Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/25 19:02:40 )
My beauty boy was a feral kitten. We used to have a lot of black feral cats who would sun themselves on our back deck. One day one of their babies just walked right into our house! He had a silver ring around his neck and a white patch on his chest that looked like a cravat. He looked so fancy and fluffy and regal that I decided to name him Prince Charles.
He has lost the silver ring around his neck and the white "cravat," but he has really long, silver fur on his heels. lol If you dig through all the floof, his fur is actually white at the roots, but black on the ends, so he looks like a solid black cat but his fur actually has like an ombre effect! I'm completely in love with him. When he came into our house we cleaned up him to give him away to a friend who wanted kittens, but he was just too sweet. "Charlie" is my feline soulmate, I'm convinced! He'll be 4 years old in September.