Donator — she/they
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/24 01:41:32 )
I used to have a theify character in some MMO a long time ago, and I named her Brume. Brume means fog or mist, which was one of her hiding powers. I soon realized that I was just gloomy enough to change the B to a GL and thus a star was born.
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/24 03:49:17 )
Uhhhh....... Well, I feel like I look like a mouse.
I've got brown hair that is generally described as mousy...
I'm smol and anxious and shy
And I feel like Mousy just really fits. XD
I used to go by Liora and Aaralyn Aira as well.
Liora because I was really set on lighting up people's lives and just being a light person.
Aaralyn Aira because I was a music major and Aaralyn is like a beautiful song and Aira is something to the effect of "of the wind".
So my username was supposed to mean "Song of the Wind" idk.
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/24 14:47:12 )
I like to read, as well as write stories, create a lot for my many OC's too. And I like tea.... used to go by something completely differet on different avi pages and such, but TeaTales stuck better I think ^^, If it go well as a cosplayer name... that I am not too sure about though xD havent bee too much active in the cosplay environment for a while.
Donator — They/them
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/29 09:24:39 )
Ages past, a decade ago, I went by Mizutakara most everywhere,
but then on gaia it was already taken. So a new name I formed be that of Mizu-no-kimi.
Now I used that name alot and used it when I joined another avatar site, that's no longer what it used to be.
Many shortened my name to Mizu. Thus I was known as Mizu.
A dear friend of mine took the ending of that and repeated it.
Giving me the name Zuzu. Thus my new online identity was born.
I've used Zuzu for a few years now at least.
and on several places. Sometimes, if Zuzu happens to be taken I will use Zuzu Kazoo.
cause it rhymes and is silly. and Zuzu likes silly.
I also have stories behind the name mizutakara, and mizu-no-kimi.
for Mizutakara, I used to read Shonen Jump, and they would sometimes have random Japanese word definitions.
one issue had Mizu, water, and another Takara for treasure. I combined them for Water Treasure.
Mizu-no-kimi is water plus the old Japanese suffix no kimi which is rarely used in modern times.
No kimi (の君) is another suffix coming from Japanese history. It was used to denominate Lords and Ladies in the Court, especially during the Heian period. The most famous example is the Prince Hikaru Genji, protagonist of The Tale of Genji who was called Hikaru no kimi (光の君). Nowadays, this suffix can be used as a metaphor for someone who behaves like a prince or princess from ancient times, but its use is very rare. Its main usage remains in historical dramas.
This suffix also appears when addressing lovers in letters from a man to a woman, as in Murasaki no kimi ("My beloved Ms. Murasaki).