All right, so I'm going to cut out the fluff and get to the point.
You can get any of the following from me here!
- Volts
- Random commons
- Random event items
- Event Currency
- ART (From me, of course)
- Absolutely nothing =(
So here's how it breaks down.
Pick the RNG for your post.
Between 1 and 100
- 15-17 = 1k Volts
- 22-27 = Random Common Item
- 46-49 = Random Event Item (from ANY event!)
- 69 = Art. ( Five times MAX per person!)
- 72-74 = 50 of one of the event flowers. On hold til I rebuild my flower counts
- 99 = Luck of the draw from above.
- Any other number is nothing. Sorry =(
So roll and chat!
I'll be hanging around to chat with people.
And will be keeping track of the rolls as well ~<3
(specifically the winners of things)
Yes you my continue to win after your first
I may miss it otherwise!
I lied. Not keeping track. Lol
♯I've been Dancing with your Ghost // Some might say we have stole the show♯