What a brilliantly dazzling day! Reporting in from the beach side, gonna take a dip once this broadcast concludes.
Now I gotta say, I love the heat but this humidity...man I don't know what's worse- that I'm already drenched
or that I can't breathe. Oh well, at least I have this delectable summer strawberry cake my darling sis Frizz made for me!

Just gonna take a moment to have one sweet, sweet bite...and WHOA THERE! EXCUUUUSE ME, BIRD! No, no, NO! We're supposed to be on the same team! Don't do me like that man! ....and he's gone. With my cake. That's probably the coldest thing that will happen today.
Anyway, a thieving seagull won't ruin my good vibes since today is after all THE COMMONS SURGE!
July Commons

Straw Hat | Qt *6 Variations*

Magma Flair | Frossy & Fozzy

Beaded Pony | Bum & Qt *4 Variations*

Hime Bangs | ghost

Thigh High Boots | Qt

Chunky Heels | Qt

Ballerina Shoes | Qt

Business Heels | Qt

Piercing Eyes | Qt
Thanks to our wonderful ITs Hadsvich, Lilypoo, Saeyra and Valefor for uploading!
Return of Breaker Beach!

Our beloved Mayor Volkan

You can meet us at the Board Walk on July 20th where there will be an enamoring array of foods, games and performances!
All your favorite Voltra NPCs will be there and we all can't wait to see your animal attire for this festival!
Not gonna lie, having an entire festival dedicated to me and my sibs? Can the spot light get any grander?! Frizz, Static and I
have been tirelessly perfecting our routine and I'm beyond excited to share it with you Volties!

Expanding Social media
In case you were looking for more ways to stay in touch and up to date, we understand options are nice.
So if you haven't already, why not give Voltra a follow on our new platforms: Instagram & Twitter!
Click here for Twitter!
Click here for Instagram!
By the way, those platforms may happen to feature one of YOU volties as well as unique opportunities and contests.
And if you didn't know already, we've always had a facebook! Click here for facebook!

And that about does it folks! I can't wait to see what new fashion trends you make with this hot drop!
Oh speaking of drop! Look who dropped by to say sorry. Hello Mr. cake thief, don't worry I forgiv-
(*A wet splat across Spark's sunglasses cause him to stop in his tracks.*)
................ heh, heh. Well Volties, I'm in need of clean up so I'll have to catch you later!
Can't wait to see ya at the event!


Missed the last one?Click here!

:crate: New Crates [August 1st]