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Forums Role Playing A Modern Twist on a Feudal Fairy Tale (Take Two~) (Kimmi x Nova)

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/02/26 02:15:44 )
You can die anytime...

This is an rp based on the anime Inuyasha with the main characters all being from Kagome's time. We know only Kagome has an actual last name and these are the for the sake of the rp.


Inuyasha Yokai
18 years old

Kagome Higurashi
17, turning 18

Sango Yamamoto
17, almost 18

Miroku Ueda
18 years old

All four have been close friends since they met in grade school. All four are seniors in high school just ready to start a new school year.

Koga Wolf
18 years old

He has a rivalry with Inuyasha but is friendly with the others. Has a crush on Kagome. Senior in high school.

Sayuri Watanabe
17 years old

She is new to the school, graduating there hopefully with new friends.

Kazumi Aiko
17 but doesn't look like it

***** I do not take credit for any of this art. I found all of it on Google*****

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/4 02:14:59 )
College sucked..
They had one year after this one left as seniors before they would finally graduate..

Inuyasha however didn't think he'd be one to graduate with how bad some of his classes were messing with him. He didn't understand why his parents had set him up with the classes they had! If not for Kagome's encouragement and tutoring, he probably would've given up already. Gym he liked, the standard classes he could handle, but chemistry and physics? Forget it! Lucky for him, he was staying in the college dorms with his best friend Miroku, who also helped him when he needed it- if he wasn't out with his girlfriend, Sango.

Like now. It was date night for them, and Miroku had already left to go meet with Sango- leaving him alone to deal with his nightmare homework. After staring at the paper for almost an hour, Inuyasha groaned under his breath and put his head on his writing desk.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/4 02:22:20 )
You can die anytime...

Kagome was sitting in her room, bored. She shared a door with Sango, but Sango was out with her boyfriend. Kagome had wished she was out and about with someone but no guys were interested in her. She grabbed her phone, deciding to text Inuyasha. "Hey." She texted him,"What are you up to?"

Sango had just left with Miroku, "I feel kind of bad that we leave those two alone so much like this." She said to him as they headed off on their date,"If they weren't too stubborn to admit their feelings they could have been out here with us..."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/4 03:05:23 )
Inuyasha quickly took out his cell when it buzzed in his pocket and read the texts from Kagome before replying, [Phys. Homework.. Miroku bailed. Apparently it's date night..] He then set down his smartphone and semi-glared at the sheet of paper on his writing desk.


Miroku draped an arm around her shoulders and sounded a playful hum. "True, but I'm sure Kagome would spend their date night helping him with his homework.."

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/4 03:11:07 )
You can die anytime...

Sango sighed,"If you could really call it that for them." She said was they walked. She hugged him gently, knowing that it would all work out in the end. Things like that always did.

Kagome texted back,"Yeah it is. I finished that ages ago. Want a bit of help? I can come over if you want. I've got nothing going on." She wondered if he would want her help much. She knew they had been hanging out a lot lately and she helped him when she could.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/5 23:12:43 )
Miroku chuckled and kissed her forehead. He was taking her out to see a movie she'd been wanting to see, and then to dinner. And he hadn't told her about the movie, so it'd be a nice surprise.


Inuyasha glanced at his phone when it buzzed and read the text. After a moment of contemplating, he texted back, 'Yeah.. If you're sure about it. Doors unlocked so feel free to come right in, I'm just sitting at my desk.' He sighed.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/13 00:07:12 )
You can die anytime...

Kagome grabbed her notes and books for that class and stuffed them in her backpack before locking up her room with Sango. She headed over to the other part of the dorms for boys and knocked, before letting herself in,"Okay." Kagome said with a smile to Inuyasha, "Where are you stuck and how can I help?" She wanted him to finish classes so he could graduate with her and their friends. She hated the thought of him having to drop out.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/20 18:54:24 )
Inuyasha was still sitting at his writing desk when he heard a knock at the door, and then the door opened and he glanced over at Kagome before holding up the blank sheet of paper. "Remind me why we have complicated assignments." He murmured, pretty much telling her he didn't get any of it, even with his notes. Of course, her notes were a lot more elaborate than his own, so maybe she found a way to break it down?

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/21 22:14:12 )
You can die anytime...

Kagome sat down with him and broke things down for him in an easier way to understand them,"Try it this way..." She said, showing him step by step how to figure out what he would need to find for the homework and where to find it. It didn't take long for her to smile,"You're getting it! Good job." She said, patting his back.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/22 02:04:04 )
As she explained things, he would glance between her notes and his homework as he gradually began to get it to a degree. At least now he could actually do his homework. Eventually, he finished it, well before his roommate returned from 'Date Night' and leaned back in his chair, stretching some. "Damn.. Why can't the professor explain it like this? It makes more since, but it's still over complicated." He mused quietly, smirking some. "Thanks, Kagome."

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/23 18:28:46 )
You can die anytime...

Kagome smiled and shrugged,"You know how that professor is. Sometimes I think he just likes to over complicate things to make people fail that class." She looked down at her notes,"If it helps, try doing your notes a little like mine. I had an easier time when I started doing them that way." She started to put her books away,"What other homework do you have?" She asked,"Anything else I could help with?" She played with her long hair while waiting for his answer, trying to remember what other homework was assigned, "I gotta message Koga later about that group project we are working on." She reminded herself.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/11 01:21:07 )

Inuyasha smirked some and stretched some in his chair. "Nah, I did the rest first. We could watch a movie or something since our roommates are out." He offered casually, semi acting like he didn't hear her say his rival's name. What kind of project were they working on? He was curious, but he wouldn't ask.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 00:27:12 )
You can die anytime...

Kagome nodded,"Sure. What movie?" She asked him as she sent Koga a message about their group project. She was surprised Inuyasha hadn't said anything about her working with Koga. It's not like she had much of a choice. Her teacher had put them into groups. But on the plus side Koga worked really hard on their project like she did so she hoped at least their grade wouldn't be too bad.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/14 02:38:45 )
Inuyasha pondered on which movie to pick for tonight, as Kagome texted her lab partner. Once he thought of one, he got up and went digging through his movies until he found one they both liked. He opened the dvd tray and set the disk inside, then closed it and set the tv to [aux] so they could watch it. Inuyasha settled down on the edge of his bed and pat the spot beside him.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 17:06:07 )
You can die anytime...

Kagome smiled and joined him on the bed, wondering what movie he had chosen. When she saw the title screen, she smiled and gave him a hug, glad that he chose one She would watch too. As they watched she got a reply from Koga. She checked it quickly and replied, telling him they could talk a bit more about the project later. She set her phone back down and started watching the movie.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/28 01:12:39 )
Koga didn't text her back after getting a text from her.

Inuyasha smirked some and draped an arm around her shoulders loosely, happy she was smiling. That meant she approved of the movie He had picked.

Donator — She, her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/30 14:55:54 )
You can die anytime...

Kagome smiled and leaned against him gently, relaxing a bit as the movie started. She hadn't had a night for relaxing in a while now. What with all the classes and homework they had, plus preparing for life outside of college... it was nice to just spend an evening with a good friend.

Well... Kagome would mean friend out loud, but inside she called Inuyasha her crush. She didn't know what made her like him that way, but she did.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/17 15:49:47 )
Sometime during the moving, sleep had caught up to him while relaxing with Kagome for the first time in..a while.. He ended up dozing off with his head lightly resting on her shoulder. Kagome was probably one of the few people he could relax around.

Donator — She, her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/25 11:13:51 )
You can die anytime...

Kagome let him rest, enjoying the movie anyway. Once it was over, she gently woke Inuyasha,"Sleepyhead..." She said softly,"It's starting to get late. I think we should get you home, unless you want to sleep here tonight." It wouldn't be weird if he did, they hung out all the time at this point in their lives.

but living takes true courage.

Pixel Art by the talented Neko~ Thank you so much, Neko! <3
Both a just adorable~ :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart:

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