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Forums Entertainment Netflix about to catch these hands...

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/31 07:39:57 )

@Scribartz: Goddddd Park Shin-hye has been in so many good stuff. Stairway to Heaven, Heirs, and my personal favorite You’re Beautiful. ;A; Maybe I will check it out because I’m curious.

And oooof. The cancellation of Secret Circle surprised me so badly. Didn’t know it was a funding problem. )x


Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/31 07:42:57 )
@Tsundererra: All of them are so good! D= I loved Heirs. Sometimes I just want a sequel to see how things girl. I know I want a follow up for strong girl do bong soon. I'd love to see how their kids deal with their powers. xD

Dude, the effects in that show were impressive for a season 1. Most shows start out super terrible and get better as they can afford it. So it's likely it had a high standard set from the get go and it took a lot of time, a lot of people, which means a lot of money. And some companies just don't want to foot the bill, no matter the outcome. Maybe HBO might see some potential in it one day or something.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/31 07:52:59 )

@Raxton: The ironic thing is that they raised the monthly price because they say they’ll be bringing in more content. But SURPRISE, it’s all new content! Like, can that cost go towards the things we like, kthx?

@scribartz: Heirs was crazy popular when it was released, I’m sure people would eat up a sequel real fast. I saw Strong Girl on my recommended list, but I wasn’t sure. I’ll watch it if you recommend it though. Have you watched Kingdom yet? Peeps were hyping about it, but I’ve never watched a non-romantic kdrama.
They were really advertising for Secret Circle heavily too. And it ended in the most gnawing cliffhanger too, so you knew they expected to continue. But guess they didn’t make as much money to offset the costs. ): HBO can be stingy with money too, that’s why people be salty over GoT where they cut out the CG for the dire wolves in favor of 2 seconds of dragon CG time.


Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/31 07:58:03 )
@Tsundererra: It is so good! One of the best kdramas ever, and I don't say that lightly. The way they did it, it was hilarious, and heart touching. But it also ended so well. Like, I love how everything was really well tied up, but there's that opportunity to give some of that future generation drama later on if producers pick it up.

I haven't watched kingdom. Most kdramas, if there isn't some romance in it, it's hard for it to hold my interest.

Ohhh! I hope someone picks it up again at some point. It's got so much promise, but I think they just aimed too high in the special effects for a pilot season.

And that's true. They also cheaped out on the writing for the last episode. I haven't watched it, but seeing how it ended, I just rolled my eyes. Not watching the last season. Nope.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/31 19:35:23 )

@Scribartz: Oh wow, I’ll put it on my list then. I judged it based on its cover picture on Netflix, didn’t even read the plot summary or look at the trailer. I think we have similar tastes in kdrama since I need that romantic aspect to be there too. I just can’t see any of that happening based on what I saw in the trailer. xD
I think even the writers know that everyone knows they cheaped out. They even chickened out from appearing at Comic-Con. I stopped watching after episode 3... it just hurt to watch all the characters that have grown just get reduced to garbage versions of themselves. Dany was my favorite, and uuuuuuuugggghhhhhhhh. )’:<


Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/1 00:38:20 )
@Tsundererra: Okay, to be honest, it initially confused me. So I will say, in watching the first epi if you decide to, understand what looks real initially can't be TRUSTEDDD! That's all I will say. ^w^ And trust me, it happens it's just not entirely the typical soft-spoken pushover Korean girl who is broke with the rich guy. It's still got that fairytale bit to it, but it's much more realistic if that makes any sense? Yeah it seems like there'd be no romance, but there is.

Eugh. I refuse to watch it. No views from me until they refilm, if they will. xD There's like a big petition out there for that. Mistakes of lazy writers, I guess.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/1 01:09:05 )

@Scribartz: Thanks for the heads up! ^^ I will definitely keep that in mind while I’m watching. It’ll be refreshing to watch something that breaks the typical kdrama stereotypes (even though they’ve suckered me in for years with that same equation. I’ve got a soft spot for the cold hearted rich male lead that somehow ends up liking the super poor and flawed female lead even though she’s acting like she’s over him because drama.)
I don’t think they’ll reshoot. ): Some of the actors, like Sansa and Arya are happy with the ending. Others... not so much. Like my mother of dragons:


Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/1 04:04:34 )
@Tsundererra: I like that to a point. Some of the cold-hearted rich males get borderline abusive and I am not with it. xD Especially with how the women were just like 'he was right though.' it's so annoying like, even if they are don't let them treat you like some kind of street garbage! D= But most are ok. I just hate that the second male lead for the love triangles is such an amazing person for them to be with but it's like, they don't see them? Makes me agitated.
I hope to gawd if it is rewritten, that they get some writers who aren't lazy messes. xD Like G.R.R.M can't possibly think that is a good ending? hopefully he will write it differently or force them to make it worth it after all the backlash.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/1 04:22:57 )

@Scribartz: Omg, I know what you mean! The male lead from the very first Goong: Princess Hours was the worst everything. I felt bad for the main lead girl because she had to give up everything, and just took his abuse. I just wanted her to leave him for the second male lead. The ending was crappy too. Ughhhh. Winter Sonata is probably the one with the worst female lead that goes “he was right though...”. I still get triggered by this one specific scene, but not sure if I should mention it if you haven’t seen it...
I think G. R. R. M. was going to do it in a more non-rushed way (or so he says). But tbh, I can’t see any right way he could write it for me to be on board with anything that happens in that season. I’d hate it even if it wasn’t rushed and had a bunch of new details in between...


Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/1 04:49:00 )
@Tsundererra: I haven't seen either yet. xD But i had this issue with boys over flowers. This male lead was HORRIBLe and granted the second male lead was kinda, eh... At some point he showed how sweet he was and was supportive to her and ugh... But boys over flowers was never my favroite anyways.

There is not a damn thing, pardon my french, rushed about G. R. R. M. This man is in a human sized inflatable hamster wheel bopping about and not even bothering to write. xD Someone needs to light a fire under his bum and tell him to get to work. I'm impatient. I want the real ending. [and i'm actually reading the books too because there is apparently a lot of left out details in the TV show.]

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/1 05:11:02 )

@Scribartz: I couldn’t get into the Korean or Chinese versions of Boys Over Flowers, but I really liked the Japanese version one. It’s weird because Jdramas usually look so low budget and the acting is so over the top, but this one was perfect. But yeah, the premise is the same. In the manga, the male lead becomes super comical and ridiculous because of how stupid he is. xD I kinda forgave him for being a jerk once I saw that side.
Omg, you made me choke on my water! LOL! That is such an accurate thing to say about G. R. R. M. xD It reminds me of this video. Just a homage to how much time he actually spends workings...
How are you liking the books? I got the books on audible, but omg, the guy who reads it is HORRIBLE. He makes everyone sound like a 100 year old pirate, and Dany sounds like a lowly tavern wench. I’m thinking of getting the physical or e-books now...


Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/1 05:17:12 )
@Tsundererra: BoF, no matter the context, will always be the epitome of romanticizing an unhealthy relationship. xD It's funny because that same show is what got me into kdramas. RRRIIIPPPP
Video is not available in my country. T-T But yeah, he seemed to spend more time goofing about than actually writing. But I assume he thinks since the show writers are writing his story, why should he? xD

I haven't started them yet. My brother is letting me borrow his copy of the first book so soon. After I finish my HP lovecraft collection.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/1 05:43:11 )

@Scribartz: LOL, it is unhealthy on so many levels. Even after the lead girl gets together with the lead boy, they fight so much and don’t look genuinely happy most of the time. My first kdrama was Winter Sonata. All these dramas that portray unhealthy relationships be luring us into the kdrama life.
I’m sure he doesn’t even care that they ruined the show. -__- Makes me wonder if he did that on purpose to get people off his back so he can continue NOT WORKING.
Ooooo, what H.P. Lovecraft books you got in your collection so far? I read some of his stuff in high school, and got spooked. )’x


Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/1 06:18:54 )
@Tsundererra: They lure us in by promoting this fairytale wherein the impossible situation of changing a person by being better than them is possible. And it's not. I kinda wonder what the stats for domestic abuse is in some of these places because of this sort of media portrayal.
That's exactly what I was talking about actually! xD GIANT INFLATABLE HAMSTER BALL!

I actually have the Cthulu Mythos Tales. Has a myriad of his shorts. I love the way he writer. Poetic without reaching purple prose. It's what I strive for in my own writing. xD so nice to read even if i don't understand what he's describing sometimes.


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/1 06:32:01 )

@Scribartz: You might be on to something... When I was studying abroad, there was a Korean guy studying abroad too at my school. He started dating my friend from my classes and lawd... Just so much mental abuse once the 2 week honeymoon happy period was over. He kinda started getting a bit physical when he found out she’s not a virgin and has dated guys before him (LOL soooo shocking in this day and age /s). You can also tell it might be common for the guys to hit the girls. So many dramas where the guy raises his hand like he’s about to hit the girl for saying something stupid. u__u

It’s sad, but I kinda relate to how G. R. R. M. procrastinates. Granted that it’s not that grandiose since I’m not rich like he is. xD And I have zero followers telling me to work.

I can’t write poetry or stories, but I like how his writing felt more... realistic and unusually chilling. Like not the same kind of feels you get from the same authors of that time (I think most were into romanticism). You’re making me want to revisit some of his works. God bless e-books and the internet for letting me look it up this late at night. xD


Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/1 06:48:44 )
@Tsundererra: It's so strange, isn't it! Like, if a woman talks badly to another woman how accepted it is to just haul off and slap them? And wow, that in and of itself is telling. The issue with this subject is that they are telling men that their bad behavior is acceptable. And women are told if they endure that, they will be loved and treasured by this man. It's a really toxic subliminal message, but there's nothing you can do to change another people's mindset on that part of their culture. It's something people have to slowly come to themselves.
Regardless i love kdramas, and i indulge. But I think it's different for older people because we know what is and isn't healthy. It's more toxic to those in preteen/teen years who are still heavily impressionable.

xD I'm the same. I will procrastinate until my life depends upon me getting shit done, and then I'm allll over it. That has to stop before university starts this fall!

It does have an odd like... Feel to it. For me lately, the problem with reading is my brain can't seem to dive in as easily as i used to. I can read the words, but my mind gets fuzzy and it's just a sort of mechanical thing. I think this started when i had to read super terrible literature in english class and i made myself not dive too deep because I was horribly bored and it became a habit. Coping skill turned permanent thing. Even if i turn on some peter gundry for ambiance.

YES! The nameless city is one of my favorites!

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/1 07:13:09 )

@Scribartz: I feel like the newer generation there is trying to break that cycle of bad things they feel they have to endure just to be accepted by society overall, but it’s gonna be a long, uphill battle since it is something that seems to be ingrained in their culture. You can see them talk about the issue of domestic abuse on the drama Hello My Twenties! Not sure if that’s another show Netflix has dropped, but it’s soooo good for talking about taboo issues. And I feel that a lot of the big idols are trying to be a positive influence to the younger crowd by openly talking about mental health, loving yourself, supporting lgbtq issues, and supporting victims of abuse and sexual abuse.

LOL, that was me in University too. With. Every. Damn. Project/Paper. You planning on being full time or part time this fall?

Whoa, that sounds so distracting. ): Maybe you can get your brain to focus if you keep reading stuff you like. It might take a few tries, but it could work. You could also try audiobooks. Hope it’s a phase that your mind can overcome in time.
Mwahahaha, found a free version of The Nameless City online. :viosunglasses: Thanks for the suggestion.


Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/1 07:53:43 )
@Tsundererra: If hello my twenties is the newer generation then I'm in it. And abuse is not something these young women feel they have to endure. It's not that simple. I had an abusive boyfriend in high school who I was with for 3 years. My best friend's husband is currently abusive. It's this idea, that a man can be changed if you just love them. And maybe they are also hitting you because they love you, and they don't want you to leave. They'd scared if you just assure them enough. And Kdramas aren't the only media to idealize unhealthy relationships. Beauty and the beast is a kidnapped teenager suffering from Stockholm's syndrome. She literally turns a monster into a man by loving him. And this is something children watch every day. Twilight, where Edward shows he can control his strength if he wants to, but he ends up hurting Bella anyways. He abandons her, stalks her, isolates her from friends and family. It's classic grooming dressed up as romance. And don't even get me started on 50 shades of gray. I've read the books. It's a very sick and unhealthy relationship there, and that's just baseline relationship behaviors.

My thing is, media pushes an idea. It can seem harmless if you know what is and isn't healthy. But my point is more, it's not a generational issue. It's an issue of a lesson taught over time. And that's something that will continue to affect kids until it's truly addressed.

Yes, Full-time duel major for psychology and studio art. I'm going to do some social work up hither in the north. xD

I hope so. I loved reading and writing as a kid but I don't know when it started to become this haze. Can't visualize or get lost in anything anymore. I try over and over to get into RPs and really get as absorbed as i used to be, but I dunno. I guess some things just change and become fond memories. Who knows. xD

NP! I l am right in the middle of that one, I hope it doesn't all flat like some of his shorts do. I want a truly chilling ending!

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/1 18:42:38 )

@Scribartz: Sorry you and your best friend have experienced stuff like that first hand. I’m glad you got out of it, and I hope your friend finds a way out too (though it’s much harder when you’re married). It’s crazy how in western cultures, we know wanting to change someone in a relationship is bad because we hear other people say it, but then it gets romanticized in pop culture like that, and we’re not even aware that it’s being done. :T So many of my friends (like grown ass women) LOVED 50 Shades of Grey, but I got annoyed by both the male and female char. Also, fun fact: 50 Shades was originally a Twilight fanfic.
It might also just be a human thing since we all want to be loved. The idea of loving someone so much you’ll change for them is the ultimate romantic theme, but if you change the wording around to changing yourself to be accepted by the one you love, it doesn’t sound as romantic. We need to have more awareness when stuff like this pops up, otherwise nothing will change.

Whoa! Good luck in the fall semester! I was a full-time art student for a couple of years, and that was rough. You’re very strong to be able to dual major art and psychology and be full-time. @__@

Do you think it could be mild depression? I’m currently going through something similar with not getting as much enjoyment from playing games, and it’s related to depression. ): Other similar symptoms include a lack of focus and slowed down/fuzzy thinking.

I fell asleep before I could really get started on it. xD Hopefully the ending will be good. I’ll let you know what I think when I finish.


The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi

Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/1 20:01:28 )
@Tsundererra: It's worse when you grow up in it too. My biodad was abusive and would always say "i only hit you because i love you." it's a lot to do with upbringing as well. But there are women out there [i am part of the break the silence FB page] and some have normal upbringings and know it isn't right and then they end up stuck as well. It's a huge problem, but I have a feeling that it always will be. All we can do as a society is try to not romanticize it. Lol. And help survivors out of these situations.

That's also true. But ugh... I think there is the idea of growing together as a couple that also gets misrepresented as trying to change someone with love. Like, sometimes people grow out of bad habits, and they do that with their partner. It doesn't mean that person is changing them. But it's a fine line.

xD It's easy to do. All I have to do is ensure my classes count for credits in both majors. Which is easy enough so it's not like I take double the classes. But yeah, it'll be stressful, but I love studio art and I just... I really hope to be able to get into video game art design.

Could be. I have depression and ADHD so... But I am medicated and whatnot so I assumed it's just, my brain isn't interested.

yes! please do!

Also, this went from a rant about kdramas to adressing societal issues with domestic violence! WEE FOR CONVERSATION FLOW! xDDD
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