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Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/5 00:01:33 )
I would give anything for you to shine down on me

@tsundererra: Yes, both on the left side of his face, the side where the scar is crossing his forehead
for the braid length.... hmm around his collarbone! o:
i mean, everybody is gonna be a snacccc cause i'm ridiculous
it'll be like teen wolf or riverdale where you want to frick everybody on screen


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/5 23:34:01 )

@Deaa: LOL, no wonder I like your story. Those are all the shows I binge and love. xD Especially Riverdale. x3 Though I have mixed feels about the latest season.

Ok, so I tried to quick sketch Derik’s hair (and don’t worry, his face doesn’t actually look like that and his hair will be cleaner and more stylized). I’m just trying to figure out the details you’ve given so far. So the big braid on his head, I didn’t know if you wanted it to start in the middle, and when I tried... it looked... strange. Could be my bad execution at it, but I could fix it if I had an exact visual. So I moved it a little to the side instead of all around, so he doesn’t have the same braid wrap around like J’Noah (unless that was what you were going for, then ooops). I tried to place the smaller braids where it sounded like they went, but not 100% sure. Also not sure how many hair cuffs he needs.

So using this pic, tell me what changes you want. I’ll post another update with the reviews until we get it right. xD


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/6 16:09:36 )
I would give anything for you to shine down on me

@tsundererra: LMAOOOO i've been seeing some of the most recent season of RVD on tumblr and that shit is getting weird xD
like i saw this one gifset of the blonde girl being told she has the serial killer gene xDDD i died laughing

NO I LIKE THIS you're right about the braid probs looking weird from the middle, it never works in real life either lol
a little more volume from him, like an inch-ish outwards if that makes sense
PERFECT amount of hair cuffs, not too many, not too little
digging the blank stare in general it makes me giggle


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/6 20:47:25 )

@Deaa: LOL, I can’t believe I’ve never thought to look at Riverdale memes. Tumblr is savagely famous for all memes. And lord, that blondie could have so many gags about her little “dark side”. :viosmirk: Archie is another one that has become a comedy goldmine this season. Love the boy, but woooooooooooo... some things that have happened to him is just too over-the-top.

Omg, this blank stare is the complete opposite of how he looks in the actual pic. xD
So more volume in all directions or just at the top? And do you want any changes with the braids (big or small ones)? I initially had the cuffs on the top and bottom, but it looked so off-balance that I had to add the ones in the middle.


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/6 21:45:12 )
I would give anything for you to shine down on me

@tsundererra: YES tumblr is ripping the newest season apart, i'm sure you'd enjoy some posts there
LOL i'm scared to start watching the show again just for knowing that other fans are so concerned about where the show is going
i mean it started off a bit off, but it was told in the beginning so we got used to it
the new stuff i'm hearing is really ridiculous xD

LOL great, cause he's pretty expressive, i can't wait to work his all his different facial expressions
Volume on the sides o: it should come out more all around as the curl groups more sit on top of other curls rather than mesh together
so more of a triangle shape and not straight down
I love the ones in the middle! plus it helps capture the flyaway hairs~


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/6 22:03:48 )

@Deaa: I had to stop watching halfway through because I felt so high watching everything transpire. x__x But I will probably pick it up again eventually because it’s like a guilty pleasure. The show started off as being strange, but at least it was a strangeness that’s easy to accept. Not it feels like they’re trying to up the strange levels each season, and just adding relationships and drama you weren’t expecting.

Hahaha, the expression I gave him reminds me of Sokka’s smug face from Avatar TLA. xD And you’re right about the hair having more volume at the bottom. I have curly hair and it flares out near the bottom. I’ll draw it on his character and you can tell me what you want changed.
Now for Aniya... the pic you gave for the hair length is pretty helpful. You want that style, same volume, loose? And you want her to have two braids (one on each side) with cuffs, right? How long do you want her braids?


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/6 22:28:16 )
I would give anything for you to shine down on me

@tsundererra: yea i kinda want my friend to continue watching it so she can tell me all the stupid things the writers have come up with
it's getting a little to soapy? like soap dramas?

LMAO i love sokka soooo much, highly approve of the similarities
oh cool! how curly is your hair? :'D always love hearing from other curly ppls
I want slightly less volume and her curls should be way less frizzy as she's a princess and she's got people to tend to her hair for her (it's like the only thing she readily accepts help for from the castle workers cause wash day is a bitch and a half xD) like half the time her hair is completely in braids due to the cold ass winter, but she forgets to have her hair braided up before she leaves to save the world, so her hair gets progressively frizzier and she's dreading washing her hair in the wilderness, but Derik helps her cause he does his sibling's hair a lot and OMG i can't believe i just thought up that super cute shiPPING MOMENT AUUUGGGGHHHHH *copy and pastes into brainstorming doc*
For Aniya's braids, they should go a ways past her collarbone, but not so long that they would sit on her boobs


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/6 23:12:29 )

@Deaa: You know, it actually is like a soap drama! All it needs is the right camera shots and a different kind of dramatic music, and BOOM. But I felt the same when I was watching the Vampire Diaries, and I breezed through that like a champ. :’)

Sokka was best boy. He made the best expressions! Omg I miss that whole show, and all the chars. xD
I was a 3b before I went to live in Japan, land of the paper straight hair, but my hair got really badly damaged once I ran out of my leave-in conditioner and hair treatments... like it doesn’t have the same volume it used to, but 10000x the frizz. )’x I had a lot of breakage too because nothing was hydrating enough... I’m hoping it fixes itself eventually now that I’m back in the states with decent hair products... How curly is your hair?
And oooooof, I cried a little hearing that she left her hair loose to go save the world. Tbh, idk how people (like non royals) survived in the past. I’d just keep my head shaved like the warrior women of Wakanda. xD Bless Derik for helping, that’s hubby material right there. I hope he knows how to scrub deep.
Is her hair parted a certain way? And do you want her braids to be thicker, thinner, or the same as Derik’s?


Donator — UWU/ Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/7 01:09:02 )
Bothers the tsun ouo

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/7 02:07:06 )

@Kairu: KAAAAIIIIRUUUUUUU WHAT’S GOOD?!?! Welcome again to my lair. :’D


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/7 03:58:36 )
I would give anything for you to shine down on me

@tsundererra: LOLOLOL I think Riverdale would benefit from Soap Opera camera-work xD imagine the gasp-filled scenes and slaps

ATLA was sooo good I wish it lasted longer D:
awww have you tried damaged hair routines? i'm sure there's some in the "ethnic hair" section that could help!
does trimming/cutting your hair help? oH WAIT when'd you get back from Japan?
i'm a 4b/4c so whatever I do, i've got an afro xD

HONESTLY i'd be strolling around with teeny weeny 1-inch-stretched-out afro forever
extra hubby material, I try to convince Aniya to give him a chance, but she really is not ready for marriage xD
I'd like the side braids to be a bit thicker than Derik's for the top of hair, right above the forehead, it can just be slicked back and held back with her very secure tiara lol


Donator — UWU/ Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/7 04:16:33 )
@Tsundererra: gives you churros xD
that is very good reee

how are you?

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/7 08:50:05 )

@Deaa: OMG, the gasps and the slaps would do it for me. And the intense staring as the camera focuses on their exaggerated expressions. Just golden. Praying this will be the next season. xD

I’ve tried some, and I think they’re working. I see some new growth that’s giving me a baby fro on my worst frizzy days. The problem is that my hair isn’t as growing as fast as it used to... I came back from Japan months ago, and one of the first things I did was raid the ethnic hair part of my local beauty salon. Dx
4b/4c got those really tight curls! How long is your hair when you stretch it out? Used to have a coworker with that hair, and it always blew my mind how long it really is when you pull them out.

Yo, Aniya is crazy. She better be ready for marriage once she saves the world and has a lovey dovey time with Derik. xD I’ll get started on her hair in a bit.


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/7 08:52:07 )

-Devours the churros like a savage.-
I’m doing alright. xD Sad that the event is over. How is yooooooouuuuu?


Donator — UWU/ Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/7 11:34:01 )
@Tsundererra: doing well, im generally good ouo

hows life? anything new?

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/7 15:20:51 )
I would give anything for you to shine down on me

@tsundererra: I WOULD DIE OF LAUGHTER, like that much dram would pull me right back into the show xD
also praying/hoping RD turns into a soap

for growth and really soft/moisturized hair, i'd suggest trying NaturAll Club's growth serum and damaged hair treatment at least for one time, cause i've seen a lot of people talk about how that really helped their hair!
YES yes they do ; A; it's like 1-1.5 inches as a fro, stretched out like 5-6 inches
even when i do twist outs, it's only 3-4 inches *cries* i've been growing my hair for 5 years now

I KNOW! she won't hear me out tho, i'll probs convince her to at least date him after they save the world
idk, he won't give up tho, but he'll let her go her own pace *shrugs*


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/7 21:31:42 )

@Kairu: Neeeeeeewwwwppp. Went to the movies today and went shopping afterwards. But then it started raining really bad and I had to go home. T~T Anything new with you?

@Deaa: Ooooohhh, I haven’t used that brand before. I’ll see if Amazon has it before hunting it down in store. For hair growth, I was using Nioxin and poppin’ Biotin pills, but Nioxin isn’t made specifically for curly hair and it feels like I have to put 3x the conditioner to get back moisture.
Oh wow, that’s a lot of hair! It’s crazy how much can be compacted into one little curl. But oh man, 5 years for that growth. ;A; Do you ever flat iron it? Or are you trying to avoid heat damage?
As long as she doesn’t leave him waiting indefinitely on the market all single, I’ll be happy. xD Bless this boy, he sounds amazing.


The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/7 22:16:50 )
I would give anything for you to shine down on me

@tsundererra: ahhh nah i think they're only online at this point, their best products have to be frozen/refrigerated
i've never heard of nioxin before, but biotin helps my nails a lot more than it helps my hair ; A;
also I don't take good enough care of my hair, i detangle like 2-3 times less than i should be
yes exactly that! trying to avoid heat damage, especially cause i consistently flat-ironed before i transitioned/big-chopped!

LMAO definitely not forever, just maybe a few years max after the timeline of the book


Donator — UWU/ Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/7 23:08:59 )
@Tsundererra: there isnt anything new happening these days.. maybe getting better at my work or something. other than that, i need to get to work on my art.. i havent done anything good for the past weeks,
月の兎 ☆★☆ 鹿の光

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/8 00:43:22 )
I would give anything for you to shine down on me

so i’m a lil tipsy but I just want you to know i’m very excited for this artwork
I show my friends you WIPs any time I have the chance to

@ me tho. | Hangout. | OCs. | Avatars.
looking to buy: ARIES

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