Donator — 0% Edible
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/23 19:44:19 )
Absolutely none of that surprises me.
Back in high school I was the only person to pass the immigration test. The test given to get your citizenship. Teacher wanted to show us how, actually I have no idea why he wanted us to take it.
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/23 19:46:29 )
Most people probably seem to think that test is some easy thing to take when it really isn't. Also goes for our immigration test. Most Dutch people would fail it.
1. 30 percent of Americans didn’t know what year 9/11 took place
2. That the Pacific Ocean does not appear on a world map.
Only 71 percent of Americans could find it, with the rest presumably complaining about that big patch of blue covering up most of the planet’s eastern hemisphere.
3. That another war in Iraq is a good idea.
Donator — Winchester
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/23 20:05:51 )
We’ll carry on
One of the best things I've seen so far was an anti lgbt group made a book and they bought a photo of a kissing couple in the distance, not knowing it were 2 girls kissing
Donator — 0% Edible
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/23 20:15:51 )
Back when I was in my Digital Media class, we had to make a mood video. The teacher gave us a few dvds to watch of previous student's work. Teacher's favorite video was of completely stolen Taylor Swift video. She legit didn't know that the video was 100% stolen.
Donator — 0% Edible
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/23 20:20:04 )
Back in high school I was taking anthropology, because I found the subject interesting. Anyway I got the teacher yelled at once. At the time I was also taking psychology. That teacher was crazy strict and made it clear that he wasn't going to give any of us an easy time. That he wanted students to bust their asses off. So one day the anthropology teacher told everyone to go and take the psychology class because it was an easy A.
I don't like teachers who expect way too much of their kids.
Or like those ones you hear about who are like "you're not gonna pass my class".
So why aren't you doing your job?
Donator — 0% Edible
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/23 20:27:33 )
Hehehe I annoyed the Hell out of my psychology teacher. He knew that I could ace his class if I really wanted to. Except I was the worst about turning in assignments.
In his defense though, he wasn't a 'you won't pass my class' kind of guy. I mean. If you didn't do the assignments then yeah you're failing. He just wanted students to actually try. He didn't want dumb dumbs who just wanted easy A's handed to them.