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Forums The Undercurrent Writing Prompts

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/5 18:37:28 )
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I know CampNano is coming up in about a month when I'm making this threadIt is time for Camp Nano and I am still out of touch with my writing., but I also know that I've been really out of touch with my writing. I haven't been feeling the greatest and so I need to get back into it somehow. So I've decided I'm going to dig back into something I used to do back in middle and high school. Writing prompts. I've seen many a list of these, and for this thread, at least to start with I'm going to do something a little bit different. My writing prompts are going to be the beautiful smilies of Voltra.
Anyone is welcome to join me in this journey. I'm going to try to do at least one a day. More if I am feeling especially writing inspired for the day.

The Prompts:
Round One: Static - See the post just below

Current Prompts
7) :statichappy:
20) :static-celebrate:


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/5 18:38:18 )

The Prompts: Round One: Static
7) :statichappy:
20) :static-celebrate:

Actually going to post this here and see if I can link to individual posts and than index it and put the further prompt rounds as I go.


As a note to anyone who happens to read these, I am using the emotion of the emoji to help determine a bit of what I write about. So some will be hard to read and have tough subjects.
I will not go into Gorey details or anything against the rules. But there will be some subjects that will be hard to handle in their generalness. Thank you.


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/5 18:47:16 )

The world was blurry as I looked out through my hair. But it wasn't my hairs' fault, the world has always been blurry, my hair has just become an excuse because people don't understand. I was born with a problem in my eyes that 'normal' people do not understand, because their vision is perfect. They can see over the rolling hills and watch the sunset behind them. They can see the beauty of nature. I just see blurry shapes of color that blend into each other and make no sense for what people describe to me.
I would love for that to change. I would love to be able to see the world as people describe it. Sadly, they do not seem to appreciate it how I would if I could. It is just everyday surroundings to them that they rush by and don't notice unless they need to slow down to describe it to me. I wish they would slow down. But I guess I just have to wait and watch the blurry world through my hair and have the excuse for those that don't understand. I can hear someone approaching me now, it must be time to come in for dinner.


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/7 19:30:48 )


Rage boiled through me, building up inside as I went through life. It was like I was invisible, and when I had moments of being seen by others, it was to make fun of me for one thing or another. It's not a good feeling. I wanted to explode and scream at all of them.

But I didn't.

I changed who I was. I became more invisible than ever. I let my grades drop so I wasn't the "teachers pet" . I dressed as bland as I possibly could, no clothing that was really me. I avoided sports, and clubs, anything that would make me stand out. Because they only notice you when you fail. Straight A's just caused hate. Liking games made you a Tom boy and a lesbian. Not being a lesbian meant you must be a whore...

People are cruel. They don't look at a person for who they are, only what they assume and want someone to be.


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/8 14:11:23 )

I remember my body shaking as I stepped to the front of the classroom. I wanted to hide behind my hair but I cleared my throat and gave the best presentation that I possibly could. I tried not to stutter or um or like at all throughout it. I had memorized the information that was on my poster and shared it as quickly as I could.

The presentations where someone had long words and lots of information and they just read off their board were not interesting to me. The boy I had a crush on told me the same thing after the presentation was over. He complimented me and thanked me for not being boring. I asked him out later that year and he turned me down.

.... I know why now. And I'm so embarrassed. He's gay.


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/2 15:49:42 )


I have to write a story about a fool? That's the assignment the team gave me? They're all writing things that sound fun, like adventures on a trampoline, and dissection of a pizza. Why did I get the assignment fool?
It makes me wonder if they don't actually like me. If that's what the feel about me?
Am I just a fool?
But no... I don't feel like I am. And I hate being considered one. I will just write to the best of my ability. I will show them an amazing project on their slander of an assignment. They will all be amazed.

I just need to do some research. So to the library I shall go. They'll see. I am no fool. But perhaps I could be, the costume should be easy enough to make.


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/2 15:59:33 )

Prompr 5)

The worst part about beating depression and anxiety, is how quickly you can be put back in that loop. I came out of my shell. I dressed how ai really wanted to. What I felt was me.
I was made fun of for it, I was called a poser.
I'd bought the clothes with my own money that I had worked hard for. I had built my confidence up to be myself.
But it's not being me because it "looks like a rip off" of someone else's style. That's not fair.
It hurts.

I never wore the clothes again.
Waste of money.
Waste of my hard work.
Why do I even try.
The depression was back.
Some of the clothes even got stolen because they didn't belong with me. It hurts to be hates for trying to be yourself. For taking the mask off.

So the mask stays. I will never be accepted if I am myself. The depression and anxiety thickens.
Years pass.
I don't know who I am anymore.
My personalities split. Now I'm lost in different worlds. I don't know what happens sometimes.
I'm broken. I don't think I can ever be repaired.


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 03:26:30 )

My husband got me "300 More writing prompts" a journal/book for mother's day.

I'm going to write out the first prompt here in case anyone would like to do it as well.
"If you could book a flight tomorrow for anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?"


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/22 11:31:03 )

Prompt 6

These stories all seem to be calling me to draw on my introverted side when I'm writing about them. But this one especially wants me to write something far to personal to put down until words. It can be summed up with depression though... And fighting and being strong for far to long.
The hope almost leaves.
It's a struggle everyday
Still trying to fight, but wondering if I will lose the war.


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/22 11:32:55 )

Prompt 7) :statichappy:

Family is wonderful.

Well that's a short shortstory prompt xD

Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

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