Wakes you up and get's the hair clean
Naah she cleaned everything that day... Well ok no,I cleaned my own side of the floor while she did the rest of our room.... an odd girl she was. In the end she barely stayed during nights.. I have no idea where she went
That's smart! I think it's like a general rule that after 3 days of being sick you should see a doctor? // I was stubborn and hated my doctor so it took me over a month of coughing and suffering to see him..he was gone atm so luckily i could avoid him.. I have a good reason to dislike him though. Had a fractured wrist for 2 years and he refused to accept anything was wrong until I went there and was like "listen...it's been 2 years. It hurts. Something HAS to be wrong" sent me to MR.. boom fracture. Need surgery.
Mint chocolate is..a heavenly experience...and mint ice cream with chocolate chips... it's rare to find it here but ...oooh it's my fave flavour..
OOOh ! She's so pretty omg and the clothes are so nice!!! Ahhh you did a great job *w* And the colours... eue hoho pink and blue nice nice
It's just really stressful cause you see things differently than the teachers and lectors so like what if I see its different and they see it alike??? Though usually it's the other way around...
Yeah... I'd feel bad if I spammed all 3 of my subscribers.. xD "Kjemi uploaded 20 new ocs" oh dear...
No no I mean like name was...George? Beenson? Beelie... Tom?? I love making ocs but naming them is always so hard.
Ahh really? It's rare to find..dragonfruit here ...I've never seen it so I imagine it's probably super expensive too...should've tried it when I was in Japan T u T and wow you do? You have so many cool ocs omg
I used to drink alot of energy drinks but...juuuust like coffee I react bad to them most of the time. If I drink one can in the span of 7 hours I tend to be ok, but have trouble sleeping afterwards. Now only on special occasions I'll drink one.
A show sounds like a good idea ! Wakes you up and get's the hair clean
Naah she cleaned everything that day... Well ok no,I cleaned my own side of the floor while she did the rest of our room.... an odd girl she was. In the end she barely stayed during nights.. I have no idea where she went
That's smart! I think it's like a general rule that after 3 days of being sick you should see a doctor? // I was stubborn and hated my doctor so it took me over a month of coughing and suffering to see him..he was gone atm so luckily i could avoid him.. I have a good reason to dislike him though. Had a fractured wrist for 2 years and he refused to accept anything was wrong until I went there and was like "listen...it's been 2 years. It hurts. Something HAS to be wrong" sent me to MR.. boom fracture. Need surgery.
Mint chocolate is..a heavenly experience...and mint ice cream with chocolate chips... it's rare to find it here but ...oooh it's my fave flavour..
OOOh ! She's so pretty omg and the clothes are so nice!!! Ahhh you did a great job *w* And the colours... eue hoho pink and blue nice nice
@kjemi: Haha. Same. XD I wish there were like summer articles that listed all the information, were fun to read and easily accessible. To read the education articles that I was reading, you need a subscription to an online site. Like what.
Exactly. D; Everyone thinks differently. That's why I think even when grading papers and stuff. It makes sense in my head, but it doesn't read the same as others?
Hahahaha. I don't mind! XD I did that when I first got my TH. There's someone who uploads like 6 new OCs a week. I don't know how they're getting all these babies. And they're new because they only have like one piece of art each.
Oh gosh, yeah. Good point. q w q I tend to name my OCs with the same name. I've had to change a few of their names because of that. orz.
Beelie is great. XDDD
* q* omg yes. I need to drive an hour away to an asian market, but omg it's so worth.
They're pretty expensive, but I usually only get 2-3 of them and eat one in a sitting. It doesn't last long, but still.
Ahhh. A lot of them are bought though. akjghfkdfg.
Oh man. That's rough. I need energy drinks to somewhat wake me up. It works better than coffee/tea but I can still drink a whole can and then pass out. xD Depends on how tired I am. lmao.
My fiance has drunk 3 small ones in a day before. That's crazy. We've been cutting back though.
Yes. TT __ TT I'm partially lazy though. rip. I do want to wake up though.
Still strange.
Maybe partying or something? Idk. I have no idea what people do these days, especially since I spend most of my time on the computer all day. xD
I like to think so. q ___ q Generally when I can't function at work that's a bad sign. I need a doctor's note after two days, so by day two I'd need to go regardless.
Oh god. x ___ x ;; That sounds like a bad doctor.
I wouldn't ever go to him again. > > ;;
It really is omg. Ahh. UR KIDDING ME. Mint chocolate chip is my favorite ice cream too.
> > ;
Are you like.. my long lost twin or something. What is this. This is starting to get scary.
THANK YOuuuu. TT ____ TT
I'm pretty excited about it tbh. I love it a lot. ;;; I think it really fits her cute personality too.
Exactly. D; Everyone thinks differently. That's why I think even when grading papers and stuff. It makes sense in my head, but it doesn't read the same as others?
Hahahaha. I don't mind! XD I did that when I first got my TH. There's someone who uploads like 6 new OCs a week. I don't know how they're getting all these babies. And they're new because they only have like one piece of art each.
Oh gosh, yeah. Good point. q w q I tend to name my OCs with the same name. I've had to change a few of their names because of that. orz.
Beelie is great. XDDD
* q* omg yes. I need to drive an hour away to an asian market, but omg it's so worth.
They're pretty expensive, but I usually only get 2-3 of them and eat one in a sitting. It doesn't last long, but still.
Ahhh. A lot of them are bought though. akjghfkdfg.
Oh man. That's rough. I need energy drinks to somewhat wake me up. It works better than coffee/tea but I can still drink a whole can and then pass out. xD Depends on how tired I am. lmao.
My fiance has drunk 3 small ones in a day before. That's crazy. We've been cutting back though.
Yes. TT __ TT I'm partially lazy though. rip. I do want to wake up though.
Still strange.
Maybe partying or something? Idk. I have no idea what people do these days, especially since I spend most of my time on the computer all day. xD
I like to think so. q ___ q Generally when I can't function at work that's a bad sign. I need a doctor's note after two days, so by day two I'd need to go regardless.
Oh god. x ___ x ;; That sounds like a bad doctor.
I wouldn't ever go to him again. > > ;;
It really is omg. Ahh. UR KIDDING ME. Mint chocolate chip is my favorite ice cream too.
> > ;
Are you like.. my long lost twin or something. What is this. This is starting to get scary.
THANK YOuuuu. TT ____ TT
I'm pretty excited about it tbh. I love it a lot. ;;; I think it really fits her cute personality too.
@Yuracye: Ahh yes same here! Though I understand why the educational ones would cost ; u ; Studies and articles aren't easy to do and people need money for food..?
Exactly. I wrote this short story with lots of symbolism that I understood but lmao a few others didn't get it and I was like.. but ..but it's a siiign guys c'mon
6 new ocs a week!!??! wow....okay I mean I already have so many ocs I don't draw enough... I can't imagine getting 6 new ones in a week oh my gosh *o*
wow really? Omg. I try to like do research on names and stuff, try random name generators but still can't seem to find names most of the time....it's sad . Haha really ? Beelie is like a spin-off of Bailee/Baily/ but it doesn't make as much sense
Well if you like something you gotta work for it, isn't that what they say? Ok so I just googled it and I wasn't aware that they looked like that omg they look so pretty. I really wanna try it now
Pfft so what *u* still really cool
Wow that's amazing!Wish I could sleep so easily! I think even if I tried I couldn't drink it so fast haha...my friends are actually amazed how slowly I drink energy drinks. They can use like half an hour and the whole can is gone. I'll meanwhile use 6 hours on the same can.... I drink like... very little at a time? It's a good idea to cut back...appearantly there is some research that says uuh if you drink alot of energy drinks you can like get addicted to drugs easier??
I mean I doubt it, except weekends maybe. Then some people went out to drink and such. But she'd be gone on week days too. I think she stayed with some girl friends but..no idea.. No idea at all.
Oh yeah if you work with kids you gotta be even more careful @o@... and yeah my doctor was a douche..I was lucky he actually took my mental health seriously enough, but I didn't like going to him T uT Now I have a new doctor and so far he seems nice?
OMg that is so weird but also cool. I remember the first time I tasted it...I was blown away, so when it disappeared from normal stores I became so sad... We might be long lost err twins born in different years...tottally possible...
Yesss it's super awesome... I really just want to... draw so much for my ocs now? Like them at different ages, outfits at different ages... but that'd take like 5000 years to finish and I can't draw old people to save my own life...
I can't believe you didn't realize omg
Exactly. I wrote this short story with lots of symbolism that I understood but lmao a few others didn't get it and I was like.. but ..but it's a siiign guys c'mon
6 new ocs a week!!??! wow....okay I mean I already have so many ocs I don't draw enough... I can't imagine getting 6 new ones in a week oh my gosh *o*
wow really? Omg. I try to like do research on names and stuff, try random name generators but still can't seem to find names most of the time....it's sad . Haha really ? Beelie is like a spin-off of Bailee/Baily/ but it doesn't make as much sense
Well if you like something you gotta work for it, isn't that what they say? Ok so I just googled it and I wasn't aware that they looked like that omg they look so pretty. I really wanna try it now
Pfft so what *u* still really cool
Wow that's amazing!Wish I could sleep so easily! I think even if I tried I couldn't drink it so fast haha...my friends are actually amazed how slowly I drink energy drinks. They can use like half an hour and the whole can is gone. I'll meanwhile use 6 hours on the same can.... I drink like... very little at a time? It's a good idea to cut back...appearantly there is some research that says uuh if you drink alot of energy drinks you can like get addicted to drugs easier??
I mean I doubt it, except weekends maybe. Then some people went out to drink and such. But she'd be gone on week days too. I think she stayed with some girl friends but..no idea.. No idea at all.
Oh yeah if you work with kids you gotta be even more careful @o@... and yeah my doctor was a douche..I was lucky he actually took my mental health seriously enough, but I didn't like going to him T uT Now I have a new doctor and so far he seems nice?
OMg that is so weird but also cool. I remember the first time I tasted it...I was blown away, so when it disappeared from normal stores I became so sad... We might be long lost err twins born in different years...tottally possible...
Yesss it's super awesome... I really just want to... draw so much for my ocs now? Like them at different ages, outfits at different ages... but that'd take like 5000 years to finish and I can't draw old people to save my own life...
I can't believe you didn't realize omg
@kjemi: I mean, I feel like if you want to educate people, you should make it available to everyone. Granted, the ones I read are just for educational reasons, like why math is important in the classroom blah blah. That's true though, I suppose they do need money for stuff. I feel like the government usually pays for the studies though?? I know my college library had it where you could rent books that had tons of studies in it.
qv q I kinda wish I rented it and could read it, but I really didn't have the time while trying to focus on college.
I feel like I'd miss out on it tbh. ;;;
I'm really bad at seeing something that's hidden. |||OTL I think that's why I'm so bad at guessing the ends of books or movies or something too. I'm never right or can't guess it right.
Yeah, man. I feel like she has more OCs than me. Actually, I have her added on TH, I'll go see how many.
> > ;;
.....439 characters. Well damn. Doubled my amount and then some. xD
I've gotten four in a day before. But my friend made them and I just... needed them. rip me.
I have troubles finding names too, but when I find them it's like YES THAT IS THEIR NAME IT IS PERFECT. AHHH.
I usually go on baby name type websites. XD Like uncommon names or if I want it to have a specific meaning, I look for that too. Sometimes I want them to have a very irish name or something, so I look through there.
I mean, you're not wrong. I'm just lazy. xD
YESS!! Dragonfruit are so cute. ;;; I actually entered the dragonfruit gijinka into a food/drink gijinka book and she got accepted!!! Q VQ So she's permanently in there!! I feel like I should tweak her design a bit though. rip.
Hahaha. I've always been a good sleeper. I think I get it from my dad. XD I always tell him how I sleep and he agrees.
Oh man. I usually have an energy drink throughout the whole day, unless I have another drink that I plan on drinking, then it goes a little faster. o __ o ;;;
Addicted to drugs, really? o -e;; I've never had any drugs, so I suppose I wouldn't know??? The most I've done is smoke a cigar or drink alcohol. xD #so badass
I'm still nervous around kids, and I've been working with them for like 4 years. rip me.
He does sound like one. > > ;;; My fiance needs a new doctor for about the same reason tbh. He was telling him that he might have an STD or something, and he was like "I only have one sexual partner." and so the doctor was saying how his partner (aka me) could have been sleeping around, and you just really can't trust people. Like... bro. The whole thing ended up being a symptom of his levels of hyper thyroid or something. It was something dumb too, like his hands were more sweaty than usual. Like, the dumbest thing.
YES. Q VQ The mint + chocolate combination is just... so freaking good???
I feel like we always have it here a lot, but NY is a spoiled state, so it makes sense. > > ;;
APPARENTLY WE ARE. Only several years apart obviously. Totally makes sense. Probably born in different months too, but it's ok. OBVIOUSLY TWINS.
Yo, I know the feeling. |||OTL I'd love to draw all my OCs with several outfits, but some of them just fit their designs so perfectly?? Also I'm completely uncreative so there's that.
I did an age design thing for Roxy once! (not the puppy Roxy, the OC Roxy! XD)
DON'T MIND THE OLD ART. I'd probably edit a lot of this too...

qv q I kinda wish I rented it and could read it, but I really didn't have the time while trying to focus on college.
I feel like I'd miss out on it tbh. ;;;
I'm really bad at seeing something that's hidden. |||OTL I think that's why I'm so bad at guessing the ends of books or movies or something too. I'm never right or can't guess it right.
Yeah, man. I feel like she has more OCs than me. Actually, I have her added on TH, I'll go see how many.
> > ;;
.....439 characters. Well damn. Doubled my amount and then some. xD
I've gotten four in a day before. But my friend made them and I just... needed them. rip me.
I have troubles finding names too, but when I find them it's like YES THAT IS THEIR NAME IT IS PERFECT. AHHH.
I usually go on baby name type websites. XD Like uncommon names or if I want it to have a specific meaning, I look for that too. Sometimes I want them to have a very irish name or something, so I look through there.
I mean, you're not wrong. I'm just lazy. xD
YESS!! Dragonfruit are so cute. ;;; I actually entered the dragonfruit gijinka into a food/drink gijinka book and she got accepted!!! Q VQ So she's permanently in there!! I feel like I should tweak her design a bit though. rip.
Hahaha. I've always been a good sleeper. I think I get it from my dad. XD I always tell him how I sleep and he agrees.
Oh man. I usually have an energy drink throughout the whole day, unless I have another drink that I plan on drinking, then it goes a little faster. o __ o ;;;
Addicted to drugs, really? o -e;; I've never had any drugs, so I suppose I wouldn't know??? The most I've done is smoke a cigar or drink alcohol. xD #so badass
I'm still nervous around kids, and I've been working with them for like 4 years. rip me.
He does sound like one. > > ;;; My fiance needs a new doctor for about the same reason tbh. He was telling him that he might have an STD or something, and he was like "I only have one sexual partner." and so the doctor was saying how his partner (aka me) could have been sleeping around, and you just really can't trust people. Like... bro. The whole thing ended up being a symptom of his levels of hyper thyroid or something. It was something dumb too, like his hands were more sweaty than usual. Like, the dumbest thing.
YES. Q VQ The mint + chocolate combination is just... so freaking good???
I feel like we always have it here a lot, but NY is a spoiled state, so it makes sense. > > ;;
APPARENTLY WE ARE. Only several years apart obviously. Totally makes sense. Probably born in different months too, but it's ok. OBVIOUSLY TWINS.
Yo, I know the feeling. |||OTL I'd love to draw all my OCs with several outfits, but some of them just fit their designs so perfectly?? Also I'm completely uncreative so there's that.
I did an age design thing for Roxy once! (not the puppy Roxy, the OC Roxy! XD)
DON'T MIND THE OLD ART. I'd probably edit a lot of this too...

@Yuracye: Yeah it would be nice if education was free ;u; and those articles too, but the gorvernments usually focus on other things... so sad... I'm terrified of uni because all the books are gonna cost a fortune T u T ...
Wait don't normal libraries have educational books too? Maybe you can read them when you got free time!
Aww...I sometime read too deep into things...and I like to hide things in my writing if I can because...hey it's fun and why not. Y'know? But hey we found a difference !! I'm usually good at guessing things that will happen in books and movies!
Oh wow...439...How do you...HOW DO YOU KEEP TRACK OF all THOSE OCS??? I struggle with just my 50-ish...
4 in a day...wow... oc-addict
Ahh I do that too sometimes but it's hard to do it when I'm not sure what direction I wanna go in... plus it's hard for me to resist giving everyone name with K..I have two weaknesses in making ocs. Blue hair and names with K...
Woaaah that ...is awesome !! I really wanna see her now *o* the colour scheme is alreay really nice... and you have cute ocs so ahh.
Ahh I sleep usually well when I do..or at least it doesn't bother me if people are a bit loud. If i wake up mid sleep i can easily sleep again... but to first fall asleep is rough.. I couldn't sleep tonight either for a long time. My body just...feeels weird
And I don't know...that's what I read but it was in a newspaper, I didn't read the research paper xD...
wow we are equally badass...granted I've only tried those things. Don't really drink any booze =u=
Kids are scary...they cry easy..
and oh my god what...I mean... the doctor should think bout more than just one possiblity, not decide that someones partner cheats jfc.... how do some doctors actually become doctors... honestly...
It issss!! The freshness of mint and sweetness of chocolate...it's a party in your mouth *o*
Ahh lucky! I wish it was more usual here. We just have vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. Some super expensive ones are a bit special like cookie dough or brownies, lemon. Lemon is also good ice cream.
Of course!! No other explenation of course! It's the logical conclusion !
Woaaah that's really cool...I don't think I've ever done the age meme for my ocs...bc...drawing people...such a pain... and wow i'd love to see puppy roxy age meme too though ;) ;)
Wait don't normal libraries have educational books too? Maybe you can read them when you got free time!
Aww...I sometime read too deep into things...and I like to hide things in my writing if I can because...hey it's fun and why not. Y'know? But hey we found a difference !! I'm usually good at guessing things that will happen in books and movies!
Oh wow...439...How do you...HOW DO YOU KEEP TRACK OF all THOSE OCS??? I struggle with just my 50-ish...
4 in a day...wow... oc-addict
Ahh I do that too sometimes but it's hard to do it when I'm not sure what direction I wanna go in... plus it's hard for me to resist giving everyone name with K..I have two weaknesses in making ocs. Blue hair and names with K...
Woaaah that ...is awesome !! I really wanna see her now *o* the colour scheme is alreay really nice... and you have cute ocs so ahh.
Ahh I sleep usually well when I do..or at least it doesn't bother me if people are a bit loud. If i wake up mid sleep i can easily sleep again... but to first fall asleep is rough.. I couldn't sleep tonight either for a long time. My body just...feeels weird
And I don't know...that's what I read but it was in a newspaper, I didn't read the research paper xD...
wow we are equally badass...granted I've only tried those things. Don't really drink any booze =u=
Kids are scary...they cry easy..
and oh my god what...I mean... the doctor should think bout more than just one possiblity, not decide that someones partner cheats jfc.... how do some doctors actually become doctors... honestly...
It issss!! The freshness of mint and sweetness of chocolate...it's a party in your mouth *o*
Ahh lucky! I wish it was more usual here. We just have vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. Some super expensive ones are a bit special like cookie dough or brownies, lemon. Lemon is also good ice cream.
Of course!! No other explenation of course! It's the logical conclusion !
Woaaah that's really cool...I don't think I've ever done the age meme for my ocs...bc...drawing people...such a pain... and wow i'd love to see puppy roxy age meme too though ;) ;)
@Kjemi: GOD, that Chrom is adorable. Is that what you consider your 4K shaded chibi?
@Concentricity: haha thank you , and well sorta yeah. I use the same shading style and such ^^ though I use a bit smaller canvas on the commisions
@kjemi: It would be. I hear they're trying to make college free for the first two years for some people. There's something you need to do to apply for it. I wish that was the case for me, but I pretty much got it free through financial aid anyway. q vq ;;
Ahhhhhh. My first year buying books were $500. It's a lot cheaper if you rent or buy a used book! I didn't know that was a thing until someone mentioned it, but it's definitely something you should look into if you don't have the funds!
They do! I just.. don't have free time or a library card. orz. The library I went to isn't really... clean either. Q vQ
I'm just too dumb to realize it. |||OTL We were bound to find something that was different! xD
Awhman. I've maybe guessed a small handful of things in my lifetime. Though, my fiance tends to guess what it is while I just want to enjoy it.
Idk man. I'm sure I'll have that many one day, but dang. I also have my split into stories, so it's a little different. q vq Hers are all closed species type things.
CRIES. I KNOW. They were just all too cute!!! I couldn't resist!
Yeah, same here. q vq ;;
Oh. I've never really checked to see how many I have that are similar. I feel like I have a lot of M's though.
Hey! My real name starts with a K! * U* !!!!!
I used to be a heavy sleeper, but now I wake up at the drop of certain things. Like, I wake up when the cats are jumping around or something falls. x ___ x It helps when I put some sort of white noise on though. I sleep better that way. ;;;
It takes me awhile to fall asleep. Depends on what it is though. Sometimes I can't fall asleep right away, but sometimes I can??
Yes, yes they are. q vq I don't know much about infants, but 18 months and up I can handle pretty well, I think.
YOU WOULD THINK the doctor would know considering that my fiance went in there assuming he had a thyroid problem, and the doctor said it was that. Like... do you even know what it was.
I don't know, but I hope that guy either retires early or stops being a doctor. Smh.
Yessss. It's just perfect. omg.
Oh man. There's so many flavors here. I had a berry flavored one awhile back, there's peanut butter and jelly ones, and ugh- there's just so many.
* q* My fiance had one that had chocolate covered potato chips in it. omg, so good.
I've never had lemon ice cream, but I love lemon things, so I'd probably like it. TT ______ TT
Thank you! I was really into doing those art meme things at the time. Though, her main outfit is the 17 year old one. I'd need to re-do her older one, since she has several paths in her story. That's just one of the paths tbh!
Hahaha. If only I could draw puppers. TT __ TT I'm so bad at animals.
Ahhhhhh. My first year buying books were $500. It's a lot cheaper if you rent or buy a used book! I didn't know that was a thing until someone mentioned it, but it's definitely something you should look into if you don't have the funds!
They do! I just.. don't have free time or a library card. orz. The library I went to isn't really... clean either. Q vQ
I'm just too dumb to realize it. |||OTL We were bound to find something that was different! xD
Awhman. I've maybe guessed a small handful of things in my lifetime. Though, my fiance tends to guess what it is while I just want to enjoy it.
Idk man. I'm sure I'll have that many one day, but dang. I also have my split into stories, so it's a little different. q vq Hers are all closed species type things.
CRIES. I KNOW. They were just all too cute!!! I couldn't resist!
Yeah, same here. q vq ;;
Oh. I've never really checked to see how many I have that are similar. I feel like I have a lot of M's though.
Hey! My real name starts with a K! * U* !!!!!
I used to be a heavy sleeper, but now I wake up at the drop of certain things. Like, I wake up when the cats are jumping around or something falls. x ___ x It helps when I put some sort of white noise on though. I sleep better that way. ;;;
It takes me awhile to fall asleep. Depends on what it is though. Sometimes I can't fall asleep right away, but sometimes I can??
Yes, yes they are. q vq I don't know much about infants, but 18 months and up I can handle pretty well, I think.
YOU WOULD THINK the doctor would know considering that my fiance went in there assuming he had a thyroid problem, and the doctor said it was that. Like... do you even know what it was.
I don't know, but I hope that guy either retires early or stops being a doctor. Smh.
Yessss. It's just perfect. omg.
Oh man. There's so many flavors here. I had a berry flavored one awhile back, there's peanut butter and jelly ones, and ugh- there's just so many.
* q* My fiance had one that had chocolate covered potato chips in it. omg, so good.
I've never had lemon ice cream, but I love lemon things, so I'd probably like it. TT ______ TT
Thank you! I was really into doing those art meme things at the time. Though, her main outfit is the 17 year old one. I'd need to re-do her older one, since she has several paths in her story. That's just one of the paths tbh!
Hahaha. If only I could draw puppers. TT __ TT I'm so bad at animals.
@Kjemi: I love the style so much -- I'm short on funds at the moment but I'm going to be chatting enough to get one from you in the near future I hope. Would you be interested in doing this OC for the 4k shaded chibi? (It's just a link full of tons of art I've received of her. XD) https://imgur.com/a/yD5i0
@Yuracye: Oh that's really good! University /College here is like.. free or like really cheap in itself, but the books and living costs money T uT, though we can get quite a bit from the state so out students loans aren't too high.
Ahh that's a good idea..well to get a used book at least...renting a book..Never heard of that o-o
Oh wow that sucks D: i thought libraries would be pretty clean everywhere...
That's true! Still pretty funny how much we have in common though :0
Ahh I do a bit of both... I think it's just really fun if I can manage to figure out stuff before it happens. Like guessing who the killer is in a crime series or a crime book!
Wow..that many ocs... I wonder if I'll get there some day haha.. I can't imagine though... and closed species :0 I've seen only very few , since I don't chill in the adoptable scene so much but they seem pretty cool. Though must be a bit hard to put in a story
Alot of M's :o there are alot of good names that start with M.
Woah it does??? :0 Mine too..I think that's why I struggle naming them outside the K-zone. That's actually a cool name for an OC...K-Zone..
Ah with cats you gotta be more alert... they do the darnest things when you sleep... White noise I've heard helps alot of people, specially people that have uuh the thing with the ringing in ears? But I can't handle that.I can sleep with music but not white noise. Also I think sleep depends on like so many things so it makes sense sometimes it easier and sometimes it's harder
I'd rather avoid kids under 3 years... they're...scary..but tough luck cause my mom just got a baby and if I visit her I'm bound to bump into the baby...
Yeah I hope he retires too... or decides to change careers cause uhh, it's important to take patients seriously and if you can't then...well you can't be a good doctor. There was actually a case here where umm a girl I knew died because a doctor didn't take her too seriously and sent her home even though she was really sick and she ended up dying a few hours later.
Oh my gosh that sounds soo goood *o* we have like the most generic ones here TuT nothing fancy..umm though I do like bubblegum... but found that in once place that closed down so..err.. that's gone. Woah woah ice cream with chocolate covered chips? My mouth waters just thinking about it omg. I totally suggest lemon ice cream. It's like eating a cold sweet lemon? Very nice
Oh wow you have even several paths? That's so cool. I just have one for my ocs... // mainly I know bout Lucy cause she's the only one I've worked most with. I still love those meme things but I can never make good for them so I gave up
Me too ;u; puppers and kittens and bunnies..I can't draw them at all, even with tutorials.
Ahh that's a good idea..well to get a used book at least...renting a book..Never heard of that o-o
Oh wow that sucks D: i thought libraries would be pretty clean everywhere...
That's true! Still pretty funny how much we have in common though :0
Ahh I do a bit of both... I think it's just really fun if I can manage to figure out stuff before it happens. Like guessing who the killer is in a crime series or a crime book!
Wow..that many ocs... I wonder if I'll get there some day haha.. I can't imagine though... and closed species :0 I've seen only very few , since I don't chill in the adoptable scene so much but they seem pretty cool. Though must be a bit hard to put in a story
Alot of M's :o there are alot of good names that start with M.
Woah it does??? :0 Mine too..I think that's why I struggle naming them outside the K-zone. That's actually a cool name for an OC...K-Zone..
Ah with cats you gotta be more alert... they do the darnest things when you sleep... White noise I've heard helps alot of people, specially people that have uuh the thing with the ringing in ears? But I can't handle that.I can sleep with music but not white noise. Also I think sleep depends on like so many things so it makes sense sometimes it easier and sometimes it's harder
I'd rather avoid kids under 3 years... they're...scary..but tough luck cause my mom just got a baby and if I visit her I'm bound to bump into the baby...
Yeah I hope he retires too... or decides to change careers cause uhh, it's important to take patients seriously and if you can't then...well you can't be a good doctor. There was actually a case here where umm a girl I knew died because a doctor didn't take her too seriously and sent her home even though she was really sick and she ended up dying a few hours later.
Oh my gosh that sounds soo goood *o* we have like the most generic ones here TuT nothing fancy..umm though I do like bubblegum... but found that in once place that closed down so..err.. that's gone. Woah woah ice cream with chocolate covered chips? My mouth waters just thinking about it omg. I totally suggest lemon ice cream. It's like eating a cold sweet lemon? Very nice
Oh wow you have even several paths? That's so cool. I just have one for my ocs... // mainly I know bout Lucy cause she's the only one I've worked most with. I still love those meme things but I can never make good for them so I gave up
Me too ;u; puppers and kittens and bunnies..I can't draw them at all, even with tutorials.
@Concentricity: Ahh sure I'd love to try! I'll add to my list and get to work when I can~
@Kjemi: No rush at all--I gotta chat around to make up the 4K. Hurting for volts right now. XD
@kjemi: cires. Well, I mean at leas the whole college thing is pretty cheap. My college (though it was private) was $19k-$24k/year by the time I left. Then community college was $5k/year?
Yeah. There's a website online that lets you rent the books for the semester and then you return it when you're all done with it. C:
You would think so idk. Maybe I remember it wrong too? Just seemed dark in there too. qvq I'll never go back.
It is! o: There's so many things in the world, there's only so much that two people could have in common. You know?
I mean, I always try to guess, but even my 700 guesses are wrong. xD Like, how am I supposed to guess that it was the main characters brother all along??? He only shows up in the book/series twice! What.
I mean. I only had 20 or so when I started out. Once I started buying adoptables, it kinda escalated. I was on Gaia when the adoptables really blew up. o ___ o It went from a few small threads to having it's own forum!
I think so. Now I'll need to check.
YEP. It's M's! xD I have 20 OCs that start with the letter M. The next after that is 18 with the letters A & C. xD
There's so many names that start with the letter M. * U*
Hahaha. Yeah! My name is Kaitlyn... or well I call myself Katie anyway. Q vQ !!
K-Zone sounds like the name for a band. xD
Seriously. They're always up at like 3AM though, and I wake up. rip.
For white noise I usually do thunderstorm/raining sounds + the AC or a fan running. x __ x;
I used to need complete silence, so it's something. I've seriously had problems falling asleep because I'd hear the dogs bark, or the TV was too loud downstairs. At least I can fall asleep with something now.
Haaaaa. I don't want kids after working at a daycare tbh. I wanted them at first, but damn, it's really annoying.
x ____ x
I just don't know how some of these people got through medical school tbh.
Wow. I hope her family sued the doctor though. I know you can't always know, but still. I feel like their body would be telling saying some signs of not functioning.
Ahhh. I would send you some if I could! TT ____ TT Where do you live anyway??
Omg. They used to sell a bubblegum ice cream here and it literally had little bubblegum pieces in it. Soooo good.
YEAH! Omg, it was so good. Ahhh. There was like little peanuts in it too maybe?? I'm not sure.
Knowing me, I'd probably like lemon ice cream. I just need to find it now. orz.
In my head there is! xD There's one route where the girl is a giant rockstar, but if she doesn't go that route, she just ends up working at her family's restaurant with her siblings. /shrugs.
There's also a route where Roxy marries her crush, and she doesn't die.
Uhh. There's a rout where Kyma (who is a mute) ends up getting surgery on her eyes and in doing that she can talk again, but she loses her abilities. Plus, she needs to learn how to talk all over again.
See, that's good though! Really only a lot of my older ones have alternate paths, but I'm trying to get some love for my other characters too. ;;;
I wish I could draw them. ;;; I've tried so hard, but I just really can't do it.
Yeah. There's a website online that lets you rent the books for the semester and then you return it when you're all done with it. C:
You would think so idk. Maybe I remember it wrong too? Just seemed dark in there too. qvq I'll never go back.
It is! o: There's so many things in the world, there's only so much that two people could have in common. You know?
I mean, I always try to guess, but even my 700 guesses are wrong. xD Like, how am I supposed to guess that it was the main characters brother all along??? He only shows up in the book/series twice! What.
I mean. I only had 20 or so when I started out. Once I started buying adoptables, it kinda escalated. I was on Gaia when the adoptables really blew up. o ___ o It went from a few small threads to having it's own forum!
I think so. Now I'll need to check.
YEP. It's M's! xD I have 20 OCs that start with the letter M. The next after that is 18 with the letters A & C. xD
There's so many names that start with the letter M. * U*
Hahaha. Yeah! My name is Kaitlyn... or well I call myself Katie anyway. Q vQ !!
K-Zone sounds like the name for a band. xD
Seriously. They're always up at like 3AM though, and I wake up. rip.
For white noise I usually do thunderstorm/raining sounds + the AC or a fan running. x __ x;
I used to need complete silence, so it's something. I've seriously had problems falling asleep because I'd hear the dogs bark, or the TV was too loud downstairs. At least I can fall asleep with something now.
Haaaaa. I don't want kids after working at a daycare tbh. I wanted them at first, but damn, it's really annoying.
x ____ x
I just don't know how some of these people got through medical school tbh.
Wow. I hope her family sued the doctor though. I know you can't always know, but still. I feel like their body would be telling saying some signs of not functioning.
Ahhh. I would send you some if I could! TT ____ TT Where do you live anyway??
Omg. They used to sell a bubblegum ice cream here and it literally had little bubblegum pieces in it. Soooo good.
YEAH! Omg, it was so good. Ahhh. There was like little peanuts in it too maybe?? I'm not sure.
Knowing me, I'd probably like lemon ice cream. I just need to find it now. orz.
In my head there is! xD There's one route where the girl is a giant rockstar, but if she doesn't go that route, she just ends up working at her family's restaurant with her siblings. /shrugs.
There's also a route where Roxy marries her crush, and she doesn't die.
Uhh. There's a rout where Kyma (who is a mute) ends up getting surgery on her eyes and in doing that she can talk again, but she loses her abilities. Plus, she needs to learn how to talk all over again.
See, that's good though! Really only a lot of my older ones have alternate paths, but I'm trying to get some love for my other characters too. ;;;
I wish I could draw them. ;;; I've tried so hard, but I just really can't do it.
@Yuracye: woah.. that's..alot... like you pay for living too right? Like rent and wifi and stuff? It's not just the school itself?? @o@
Ahh now that sounds a bit better ! It's like a private library, but specific for college books!
Omg what kind of a rubbish library is that??? Does no one invest in having a good library???
True true..... it's baffling to even think that there are 8 billion people on this planet...
Ahahaha well you're right, there are so many things that can happen! Can't always guess everything either xD
I've only ever seen them on uuh dA and alot of them are like animals and such or like really badly coloured ones so I never took much of an interest...oooor they were good but cost real money or lots of points... But after my friend got a cute one I was like..man I want one now too... so many good designs out there...
20 ocs with M :0 well considering how many ocs you have that's not too bad ! ^^ oh I got a question, did you name all your ocs yourself? :0 or did some come with a name?
Yeah there are ! I realized once my friend asked for a M name for their Magikarps in the magikarp game...
Ahh that's a pretty name! Mine is Karina though...ahh so many people accidentally call me Katarina. (Sometimes on purpose though because like everyone knows me as the crazy cat lady and y'know Kat sounds like cat..)
Oh you're right ! K-zone is a good name for alot of things I realize that now
Ahh cats.. I think the worst one is when they jump on you when you sleep. That's terrifying...
Ahh those are good noises I've heard! Personally I hate the fan here so I close the door to not hear it. I think though, I was less sensetive before. Now I just get bothered by everything.Too noisy, too quiet, too warm, too cold..
That's understandable...kids are hard to look after and they scream and do other stuff that just...n o.
Same here tbh. Maybe they're smart...or good at faking they're smart but like their ego gets in the way and they just refuse to listen to patients? idk
I don't know if they did, but it was a very public case. Uuuh and I think they're like gonna do extra tests if someone comes in with an unknown problem? She had like diabetes...which she didn't know she had and that's why ...yeh. It was so sad...she was only 18 at the time ;A;
I don't think the ice cream would survive the trip all the way here to Norway T uT but thank you for the thought. I'll just have to travel more and try ice creams there...once I can
It did??? Ahh I love it when they do these things. Add tiny pieces of what it's supposed to taste like.. I just realized but I can make my own ice cream with any flavour!! :0 The hobby shop here sells like all kinds of flavour things ...
Woah! That's... so awesome... it's like different AU's right?
Wait...she dies otherwise???? well I mean everyone dies eventually but I'm guessing she doesn't die of natural causes
I live the whole concept to flesh like different routes *o* omg but it must take lots of time.
Ahh now that sounds a bit better ! It's like a private library, but specific for college books!
Omg what kind of a rubbish library is that??? Does no one invest in having a good library???
True true..... it's baffling to even think that there are 8 billion people on this planet...
Ahahaha well you're right, there are so many things that can happen! Can't always guess everything either xD
I've only ever seen them on uuh dA and alot of them are like animals and such or like really badly coloured ones so I never took much of an interest...oooor they were good but cost real money or lots of points... But after my friend got a cute one I was like..man I want one now too... so many good designs out there...
20 ocs with M :0 well considering how many ocs you have that's not too bad ! ^^ oh I got a question, did you name all your ocs yourself? :0 or did some come with a name?
Yeah there are ! I realized once my friend asked for a M name for their Magikarps in the magikarp game...
Ahh that's a pretty name! Mine is Karina though...ahh so many people accidentally call me Katarina. (Sometimes on purpose though because like everyone knows me as the crazy cat lady and y'know Kat sounds like cat..)
Oh you're right ! K-zone is a good name for alot of things I realize that now
Ahh cats.. I think the worst one is when they jump on you when you sleep. That's terrifying...
Ahh those are good noises I've heard! Personally I hate the fan here so I close the door to not hear it. I think though, I was less sensetive before. Now I just get bothered by everything.Too noisy, too quiet, too warm, too cold..
That's understandable...kids are hard to look after and they scream and do other stuff that just...n o.
Same here tbh. Maybe they're smart...or good at faking they're smart but like their ego gets in the way and they just refuse to listen to patients? idk
I don't know if they did, but it was a very public case. Uuuh and I think they're like gonna do extra tests if someone comes in with an unknown problem? She had like diabetes...which she didn't know she had and that's why ...yeh. It was so sad...she was only 18 at the time ;A;
I don't think the ice cream would survive the trip all the way here to Norway T uT but thank you for the thought. I'll just have to travel more and try ice creams there...once I can
It did??? Ahh I love it when they do these things. Add tiny pieces of what it's supposed to taste like.. I just realized but I can make my own ice cream with any flavour!! :0 The hobby shop here sells like all kinds of flavour things ...
Woah! That's... so awesome... it's like different AU's right?
Wait...she dies otherwise???? well I mean everyone dies eventually but I'm guessing she doesn't die of natural causes
I live the whole concept to flesh like different routes *o* omg but it must take lots of time.
@kjemi: Ah. Ahaha. I didn't live on campus, they didn't have dorms where I went. xD That was strictly for classes/parking.
Yeah! I really liked my old school. It was a smaller campus too, literally only five buildings, so it was nice. u vu //
Idk man. I mean, it's not really in the best of neighborhoods, but still. I wouldn't ever go back.
There's tons of bad adopts out here, tbh.
You just need to find the gems, though they're usually super pricey. O___ e;
There's so many nice designs out there. A lot of the nicer ones are like $35 though, and I'm really not going to dump out that type of money. orz.
Yep. xD
I generally name them all myself! Unless they have a name that they came with that I already like... but that's maybe two adopts? I generally change their names. u vu ///
Oh man. Q vQ ! I named my magikarps after different types of alcohols at one point. xD It was a great time.
Ohh! That's cute though! I always wanted to be a crazy cat lady. My fiance ruined those plans. Darn him. > > ;;;
It is! You should definitely use it!!
YESKGS. That happened to be recently. I was just sitting on the bed and the cat jumped up, jumped off the wall and landed on me and then darted away. It was horrible. D; Dumb kitty!!!
I generally need to block out my fiance talking to friends on discord because he's really loud and doesn't shut up. x ___ x
I swear.
I feel like I've gotten better, but I also feel like it takes longer to fall asleep, but that could be because there's more noises when I used to just shut the door. > > ;;
Seriously. SPEAKING OF WHICH THOUGH. One of my co-workers asked me when I was having kids. I was like HOPEFULLY NOT FOR ANOTHER FIVE YEARS THANKS.
And she was like "Well, you're getting married soon... so it should be around the corner." Like, bruh. I'm still debating if I WANT KIDS.
I suppose so. /shrugs. They could just be good at BSing too.
Oh man. Still, that's really upsetting. They usually ask you a bunch of questions before they even look at you. Like, when I go the doctor asks what type of symptoms I have, if I smoke, etc.
Oh noooo. That is really far away. TT ____ TT
Yes!!! There's tons in NY, and tons of attractions so it would be worth it if you came here!!
omg. That's true! I forget that you can make your own ice cream. HECK YOU CAN even look up recipes for some of these specialty things too. You know?
YEAH! Different AUs! I do the same things with RPing with others too. Like Roxy (the oc, not the puppy. xD) is supposed to meet Jake (her crush, and who introduces her to the school), but in one AU, she became BFFs with someone and got into the school that way. She still ended up liking Jake, but it was for another reason. uv u ///
YEPPP. The route that she dies, she makes a deal with a character that I have named Boken. She commits suicide (like in the age meme thing) but Boken brings her back to life?? Boken can stitch together things and bring them to life (aka like her children) so she manages to do that. And in that, Roxy is able to rid herself of her old life and start anew.... well after doing some "chores" for Boken. It's an interesting story.. in my head.
It's tons of time....
I was going to make a uh- graphic adventure choice type thing? But doing all the artwork would kill me.. also with the background and writing the story. All the speeches. It would be way too much.
Yeah! I really liked my old school. It was a smaller campus too, literally only five buildings, so it was nice. u vu //
Idk man. I mean, it's not really in the best of neighborhoods, but still. I wouldn't ever go back.
There's tons of bad adopts out here, tbh.
You just need to find the gems, though they're usually super pricey. O___ e;
There's so many nice designs out there. A lot of the nicer ones are like $35 though, and I'm really not going to dump out that type of money. orz.
Yep. xD
I generally name them all myself! Unless they have a name that they came with that I already like... but that's maybe two adopts? I generally change their names. u vu ///
Oh man. Q vQ ! I named my magikarps after different types of alcohols at one point. xD It was a great time.
Ohh! That's cute though! I always wanted to be a crazy cat lady. My fiance ruined those plans. Darn him. > > ;;;
It is! You should definitely use it!!
YESKGS. That happened to be recently. I was just sitting on the bed and the cat jumped up, jumped off the wall and landed on me and then darted away. It was horrible. D; Dumb kitty!!!
I generally need to block out my fiance talking to friends on discord because he's really loud and doesn't shut up. x ___ x
I swear.
I feel like I've gotten better, but I also feel like it takes longer to fall asleep, but that could be because there's more noises when I used to just shut the door. > > ;;
Seriously. SPEAKING OF WHICH THOUGH. One of my co-workers asked me when I was having kids. I was like HOPEFULLY NOT FOR ANOTHER FIVE YEARS THANKS.
And she was like "Well, you're getting married soon... so it should be around the corner." Like, bruh. I'm still debating if I WANT KIDS.
I suppose so. /shrugs. They could just be good at BSing too.
Oh man. Still, that's really upsetting. They usually ask you a bunch of questions before they even look at you. Like, when I go the doctor asks what type of symptoms I have, if I smoke, etc.
Oh noooo. That is really far away. TT ____ TT
Yes!!! There's tons in NY, and tons of attractions so it would be worth it if you came here!!
omg. That's true! I forget that you can make your own ice cream. HECK YOU CAN even look up recipes for some of these specialty things too. You know?
YEAH! Different AUs! I do the same things with RPing with others too. Like Roxy (the oc, not the puppy. xD) is supposed to meet Jake (her crush, and who introduces her to the school), but in one AU, she became BFFs with someone and got into the school that way. She still ended up liking Jake, but it was for another reason. uv u ///
YEPPP. The route that she dies, she makes a deal with a character that I have named Boken. She commits suicide (like in the age meme thing) but Boken brings her back to life?? Boken can stitch together things and bring them to life (aka like her children) so she manages to do that. And in that, Roxy is able to rid herself of her old life and start anew.... well after doing some "chores" for Boken. It's an interesting story.. in my head.
It's tons of time....
I was going to make a uh- graphic adventure choice type thing? But doing all the artwork would kill me.. also with the background and writing the story. All the speeches. It would be way too much.
@Yuracye: So...so YOU PAY ALL THAT AND TO LIVE IN SOME APARTMENT? TAT that sounds so rough and expensive...
Smart idea... I hope they renovate and clean up the place so people can get more interested in reading again ^u^
So trueeee... I wish I had the imagination to make such cool characters...or the wallet to get themm...I don't know but I feel like paying 35 $ for a design is so much if you're just gonna draw them and not do much ?? @o@
That's amazing...I always ask for help naming my ocs..or almost always. Sometimes I just go in random name generators...
omg... well there are alot of magikarps I've heard. I never got the app myself ^^
I'm sure you can still be one! Never give up hope and always talk about cats and freak out when you see one... maybe I love cats too much...?
Cats love parkour... they do the wildest things... Now I just imagine like on the inside a cat screaming parkour as they jump around...have you seen those kitty diaries videos ? They're so cute
Ahh yeah ;A; when talking to people it's easy to forget to keep your volume down, specially with a headset..it's like you wanna talk loud enough to hear yourself but that makes you actually too loud for others...
Ahh the "you'll want kids soon" people... some people are really obsessed with others getting kids, it's weird.. like now -a days I feel like if you want a good job and home and so on, you gotta wait til you're 30 to have a kid xD and be able to support that kid.
That's also really likely...
Yeah it was. We get questions too, uuh but no one really thought it might be that.... But uuh alot of people came foward that they experienced the same, but they were lucky enough to survive the whole thing.
It iiiiis! A whole ocean between us ;A; but yeah NY seems like a really interesting place to visit! I'd be too scared to do it alone though. Otherwise I'd end up in a corner crying cause so much happening all over the place.
IKR? It feels at times like ice cream magically just appears ... I tried once to make my own ice cream ...I wanna try again, and this time use a real container for it...adgagsh a snickers ice cream sounds so good...
I think by now I figured it was the oc...not sure why you'd RP your puppy....?? Ahhh that's so interesting *o* like I haven't met anyone before that's thought through so much for their OCS....
Boken sounds really cool..and has interesting powers *o* it sounds like a super interesting story. I'd read it, if it were a book. I can't read minds sadly.
ikr? I've thought of trying to make something like that takes tons of time...
ALso...I just finished umm V's route in MM...and uh...boy... oh boy... It's more like...SUFFERING route.. pls send help
Smart idea... I hope they renovate and clean up the place so people can get more interested in reading again ^u^
So trueeee... I wish I had the imagination to make such cool characters...or the wallet to get themm...I don't know but I feel like paying 35 $ for a design is so much if you're just gonna draw them and not do much ?? @o@
That's amazing...I always ask for help naming my ocs..or almost always. Sometimes I just go in random name generators...
omg... well there are alot of magikarps I've heard. I never got the app myself ^^
I'm sure you can still be one! Never give up hope and always talk about cats and freak out when you see one... maybe I love cats too much...?
Cats love parkour... they do the wildest things... Now I just imagine like on the inside a cat screaming parkour as they jump around...have you seen those kitty diaries videos ? They're so cute
Ahh yeah ;A; when talking to people it's easy to forget to keep your volume down, specially with a headset..it's like you wanna talk loud enough to hear yourself but that makes you actually too loud for others...
Ahh the "you'll want kids soon" people... some people are really obsessed with others getting kids, it's weird.. like now -a days I feel like if you want a good job and home and so on, you gotta wait til you're 30 to have a kid xD and be able to support that kid.
That's also really likely...
Yeah it was. We get questions too, uuh but no one really thought it might be that.... But uuh alot of people came foward that they experienced the same, but they were lucky enough to survive the whole thing.
It iiiiis! A whole ocean between us ;A; but yeah NY seems like a really interesting place to visit! I'd be too scared to do it alone though. Otherwise I'd end up in a corner crying cause so much happening all over the place.
IKR? It feels at times like ice cream magically just appears ... I tried once to make my own ice cream ...I wanna try again, and this time use a real container for it...adgagsh a snickers ice cream sounds so good...
I think by now I figured it was the oc...not sure why you'd RP your puppy....?? Ahhh that's so interesting *o* like I haven't met anyone before that's thought through so much for their OCS....
Boken sounds really cool..and has interesting powers *o* it sounds like a super interesting story. I'd read it, if it were a book. I can't read minds sadly.
ikr? I've thought of trying to make something like that takes tons of time...
ALso...I just finished umm V's route in MM...and uh...boy... oh boy... It's more like...SUFFERING route.. pls send help
I completely forgot to ask you--do you want me to initiate a trade for the art ahead of time? I can do so if that's how you prefer to do it.
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.