"aThis isn't about people who truly are transgender, but the trend I have been noticing of women claiming to be trans men, but don't do anything to be trans men..... So, I am on tik tok and other social media, and noticed cosplayers, specially "trans men" cosplayers who go out, dress as girls and even on the casual time are dressed as girls but claim to be trans males..... Nothing on there social media, tik tok or anything else showcases there transitioning. All there images is them dressing as women, both in cosplay and general life but maybe with a short hair cut (not always). I am slowly taken back, especially when they go off and scream at people that they are males flashing their boobs, well done makeup, hair in pony tails and yelling at anyone who thinks other wise.
I know many transgender women and when I discussed this with them, they seem highly offended by them. There is this debate as to what qualifies you as truly being Transgender.... For me, is someone who is the opposite gender to what their biological sex is.... It is a chemical reaction in the brain, the social construct and the physical need to change in order to become what they are inside. It is not going around, dressing like what society deems as being a women and claiming to be a man because its cool.... No, that isn't cool at all. Having friend suffer daily from gender dysphoria, depression and all those thing associate with being transgender, and yet people seem to use it as a trend for tik tok likes.....
I would give links, but I don't want people harassing them or even really saying anything. It seems to be something I noticed a lot online lately, especially biological women who claim to be transgender men, but everything they show case, whether cosplay or daily life is them dressed as women.... It's throwing me off a lot. I believe that gender is a social construct but there is a limit to it. Being transgender is more then just some social construct, it's a real thing and seeing people abuse it is disturbing.
Now, there is a transgender female going around harassing young women and children, claiming t be transgender as well. Turns out, she isn't really transgender, but using the community to speak to children, create a fetish life style and she even got a company closed down cause they would't do a Brazilian wax on a male part.... You have to be trained to do that and male parts are not easy to do that too. I am sure many of you may have heard the story and transgender women are speaking out against "her".
It may not be a common thing that people do this, but it is happening and needs to be stopped. People need to stop using be transgender as a trend and start recognizing the suffering of the community , especially black transgender women who are being killed. we need to be allies and not hurt their cause!
I know many transgender women and when I discussed this with them, they seem highly offended by them. There is this debate as to what qualifies you as truly being Transgender.... For me, is someone who is the opposite gender to what their biological sex is.... It is a chemical reaction in the brain, the social construct and the physical need to change in order to become what they are inside. It is not going around, dressing like what society deems as being a women and claiming to be a man because its cool.... No, that isn't cool at all. Having friend suffer daily from gender dysphoria, depression and all those thing associate with being transgender, and yet people seem to use it as a trend for tik tok likes.....
I would give links, but I don't want people harassing them or even really saying anything. It seems to be something I noticed a lot online lately, especially biological women who claim to be transgender men, but everything they show case, whether cosplay or daily life is them dressed as women.... It's throwing me off a lot. I believe that gender is a social construct but there is a limit to it. Being transgender is more then just some social construct, it's a real thing and seeing people abuse it is disturbing.
Now, there is a transgender female going around harassing young women and children, claiming t be transgender as well. Turns out, she isn't really transgender, but using the community to speak to children, create a fetish life style and she even got a company closed down cause they would't do a Brazilian wax on a male part.... You have to be trained to do that and male parts are not easy to do that too. I am sure many of you may have heard the story and transgender women are speaking out against "her".
It may not be a common thing that people do this, but it is happening and needs to be stopped. People need to stop using be transgender as a trend and start recognizing the suffering of the community , especially black transgender women who are being killed. we need to be allies and not hurt their cause!