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Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 11:01:11 )

@KairoSama: rain is great, if you aren’t cycling in the middle of nowhere without a coat


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 17:27:33 )
I would give anything for you to shine down on me

@kairosama: I'd rather be in the heat than the rain
i hate being wet and getting socks wet and all of that
plus, where i live, rain means heat and humidity, so it's all trash lol


Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 18:34:54 )
Kai says...

@LordLucre: still a good nap bc the doggo was there heh

@bum: ahh the natural light is welcoming u uwu also cute!

Thank you for listening!

Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 18:36:16 )
@KairoSama: Doggo being as comfy as possible. Especially with how fluffy he is.

Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 18:42:08 )
Kai says...

@MoodyBats: rain is great tbf, snow is fun but RAIN

@Fellowsheep: did u shuffle the plants? u did a good day of adulting uwu

@Amber Lynne: thunder can be scary úwù lightening is cool to watch tho ooooo

@Totalanimefan: aahhh i’m glad u did!

@Tuijp: ahh true that does suck >~<

@Deaa: aaaaaaaaaa wet socks are the WORST
where do u live? i’ve never experienced hot rain oof


Thank you for listening!

Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 18:44:58 )
@KairoSama: I don't mind sharing him. He loves people.

Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 18:50:41 )
Kai says...

@LordLucre: big friendly floof uwu
one of my cat is a big floof, they might get along heh

Thank you for listening!

Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 18:52:42 )
@KairoSama: He still thinks cats are just a strange type of dog. xD
Lucifer's Pet

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 19:09:51 )
I would give anything for you to shine down on me

@kairosama: I live in the midwest area of the US, we legit experience all the different types of weathers and precipitations regularly
humidity isn't as bad as it is in the south, but it's still gross af, its just hot musty sticky air
and that's both before and after it rains, and on unlucky days, during the rain too

@ me tho. | Hangout. | OCs. | Avatars.
looking to buy: ARIES

Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 20:35:42 )
@KairoSama: I did! Now they're less likely to be drowned. Gotta check on the state of my hot pepper seedlings next.

Today is probably the day I tackle some floor cleaning.

Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 20:38:43 )
Batsy Says. . .


@KairoSama: I honestly just hate winter.
But rain, especially thunderstorms inspire me the most
and gets me to do a lot of art.

With snow I just pretty much freeze to death.

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 22:53:22 )

@KairoSama: I don't really think it's scary. Just loud and irritaing - ESPECIALLY when I'm tryin' to bloody sleep! XD
And Lightning is frikken boss to watch flash across the sky~<3

♯Take me away upon a plateau, Far, far away from fears and shadow, Strengthen my heart in times of sorrow, Light the way to bright tomorrows♯

Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/2 18:37:00 )
@KairoSama: Eh, friend is not better. They're worse. My mom and I resolved things, though, so that's good :) I feel way better with that off my chest. I can't control things for my friend, just be there, so I gotta look at it that way.

Also, another friend finally took initiative and dumped his toxic S.O., so there's that that's earned a celebration cupcake emoji. :3 Can't find a cupcake here, so a strawberry cake will do.
I have many issues, gender things among them
I also have a ballet obsession and an unhealthy interest in Sonic the Hedgehog games. Take as you will, haha!
@ me, yo!

Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/5 22:18:05 )
Kai says...

@LordLucre: he is precious uwuwuwu cats are basically odd dogs heh

@Deaa: ahh rip, id honestly hate that idk how u manage

@Fellowsheep: did the floor cleaning happen? its been like 4 days OOP

@MoodyBats: is it getting hotter now or like raining less? or does it rain during spring like in the uk LMAO
lets u get more art done tho uwu

@Amber Lynne: omg trying to sleep when the thunders like BOOOM and ur like shut the fuck up u inconsiderate noise smh >:(

@Onyx Popcorn: ahh i hope ur friends are both doing good, and i hope its not too hard on u! the best thing u can do rn is just being there, and as for ur mum im glad u guys are good! also toxic s.o's are the worst ew :( but CAKE IS IN ORDER YES

Thank you for listening!

Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/5 22:21:55 )
Batsy Says. . .


@KairoSama: there hasn't been hardly any rain.
It's mostly been snow. We normally get snow in spring instead of rain.

Well haven't really gotten art done tbh.
I'm in a pretty low place mentally with my art and overall my life. :vanora_sweat:

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/5 22:22:24 )

@KairoSama: It's absolutely hell.
Worse when it wakes you,I think. DX

♯Take me away upon a plateau, Far, far away from fears and shadow, Strengthen my heart in times of sorrow, Light the way to bright tomorrows♯

Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/5 22:36:47 )
Kai says...

@MoodyBats: ah i get that dw, its best to take ur time~
self care is important, stay hydrated and maybe build a snowman too bc why not heh

Thank you for listening!

Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/5 22:37:44 )
Kai says...

@Amber Lynne: waking up bc of thunder is so annoying omg
u gotta give it the angery face >:(

Thank you for listening!

Shop | Art Thread | used to be cowboy belphie, buggaboy, kairosama | forum bunny by kouenli

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/5 22:40:40 )

@KairoSama: The rain and lightning are lovely to watch though.
So that kinda makes up for it. XD

♯Take me away upon a plateau, Far, far away from fears and shadow, Strengthen my heart in times of sorrow, Light the way to bright tomorrows♯
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me

Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/5 22:44:35 )
Batsy Says. . .


@KairoSama: Well since I hate the snow and being in the snow
I definitely won't go out in it lol.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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