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Forums Serious Talk This is over!

Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 21:37:25 )
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Kai says...

So I play a game, it’s a social related game and is on the app store. The community is quite shitty, so when found out that a 30 year old was dating a 15 year old, naturally a lot of the community defended the 30 year old. No sexual content was ever sent between them, but I still think it is majorly wrong.
People are saying that it’s not wrong because “it was in march it’s old” and “it’s the 15 year olds fault” and that it’s not wrong because there was no sexual intent.
However I think it is still very wrong because the minor is half his age and, of course, is a MINOR.
What do you all think of this? Should they get banned from the app? The community is half and half on it, which shows the community of the app.

Note: i’m not going to say the name of the app. I am also not attacking anyone that defends him, I simply want to educate them on why it is wrong, however they will attack those who believe it is wrong so we don’t know what to do. We also know that he will probably NOT get banned unfortunately.

Thank you for listening!


Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 21:47:21 )
Okay, yeah, no. A 30 year old should NOT be dating a 15 year old, sexual intent or not, especially since one's a minor. It'd be nice if he got banned, but doesn't always happen sadly. :/

Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 21:56:25 )
Kai says...

@LordLucre: THANK YOU! my friends all agree with me, but there are people actively defending him and i just can’t stand it. he’s also quite famous on the game which means he’s less likely to get banned since he builds a lot of the rooms there.
the 15 year old also doesn’t see anything wrong with it, but neither did i when i was 15 so i understand that, but it’s the fact that he’s getting defended??
i really hope he gets warned or banned or people start seeing sense

Thank you for listening!


Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 21:58:09 )
@KairoSama: I'd hope the same as well. It's always problematic when the person is sorta famous too. :/

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 22:03:13 )
i feel this is a very grey area. Is it wrong? Well...i think it is for the most part. But i also wanna I dont see why its WRONG if theres no sexual intent. like i said its REALLY grey territory. But im not really the one to debate THAT point. My issue is everyone defending the older person saying its the minors fault. HOW?! like...a 15 year old doesnt know what they want out of life. and a 30 year old can EASILY manipulate a minor. are they blaming the 15 year old?
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Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 22:10:15 )
@TheGreatPretender: Yeah, that part bothers me the most. I had a nasty experience where I was the one blamed and not the actual person who deserved it. I don't know, maybe it's a defense mechanism of sorts some people take or they really do prefer to blame the 15 year old.

Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 22:18:48 )
Kai says...

honestly the whole situation is a mess. I don’t know why they’re blaming the 15 year old since when you’re 15 you usually don’t see that you’re being manipulated? I had a similar situation where this older guy, maybe around 23, dated me, i was around 14 at the time, and i saw it as perfectly okay. I look back now and realise it was very wrong, and that wasn’t even as big an age gap as 15 and 30.
Personally it’s very wrong to me since the legal age is 18 (technically 16 where i live but i prefer to say 18) and people are actively blaming the minor in the situation and ignoring the fact that this is a grown man dating a minor.
However i do see how people might not see it as bad as i do since there was no sexual content involved, and it was through a game. If they would listen and not just attack people saying it was wrong, like Pretender did, I probably would’ve never made this post and I wouldn’t be so angry about it, but they’re actively attacking anyone that disagrees with what the guy did, and I myself was accused of speaking out about it for attention instead of them just being like “yeah i get that but i don’t agree”.

Thank you for listening!


Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 22:23:56 )
@KairoSama: People can be so hostile.
Lucifer's Pet

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 23:01:29 )
@KairoSama: i agree with nigel. theres too much we dont know. it doesnt make sense to blame the minor. Heck i didnt know what love was or what i wanted till i was TWENTY THREE when i met my husband, then just my best friend. Our age gap isnt as big as 30 and 15 but my family didnt like him when he and i first met cause he had just turned 30 and i was 20 and naive. They had the right...ISH approach in distrusting the OLDER of us two, not me. i just dont get how people are blaming the minor and attacking people who disagree. it doesnt make sense and i makes me wanna bash their heads in
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Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 23:15:40 )
Kai says...

you’re right, we don’t know exactly what they did, they had said that they didn’t do anything sexual but that’s me taking their word for it
other than that we don’t really know, but the thought of then dating disturbs me to no end
i had a similar experience with my parents distrusting a guy i was dating, although he had just turned 18 and i was 16 so it was probably just the fact that he was an adult and i wasn’t
but yeah i really hate the fact that people are blaming the 15 year old, they’re young and naive and they don’t deserve it :/

Thank you for listening!


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 00:02:14 )
It's wrong because it is an abuse of power on the 30 year olds part. Neither may understand that this dynamic exists, but that doesn't stop it from being inherent to their relationship.

Donator — ♥? Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 01:18:28 )

3 parties are to blame

1. The 15 year old, if you knew to begin with that the man was 30, you know what you were doing.
2. The 30 year old, straight up pedo shouldn’t be allowed to continue to be on said app
2. The parents, wtf watch what your kids are doing jfc


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 05:27:12 )
Oh dude, you could take that anyway depending on his intention..

Was he grooming her?
Was it simply lonely interaction?
Did he genuinely like her?
Did they know each others age?
They said nothing sexual was exchanged, was that the only platform they chatted?
What was his end goal?!

Just chillin'

Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 09:48:45 )

Sounds like this social simulation game I'm playing.
Most of the minors there will ask you to date or be their bf/gf, just so they can say they have a bf/gf. Most of the "dates" on there are just 2 people going somewhere together and talk.

As I said, 'most'. I had people on there before who tried to scare me into dating them. One went as far as saying she would hack me if I didn't date her (reported her and she got ip banned) and another who said she would find me irl and 'mess me up'.

I can handle that. I just report them and laugh, but there are enough people who would get scared and go on 'dates' with them because of it.

Not saying this is the case here, but a 15 y/o can be the one to do something like that and the 30 y/o can be the scared one.
We simply don't have enough information to judge.

But I do agree, a 15 y/o should not be dating a 30 y/o.
The owners of that game should look into their interactions with each other and take steps.


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 11:14:11 )

@Peachy: I disagree about #1. A 15 year old doesn't have their brains fully developed yet. So they don't know what they are doing. There are many studies on this. A 15 year old is easily groomed or tricked by for example a loverboy. Why do you think minors do a lot of stupid things? Because they cannot see the consequences yet.

Back on the original post. Those people defending it are people who would date a 14-15 year old in a heartbeat if it wasn't illegal. I am sure most of them are man too.


Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 16:21:57 )
Kai says...

little update on the situation, the guy had been warned about the relationship back in march, and that’s the ONLY reason they stopped dating, the older guy doesn’t see it as wrong at all.
ALSO more people seem to be seeing sense/finding out this side of the story and are no longer defending him which is good! i don’t see him ever being banned though, because he is pretty much a face of the app and builds a lot on there so they would lose a ton of publicity if they banned him which is pretty shitty of them.
another thing, i don’t think it’s the minors fault. when i was 15 at least, i didn’t see it as wrong if there was no sexual content, sounds messed up but that’s how most 15 year olds think. they generally don’t realise that it is wrong either way, so i wouldn’t blame the 15 year old in this situation.
if i were to reply to EVERYTHING this would be about 2 pages long so i’ll keep it pretty brief:
the main thing here is the fact that the guy knows he’s been called out but is playing the victim, i have met the minor believes that it’s not wrong because there was no sexual interaction in the relationship, and the staff probably won’t ban the 30 y/o because he is famous in game and they would lose a lot of money because i’m pretty sure he spends a TON on virtual money (i can’t say much about that bc i have bought it before and have donated to voltra, if u earn money why not spend it) but even so, regardless of how much money he spends he should still have action taken against him. i’m not necessarily saying outright ban him, but i know that there are children as young as 8 on the app and there should not be a potential predator roaming free.
long story short, people are seeing sense but he won’t get banned.

Thank you for listening!


Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 16:47:11 )

@KairoSama: I think the fbi would like to talk to that guy...


Donator — ♥? Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 17:42:17 )

@vengeance: i can agree with what you are saying definitely.
I wasn’t trying to take away from the fact that the 30 year old is definitely most at fault. (The list wasn’t in order or anything, if it was the teen would’ve been at the bottom lol)
Hindsight is always 20/20, and I’m sure she understands now not to entertain a person of that age, and hopefully the relationship was platonic and no photos were shared..

But I believe the most frustrating part is the company, instead of protecting their users they are allowing this person to continue using the app.
They could’ve used banning him as a huge safety/political act, possibly bringing in more users.


Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/16 01:17:59 )
Kai says...

another lil update: the guy was banned! HOWEVER the 15 year old was dating ANOTHER older guy, this time hes 24 and also happens to be one of my friends! they did break up, although the new guy says they were never dating and it was strictly in-game. while he IS my friend i do find the relationship unsettling still, but at least the age gap wasnt as big i guess?
people are calling for the 15 year old to get action taken against them because they clearly know what they are doing and seem to only go for older guys? but people ALSO want my friend banned, however this one is a bit different, because the 30 year old didnt think that anything was wrong, but my friend does see that it is wrong and wants to make changes, so its a bit of a tough situation.
the main thing is: the 30 year old was banned and the 15 year old likes older guys, do with that what u will

Thank you for listening!


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Donator — ♥? Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/16 02:35:17 )

@kairosama: Ahh so they are both gross...
As for your friend, not as bad, but still, as long as it was strictly a platonic relationship, I don’t see the problem. People can have the same interests, and it’s nice to talk to someone who does when you are young..

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