Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/17 15:57:48 )
@amber lynne: Here's hoping that Pillowfort gives out updates for existing members to recruit newcomers with, soon.
Also here's to hoping they give out a video system to help replace youtube with while they're at it.
@valefor: Not to mention you often have to be on-guard to see which fan-branches for any given fandoms are good, or which ones have rotted and are either best-avoided or best disrupted and cleansed.
Hells, this can apply to some Anti-fandom groups too, here and there, sometimes it's not for the right reasons when those groups are there.
The minute you find an honestly BAD fandom branch, it's best to warn others to either avoid that branch at all costs, or do whatever can be done to minimize if not stop them before they get worse, ignoring the matter altogether risks inviting more Hate Anons and/or unchecked Cyber-bullying to crawl up like parasitic worms.