Welcome to the Mini Shops Forum!

Lots of Volties have unique, awesome skills that other people might be willing to pay for, such as creating profiles, creating art in various forms, writing short stories, and/or creating banners. This is the appropriate forum to post all [Shop] threads to sell those services, as well as all [Request] threads for whatever you happen to be looking for!

Please Note:
★All threads made in this forum must be for the sake of selling or buying a service. If a thread is not currently being used to buy or sell, please do not post in it and clutter the front page.
★Each user is allowed 3 active threads in Mini Shops. A thread is considered active until a lock request has been submitted for it. Please reuse threads where possible.

Forum Basics:

Currency Cap: 50 Volts

What Belongs In This Forum:
★Threads for Selling Services
★Threads for Buying Services
★Threads Asking for Pricing

What Doesn’t Belong On This Forum:
★Begging threads aren’t allowed anywhere on Voltra.
★Threads just showing off art and other service projects belong in the Artist Galleries forum.
★Threads giving away items and currency belong in the Charities forum.
★Threads for selling items instead of services belong in the Exchange forum.
★Threads that are just for chatting without selling or buying anything anything should be posted in Hangouts

Quick Links:
Main Forum Rules