Forums Mini Shops Sunrise ✹ [closed]
@yuracye: they are in post 5 of my hangout:
@Lina: AHHH OMG! They're awesome. I didn't know you had a hangout!!
Going to go post in it now! >: U
Going to go post in it now! >: U
@Yuracye: I'm surprised it's still there tbh.
Whoo for 200 posts!
I have 255 myself.
This place is better anyways.
Whoo for 200 posts!
I have 255 myself.
This place is better anyways.
@Yuracye: Lol, lucky. My birthday doesn't fall on a holiday, but I don't mind people saying happy birthday to me now. Its just embarrassing when they start singing it at a packed restaurant. Lucky, I didn't have that problem this year. :)
Yeah, I bought that base right after I stopped with the smaller one for a while, believe it or not. xD I want to get this base eventually, but trying to get the points up for it is kinda hard. :(
Yeah, its part of the reason why I just want a long break from Gaia too. I'm not sure if its just me that has noticed it, but nothing really has changed. Yeah, they brought zOMG back, but nothing changed with that either. Everything is the same and its boring now. Plus art is so pricey there. x_x I was so happy that I found another person that has a reasonable price on their art, plus its super cute!
I wouldn't have many places to hide if that was the case. xD But trust me, if anything does come up to where I can't complete an art trade, I usually make sure to let the other party know. :)
Oh! All she did was show me the WIP of the 3rd one you got there. I told her it was so cute! I'd love it if she came here! :) It would be another person to talk to!
Yeah, I bought that base right after I stopped with the smaller one for a while, believe it or not. xD I want to get this base eventually, but trying to get the points up for it is kinda hard. :(
Yeah, its part of the reason why I just want a long break from Gaia too. I'm not sure if its just me that has noticed it, but nothing really has changed. Yeah, they brought zOMG back, but nothing changed with that either. Everything is the same and its boring now. Plus art is so pricey there. x_x I was so happy that I found another person that has a reasonable price on their art, plus its super cute!
I wouldn't have many places to hide if that was the case. xD But trust me, if anything does come up to where I can't complete an art trade, I usually make sure to let the other party know. :)
Oh! All she did was show me the WIP of the 3rd one you got there. I told her it was so cute! I'd love it if she came here! :) It would be another person to talk to!
@kenome: Yeahh, well the owners went quiet for a long time.
AWYEAH! I just need a few more posts, I'm not sure I'll be able to hit the mark though.
Ooh, nice! O: !! I saw someone had 2k posts. Like, dang. That's a lot. I used to be a top poster on Syn, but I was also there the first day. I have way less time than I did back there. rip.
It is really nice here. e ve!!
@queen prisma: Awwyeahh. B) I used to hate it because my friends used to never be able to show up, but now some of them will show up and we'll party together. u vu //
I like telling people at work, but it's usually only four people and a bunch of kids. I've cried in front of my co-workers. akdfjhag.
I definitely don't like the singing in a restaurant, that's for sure. ;;;; It's too embarassing.
Ohhh. There you go. xD I like bouncing around with different styles. Only non-chibi styles are hard for me to draw tbh. I just dedicate so much time into it and it still doesn't look right to me sometimes. ||OTL
Omg, that base is super cute! TT __ TT I'd help you out, but I can never seem to get points myself either. q vq I barely get commissions.
I never really used zOMG, I really only draw art, reply to friends, and buy adopts. When friends are away, I get bored and I've been really picky with adopts lately, so I haven't been able to get too many.
Art is too pricey. Omg. TT ____ TT I barely have enough funds for a basic commission. My chiblets are cheap, but I've since raised my prices for other things. I just don't have a lot of time for a lot of stuff so I don't want to spend my free time working on tons of things with little reward. = ____ =
Awwwh, you're too kind! * U *!!!!!
Hahaha. Same here. I'm in so many places, I'd have to go quiet everywhere if someone tried to hunt me down. I use the same username everywhere. whelp.
Same here! It's difficult when you can't complete your end and they already have their side finished. x ___ x
Ah, really??? I'll have to tell her about it! I'm pretty sure she's in school of some form, but maybe she'd be interested!
@lina: Yeah! I already posted!! I love how you wrote the thread. xD
AWYEAH! I just need a few more posts, I'm not sure I'll be able to hit the mark though.
Ooh, nice! O: !! I saw someone had 2k posts. Like, dang. That's a lot. I used to be a top poster on Syn, but I was also there the first day. I have way less time than I did back there. rip.
It is really nice here. e ve!!
@queen prisma: Awwyeahh. B) I used to hate it because my friends used to never be able to show up, but now some of them will show up and we'll party together. u vu //
I like telling people at work, but it's usually only four people and a bunch of kids. I've cried in front of my co-workers. akdfjhag.
I definitely don't like the singing in a restaurant, that's for sure. ;;;; It's too embarassing.
Ohhh. There you go. xD I like bouncing around with different styles. Only non-chibi styles are hard for me to draw tbh. I just dedicate so much time into it and it still doesn't look right to me sometimes. ||OTL
Omg, that base is super cute! TT __ TT I'd help you out, but I can never seem to get points myself either. q vq I barely get commissions.
I never really used zOMG, I really only draw art, reply to friends, and buy adopts. When friends are away, I get bored and I've been really picky with adopts lately, so I haven't been able to get too many.
Art is too pricey. Omg. TT ____ TT I barely have enough funds for a basic commission. My chiblets are cheap, but I've since raised my prices for other things. I just don't have a lot of time for a lot of stuff so I don't want to spend my free time working on tons of things with little reward. = ____ =
Awwwh, you're too kind! * U *!!!!!
Hahaha. Same here. I'm in so many places, I'd have to go quiet everywhere if someone tried to hunt me down. I use the same username everywhere. whelp.
Same here! It's difficult when you can't complete your end and they already have their side finished. x ___ x
Ah, really??? I'll have to tell her about it! I'm pretty sure she's in school of some form, but maybe she'd be interested!
@lina: Yeah! I already posted!! I love how you wrote the thread. xD
@Yuracye: Switching out styles is always a good thing of doing it though. Its part of the reason why I got into pixel art. I wanted to get into animation that way. My drawn animations kinda suck though. xD
Its ok, I'll get there.... Eventually.... (As I see about getting myself an icon commission done from some one while spending points on it.) xD But yeah, it seems to me that getting art commissions on dA is a whole lot harder than anywhere else. I try to advertise that I am selling it on there too, but I don't think people wanna spend their points, but I also don't blame them since it is hard to come by.
At least I'm not the only one that has noticed. :( I just wish prices would go back to normal, but that is never going to happen.
Well, I try not to tick anyone off, and luckly for me, my username isn't the same, but I'm sure my drawn art would be a dead give away in a heart beat. But I usually do try and complete it. I hate having art trades uncompleted without giving the artist something if I can't complete it myself. Its part of the reason why usually I will offer muns if I can't complete it. But trust me on this, I will complete them, they give me the right motivation!
I hope she does get interested in this site! I love it just as much as Gaia now! :D
Its ok, I'll get there.... Eventually.... (As I see about getting myself an icon commission done from some one while spending points on it.) xD But yeah, it seems to me that getting art commissions on dA is a whole lot harder than anywhere else. I try to advertise that I am selling it on there too, but I don't think people wanna spend their points, but I also don't blame them since it is hard to come by.
At least I'm not the only one that has noticed. :( I just wish prices would go back to normal, but that is never going to happen.
Well, I try not to tick anyone off, and luckly for me, my username isn't the same, but I'm sure my drawn art would be a dead give away in a heart beat. But I usually do try and complete it. I hate having art trades uncompleted without giving the artist something if I can't complete it myself. Its part of the reason why usually I will offer muns if I can't complete it. But trust me on this, I will complete them, they give me the right motivation!
I hope she does get interested in this site! I love it just as much as Gaia now! :D
@lina: Hahaha, I do that too. I do /flops around quite often. xD
@queen prisma: I think so anyway! I think it's a lot of fun trying to switch it up and all.
I've done some simple animations a few times, but nothing crazy. The most animation thing I did was a couple piece and it took FOREVER and all they did was move their arms and eyes. It literally took forever. I don't think I'll ever do that again tbh.
I know you will- you got this!! I had friends that have ordered from me before, so that's the only way I've really only gotten points. I just think there's so many people on dA that there's tons of people that go unnoticed.
I think a lot of people have noticed tbh. Haaa. I've had different names, but people always recognize my art, even from years ago. Like what the heck. Some of the art I barely recognize. q ___ q
Oh gosh. I've been screwed over so many times, I generally don't do art trades unless I know the person. q vq ;;; I've never EVER not done my half the of the art trade though. x ___ x
I hope so too! I haven't been able to talk to her yet, but I'll bring it up when we chat!
@dragoness129: Thanks!! I like the orc piece a ton too. ;;; Sometimes it's those things that I don't normally draw that turn out really nice. ;;;
@queen prisma: I think so anyway! I think it's a lot of fun trying to switch it up and all.
I've done some simple animations a few times, but nothing crazy. The most animation thing I did was a couple piece and it took FOREVER and all they did was move their arms and eyes. It literally took forever. I don't think I'll ever do that again tbh.
I know you will- you got this!! I had friends that have ordered from me before, so that's the only way I've really only gotten points. I just think there's so many people on dA that there's tons of people that go unnoticed.
I think a lot of people have noticed tbh. Haaa. I've had different names, but people always recognize my art, even from years ago. Like what the heck. Some of the art I barely recognize. q ___ q
Oh gosh. I've been screwed over so many times, I generally don't do art trades unless I know the person. q vq ;;; I've never EVER not done my half the of the art trade though. x ___ x
I hope so too! I haven't been able to talk to her yet, but I'll bring it up when we chat!
@dragoness129: Thanks!! I like the orc piece a ton too. ;;; Sometimes it's those things that I don't normally draw that turn out really nice. ;;;
@yuracye: Simple is always good.
I know I got this, but I'm not sure when it will pick up. xD
First one out of 4 done. :P But I haven't animated it yet. I'm gonna animate them all at the same time, but look how cute!

I know I got this, but I'm not sure when it will pick up. xD
First one out of 4 done. :P But I haven't animated it yet. I'm gonna animate them all at the same time, but look how cute!

@queen prisma: Yeah, it is! You just need to know how to work it. xD
Haha. Well said, well said. u vu // I'd give you some of my points, but I don't have any anymore. orz.
@lina: YEAH IT IS.
/dances in seat
Haha. Well said, well said. u vu // I'd give you some of my points, but I don't have any anymore. orz.
@lina: YEAH IT IS.
/dances in seat
@Yuracye: True. xD
Its alright, I'll think of a way to get points. :)
I'm glad you like it! The hearts are gonna go up when her body goes down. :)
Its alright, I'll think of a way to get points. :)
I'm glad you like it! The hearts are gonna go up when her body goes down. :)
/sleeps in the pillow nest
Find me @ PlayWithErica on instagram, twitch, youtube, and discord.
@queen prisma: YEAH! You got this!!! > : UUU
Ooooh, that sounds super cute omg!! I can't wait to see it!!!
@lina: /throws a blanket on you as well. o 3o
Ooooh, that sounds super cute omg!! I can't wait to see it!!!
@lina: /throws a blanket on you as well. o 3o
Finished one commision, so a slot is open.
I also opened the cheeb and chibi for items that I'd like to collect. /shifty eyes.
Let me know if I'm missing any items (besides commons, because I have enough volts for a little while anyway), and I'd probably accept something for certain styles too.
I also opened the cheeb and chibi for items that I'd like to collect. /shifty eyes.
Let me know if I'm missing any items (besides commons, because I have enough volts for a little while anyway), and I'd probably accept something for certain styles too.
Plus I was kinda inspired by one of the animations you did. ^^;;
Plus I was kinda inspired by one of the animations you did. ^^;;
@queen prisma: AHH I CAN'T EAIT EITHER! The excitement is real!!!
I should be drawing something for you tonight, I think. q vq ;; I'm waiting for the hubby to take his nap, and then I'll be set up at my desk and start drawing. n ___ n !! You wanted Queen, right?
Hahaha. The flickering ones? Those are my favorite animations. Ahhh.
I should be drawing something for you tonight, I think. q vq ;; I'm waiting for the hubby to take his nap, and then I'll be set up at my desk and start drawing. n ___ n !! You wanted Queen, right?
Hahaha. The flickering ones? Those are my favorite animations. Ahhh.
@Yuracye: HERE YOU GO! Its gonna be 2 FPS and I don't know how many frames yet. And yes, it was the flickering ones. :) I thought it was a unique animation style and I though it would be cool to add it into pixel art. What do you think? The numbers are each different frames. But she is also blinking and bouncing.

And here is one of your neko boy. :) (Not animated yet)

Yes, it was Queen. Did you need the references again?

And here is one of your neko boy. :) (Not animated yet)

Yes, it was Queen. Did you need the references again?
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.