Donator — PomePome
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/5 13:52:09 )
@vengeance: yes! I still need to make the strangerville mystery but i already forget what i needet todo xD one of my sims from this game is already a Senior xD
Donator — PomePome
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/5 13:56:22 )
@vengeance: its kinda fun :)) i just hate if one of my sims are possesed. I hat a Vampire in another game she drank from an normal looking women... and get posessed -_-
I haven't played with it yet. I spend all my time in Parkitect. But I mainly bought it for all the great cas/build content. I would suggest looking up some reviews yourself.
@Lina: I just created a sim for a future rom gameplay.
I was also in game to make screenshots for a christmas legging I made for toddlers, kids & adults. So I decide to pick a black top and a black skirt for kids and guess what. Both items aren't the same black >.> Seriously EA.
@Lina: EA doesn't care. It's like hey let's make a wooden chair and a wooden table and make sure the wood colours don't match! They also have a white blue colour. I remember the first recolour I made was some pure white versions of some clothes and they where really populair.