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Voltie — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/28 14:17:54 )
voltra ,, n electricity
ohms and volts ??? it all makes so much sense now ,,
it clicked today in physics idk why i havent saw this connection earlier

am i the only one who didnt realize this sooner

Donator — Troglodyte Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/28 16:49:43 )

They also have NPCs called Static and Frizz and Spark.

Voltra's update announcements are called "The Surge".

Some of the first handful of items they released on this site were electrical themed in some way if I recall correctly? A few of them at least- or they were named after the NPCs with electrical-esque names. Electrical or city themed.

I dunno, I was here for like, a super brief moment then. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/28 19:15:50 )
I remember when I first joined (back before the Blackout happened) one of my first snarky thoughts as a wee baby Voltie was

"Jeez, I wonder what the electric bill is for this place."



Oh my love, I know you are my candyman
And oh my love, let us fly to bounty land~~

Közi (“Kouji.”)

Voltie — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/28 21:16:13 )
@sirlionelnigelconrad: you know ,,

@vermii: :00 thats so cool !!


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