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Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 20:34:20 )
He could hear it despite the music blaring through the earbuds. It was small in comparison, of course, but it slowly grew in strength and pull as he approached the source. It was at first a single, barely audible blip felt on the outer reaches of his consciousness, but it escalated quickly as it always did. It became a repetitious cry of pain mixed in with cruel laughter.

It culminated into a plea for help.


"You really shoulda just gave us your money, zero," spat a red-haired delinquent. He grinned while crouching down to lift the boy's head up a few inches. They were close in years, but the boy had few friends, and what friends he did have lacked the power to do anything in such a situation. The boy looked up into the cold blue eyes of the redhead and swallowed audibly.

"L-Like I told you, Dave, I..." He shook his head and tried to focus his vision. It was whirling from the beatings he had endured. He saw no way out of this as the two older men on Dave's side watched him closely. He had trouble breathing, and was sure they had broken a rib or two when he attempted to negotiate earlier. "I gave you... e-everything! I don't h-have anymore..." He muttered weakly, and allowed his head to hang limp at the mercy of Dave's fingers in his hair.

There was a long, uncomfortable silence, and then the soft sound of sobbing as the boy let tears fall onto the pavement. He knew it was weak and pathetic, and that they would just laugh... but what could he do? "You know, Joey..." Dave finally spoke while cupping the boy's chin and forcing his gaze back upwards. "I actually like you. You're not a bad guy," he paused and let a smile slowly spread across his lips. One of malice. Of a wide, maniacal nature. "But that's where you fucked up! Kids like you get the shit beaten out of them for being so weak! You're naive, gutless, and easy to manipulate. Me and you... friends?" Joey felt his stomach drag on the pavement as he was pulled closer to Dave, and the redhead whispered in his ear the words he never wanted to hear: "I hate people like you-"

He couldn't finish the dreaded sentence because a foot connected with his side. The blow wasn't hard by any means, but it did take him by surprise and shove him away from Joey, whose head unceremoniously fell in surprise. He caught himself, glanced at Dave who was still in shock on his back, and then took in a somewhat familiar figure pass him by, continuing on as if nothing happened.

"You stop right there, you fucking piece of shit," one of the older men shouted while grabbing the figure by the shoulder. Joey made out the figure to be male and... a student? Someone he saw on campus a few times but never interacted with.


The night was dark and cold. The side street would be completely black if not for the one flickering light pole in the distance. A strong gust of wind caressed his form before howling past, scattering garbage as it went. He absentmindedly zipped the hoodie all the way up and pocketed his hands, marching not to the melody blasting from his earbuds... but to the voice that overpowered the song.

Ah fuck yeah! We're getting closer! Just a bit more...

No, it would be more accurate to say what he heard was not just a crescendo of sound or a single voice, but a horrible cacophony of personalities all vying for individuality. He ignored them as he stepped forward, towards what looked to be a brawl between four young men. In actuality, the scene of apparent violence was unimportant. The alley just happened to be the shortest route home. He adjusted his glasses with a momentary pause in his step, and made sure to keep his dark red gaze focused forward. Not on the men. Not on the cruelty. Just on the empty space ahead, and the apartment that would lie beyond.

Ignore it, he thought. The hand in his pocket trembled.

Why should we?
No mercy!
Stupid fucks...

His fingers clenched into a fist, and his arm started shaking. His eyes glimmered and for a moment, shone a brighter red. Just a little further and he would be free. He brushed past one of the older men who gave him a look but said nothing, and his eyes narrowed.

The music cut off.


"I hate people like you-"

Dave was sent reeling by the sudden kick to his side, and the two men pulled knives on the strange bystander standing over him. Joey shook his head and finally got the courage to shout out, "What are you, stupid?! Just run!"

The hooded figure said nothing when one of the men grabbed him. He just calmly took out his earbuds and pocketed them. Ignoring Joey, he grabbed the man's wrist and, in a surprising display of strength, lifted the man off his feet. The knife clattered to the ground from his loosened grip, and he let out a scream that was quickly muffled when he was thrown head-first into the pavement.

"W-What the fuck are you trying to pull?!" The other man dashed forward and swiped with the knife in his hand, but his opponent merely side-stepped to avoid it. "W-whaUGH!" The figure carried the momentum it used to dodge, and lashed out with a swift boot to the shin that nearly toppled the man, but he pressed on. Clenching his teeth, the man let loose a wild punch that... connected.

The figure's glasses flew off and one lens shattered upon impact with some debris on the ground. "Heh... take that, you little bitch!" The man was pleased with himself, but soon he heard chuckling, and he could see the figure's face at that moment. Dark red eyes drilling into his own. A wolfish smirk despite some blood leaking down his chin.

"He's really gonna hate you for that one," he grabbed the man by his shirt, pulled him forward, and slammed his forehead into the man's nose. . .


Eugene awoke on the floor of his apartment, but it wasn't the first time and almost certainly not the last. He had gotten used to it by now. He reached for the door automatically to make sure it was locked, and let out a small sigh. Without even reaching for the glasses he knew weren't on his face any longer, he opened a drawer situated along the entrance hall. There, he pulled out a simple brown case containing an identical pair of full-rimmed glasses.

"It would be nice if you did some work to pay for all these," he said softly, but received no response from the empty hall. "Didn't think so."

The voices were strangely quiet. Then again, they almost always went silent after a period of usage. One of them must have belonged to a man who was fierce in morals, or maybe he just liked to fight. Eugene thought absently as he made coffee. It was a simple routine that he performed mechanically at this point. With the coffee on, he went to the bathroom and peeled off his clothes. To no surprise of his, there were fresh cuts and bruises adorning his flesh.

"I liked that hoodie..." He glared at the mirror and went to treating his wounds. None were serious and he had gotten quite skilled at patching himself up. "It would be nice if you tended to the monotonous activities sometimes."

No response.

He put on some pajama pants, picked up his phone, and went to the kitchen. The coffee percolating was the only sound in the apartment, and maybe that was a bad thing. He leaned on the counter and glanced down at his phone, eyeing the name of the person he relied upon.

"I shouldn't," he said while sliding a cigarette in his mouth. He didn't light it. Just chewed on it slightly. "Still... I hope they're alright." Rubbing the back of his neck, he let out a heavy sigh.

Donator — Female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 00:31:28 )
[@Dowan: I'm gonna throw a ping each time so you know I've tagged ya =) If you want me to not, then just lemme know. I just thought it'd be a good idea.]

She was completely silent as she stayed where she was, not moving. She couldn’t draw any attention, even if she realized that if she did it wouldn’t be something that would be too horrible. She just knew that she couldn’t.

”What the hell is going on?” She wondered quietly as she looked around. She was sitting in a cafeteria and watching a brawl brew. It was still small, but she knew that fists would be flying soon enough. It wasn’t something that she wanted to admit, but she was pretty sure that there was a very real chance of there being quite a bit of blood covering the floor in the next bit.

”Go figure.” She muttered before shaking her head lightly and looking to her phone.

”This fucking sucks.” She added. ”Day one, get stuck in here when there’s a fight brewing. How perfect.” She sighed lightly before shaking her head again. She just leaned forward, her chin on her left hand (as her right was bound in what seemed to be a glove made of bandages) and watched the crowd.

”Why do I always end up places where there’s going to be a fight?” She asked the air quietly, knowing no one around her could hear. She wasn’t close enough to anyone for them to - unless they had super sonic hearing, that is. She looked to her bound hand and just sighed.

’This is really not good… I can feel it throbbing again.’ she thought after a moment or two before shaking her head, yet again. This time the headband she kept in her short hair ended up dislodged, and fell to the floor. She looked to it and paused a moment, debating if she wanted to actually reach down for it. For all she knew… it’d be wht would set this argument that was definitely getting worse and worse to a whole new level.

”I really like that one…” she half whined quietly before sighing, again, and reaching down. Her bandaged hand grabbed it, showing she had more dexterity than expected with that hand, despite it being bound. As her fingers closed around it, she heard a crashed. With a sigh, she sat up, got to her feet, and didn’t even pay heed to the fight that had completely broken out. She had to get out of there, and she knew that. Lest someone died again.

”Yo! Where the hell do you think you’re going!?” She heard before pausing, a look of annoyance on her face.

Really? she wondered before turning to face the one who called out. They weren’t addressing her. It was a big burly man that was calling toward a young woman. She looked like she was a businesswoman, stern, serious… not someone to be trifled with when it came to money and such. The man looked like someone to not trifle with in an alley, alone, or in a group of anything less than two dozen allies. Even then, she wondered if one would have a chance with that group.

She didn’t continue moving though, just leaned against the wall and watched the large man call out to the business woman, who turned to face him.

”Yes?” She asked, her voice as curt and stern as her appearance. The watcher couldn’t help but wonder if the woman even knew what fun was, at this point. The big man just stepped up and took her hands though, causing the onlooker to raise an eyebrow.

”Markus, what? You just told me to take off and get lost.” She stated, confusion softening her voice a bit.

”I know… and I wanted to apologize. What I said… it’d been… it’d be in anger, and not at you…” He trailed off, and the onlooker just smiled, her violet and silver hair dancing around her face as the breeze caught it.

”Well, that was refreshing…” she commented before shifting her glasses and heading off, her nose back in the book she’d been reading, her violet eyes locked on the words on the page.

She made her way inside, not knowing what to expect. She hoped no one was there, but she knew that she had a couple people who tended to ignore her requests for them to not enter unless she OKed it. She wouldn’t get them in shit though, if only just because of the fact that they were a couple of her best friends. Thankfully, inside was empty though. The silence echoing around her, granting the relief that she’d wanted to feel all day.

”Oh good grief I’m glad to be home.” she commented, her voice lighter than it had been earlier as she kicked her shoes off, locked the door, and hung her bag on the hooks by the door. As she walked inside, she looked at her hand, completely unaware of what it was that she was to make of that. She hadn’t ever gone to get it checked medically, she couldn’t. It wasn’t a health thing, she thought. Even if it was, she didn’t know what they could do.

She just hid it because she had to. She hid it because too many questions would be asked. She hid it because she didn’t want to look at what was happening with her hand and wrist.

”I really hope you’re farin’ better than I am…” she muttered, not talking to anyone, but hoping that the one person she shared blood with was doing all right on his own.

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 13:39:57 )
(@Lunakiri: That's fine with me. ^^)

The television showed a young woman in front of a weather forecast. ". . . and it continues to gain speed on its path towards Florida. . ."

"Hurricane Irma... huh?" Eugene looked out the sliding glass door to his right, head propped on a hand. The darkened sky was beautiful and full of stars with not a cloud in sight, but it was not the case elsewhere. At that very moment, people were suffering in other places of the world, and the rapid discussion taking place inside his mind reflected their inner-most thoughts.

"I hope they're all safe," he whispered, running a hand up through wet black locks of hair. A smile curved its way onto his lips, but it wasn't one born from positivity. It was akin to self-loathing. "What can I really do...?"

Nothing, you idiot.
You can save them. them?
Give it up already...
Just accept your fate.

"Hahaha..." He pinched the bridge of his nose as the laughter echoed from his mouth. Water dripped off his hair and slid down the side of his face to mix with... something else. An act he perhaps forgot he was capable of years ago.

Suddenly, a spot of glass on the door shattered as a large rock plowed through it and rolled to a stop at his feet. Glass shards littered the floor. He blinked once. Twice. He heard a voice shouting upwards from outside, but he didn't care enough to make out the threats as he bent down to pick up the rock.

"Something is not right about you," he smiled at the clump of nature. "But you can't tell me, can you? You don't have a voice right now... do you?" He grunted to his feet and nodded, "You're as empty as I am, aren't you."

Donator — Female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 13:54:17 )

She sighed as she rebound her hand, not daring to look at it for longer than she had to. She didn’t have an issue with it, in essence, but… at the same time she did. She hated how it looked, which is why she hid it. Nevermind the questions, the accusations, the hate, that would likely follow from any who saw it. She just wanted to avoid all that.

”Damn thing. I swear, my genetics hate me…” She muttered before sighing and pinning the bandages tightly closed. She flexed her hand a couple times to make sure she still had mobility before running that hand through her hair. All she knew was that it was something she had to deal with, that she couldn’t deny or there would be trouble. She had to contain what it caused, even if it was excruciatingly difficult.

”I wonder how my brother’s handling life? I haven’t seen him for what feels like forever.” She then commented. When she was a child, she’d taken to talking to herself, voicing her thoughts to the air. She’d developed a phobia as a child of people being able to read her thoughts, and that translated to her believing that if she spoke the words, no one could read them in her head. She didn’t think that so much anymore, but she still tended to voice everything to the empty air.

”Hey! Erica!” She heard, causing her to jump before looking toward the open window to see the one person that she was closest to, that wasn’t family.

”Oh, hey Aaron.” She said with a wave before getting to her feet and opening the door for him to come in.

”What’s going on? You don’t usually stop by.” She then said as he stepped in.

”Not a social call, Eri.” Aaron said, his voice rough, almost as if he was getting over a nasty case of laryngitis. His blue eyes sparkled with concern, and … was that fear?

”. . . Aaron? What’s going on?” Erica then repeated. He nodded before answering.

”Kyla’s gone missing.” He answered.

”And there’s word on the campus that your brother is next.” As soon as Erica heard that, her expression hardened, her bound hand closed into a fist and just turned on her heel.

”Then I will murder the fucker that touches him.” She stated before pausing and snickering.

’Assuming they are alive long enough for me to.”

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 14:55:25 )

His eyes fluttered open, but it was as if he was in a haze. The area around him was so dark that he could only make out the faintest of silhouettes moving about. He blinked hard in an attempt to focus, but it was difficult. Was it another lapse? Did they take control again? Wait, could he move?

Eugene tried his body at that point and found his arms were bound behind him. His wrists were strapped securely together, and his ankles were tied to the legs of what he could only assume to be a chair. He was sitting, after all, and apparently still shirtless. Wait, that was a clue! He had just taken a shower and was watching television when... a rock went through the sliding glass door that connected to the balcony.

However much time had passed, he was clearly in a situation that didn't bode well, and against his wishes. He had to be cautious and - wait, was that another person? He very slightly turned his head to the left and his eyes widened at the sight of feet dangling. His dark red gaze traveled up a pair of long legs, past a torn nightgown, and finally settled on an attractive female face of someone he knew well. The girl's arms were above her head, and she was essentially hanging from them, attached to a beam. She seemed to be gleefully unconscious at the moment.

Kyla, he thought. I see now. They used you to get to me, didn't they? I apologize.

"Hey, look who finally woke up! You like what you see, eh?"

He had to shut his eyes briefly as a piercing light flashed into existence ahead. He heard footsteps approach, and felt a swift connection to the side of his head. The familiar warmth of blood running down his temple, and the ringing in his ears was enough to let him know that hurt.

"Hey hey, don't go to sleep on me again! We're just getting started after all!"

The voice was familiar and obnoxious, and he started to tune it out as he took in the surroundings. He looked past the redhead and to the supporters lurking in the large building. It was probably the gymnasium. He saw another familiar face being held by two men in the back - their eyes locked for a moment, and he saw an apologetic Joey. That explains how they knew where he lived. Two... four...

"Aren'tcha gonna say somethin', jackass?!" Dave reared back an angry fist and slammed it into Eugene's stomach with a wicked grin on his face.

Outwardly, the black-haired young man coughed in pain, but inwardly he was still calculating. Eight? No, there are two above. That makes ten total.

A voice interjected, What a pain in the ass.

...Enough out of you. Eugene shot the voice the mental equivalent of 'shut the fuck up' and closed his eyes. I know you hate this, Erica, but there's no time. I can apologize all you need afterwards.

Wherever his sibling was, she suddenly received a series of thoughts and images. She saw in her mind the abandoned gymnasium that the school rarely used anymore, a bound and half-naked Kyla, and the locations of what could only be perceived as 'hostiles' inside the building.

With that, Eugene's head fell limp, and Dave rose an eyebrow. "W-Wait, the fuck? You already dead?"

A different tone emerged from Eugene's lips with a chuckle, "Sorry to disappoint, asshole, but you ain't got nothin' on mom back in the day." Dave heard a ripping of cloth, and saw a hand close lightning fast around his throat. "Thass really in poor taste, y'know," 'Eugene' nodded towards the girl hanging beside him.

"Time to teach you that a real punk doesn't go after innocent girls."

Donator — Female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 15:12:50 )

Aaron had been silent as Erica said what she had, about the chance to kill the one who took her brother - if she got the chance. He had known the pair of them for years, since they were all in highschool, but… that didn’t really mean that he really knew them. He knew Erica pretty well, since they’d had a brief fling until she cut it off (and he’d never been entirely sure as to why, either). He’d accepted it though, and they were still friends - even if he found it rather painful most days.

”. . . I know your brother has a violent streak, but really? I never see that from you. You ok?” He asked, concern in his voice. Erica just shrugged.

”Oh, no worries. I’m fine. Just… wondering who the hell was dumb enough to grab my brother.” She answered.

’Want some coffee or something? I was about to put some on for myself.” She added before making her way inside again.

”. . . You still don’t sleep much, do you?” Aaron asked. It was something he’d come to realize rather quickly during their short fling, and even afterward. She’d come to him any time she couldn’t sleep, since he seemed to be able to help calm her down. Even not to the point where she could sleep, definitely to the point where she wasn’t freaking out regarding it anymore that night. Or day as it was in some cases.

”Nahhh, sleep is for the weak.” Erica answered.

’Well, sure. I’ll take a cup of coffee.” Aaron answered. Erica nodded before making her way over to the percolator, tying a scarf around her head in the style of a bandana to keep her short hair out of her face while doing this.

As she was carrying the full coffee pot of water back to the machine it was due in, she froze. With a bit of a cry she dropped to her knees, the coffee pot hitting the floor, cracking - but not shattering, thankfully - as she just brought her hands up to her head.

”God DAMN it!” She half screamed as Aaron hurriedly made his way over.

”Erica?” He asked, concern in his voice.

”What happened?” He then asked. Eri, who hadn’t moved beyond where she’d been just nodded, she didn’t let her hands drop though.

”Yeah… yeah… I’m ok…” She answered.

”Just… one hell of a headache suddenly.” She half lied. She knew what it was that had happened, and who it had come from. This wasn’t anything new, since it was one way that her brother had always sent her secrets that he wanted to say. Beyond that, it was something that had gotten him out of a LOT of trouble sometimes, and she was always willing to receive his mental missives… not counting when she hadn’t a choice like now.

”I’ll be back in a few. I gotta… I gotta go check on something. Somewhere else. I’ll be back.” She said as she got to her feet, her demeanor seeming different than before. Her head hurt, her head was pounding, her vision was swimming and she swore her equilibrium was messed. It was pretty standard though, had always been an effect like this whenever she’d recieved a missive. Of course, this time it was worse than she’d been used to, strictly because it had been so long since the last one.

Aaron hadn’t a chance to say anything before Erica was at the door out.

”Do not let anyone in. At all. You know my rules, Aaron.” Was the last thing that she said before vanishing out into the night. Aaron knew quite well what would happen, knew that he’d be in a world of trouble, and knew that there was far more trouble than he wanted to deal with were he to not listen.

Erica just made her way to the exact place that her brother had told her to show up, knowing quite well that her hand needed to feed, in essence.

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 16:22:19 )

Eugene let out an almost feral cry as he leapt free from his broken restraints. Dave, throat still clutched in the man's hand, blinked in shock as a palm smashed into his nose. He was swept off his feet, then, and the back of his head met the concrete with a loud crack. Eugene was upon him, then, body pressing his own against the floor, and he could only see darkness as a fist launched into his face. His blood splattered as another pounded what used to be identifiably human features. One could now no longer recognize a nose.

"Hey, what's wrong buddy?" Eugene lifted his head up by his hair and spat in his face, but he was long unconscious by then. The man's jovial expression darkened, "Hey. You aren't allowed to rest yet." He reared back a fist, but felt strong arms suddenly pull him away from Dave and toss him to the ground.

"The fuck is this kid?!" A brown-haired man yelled to another.

"Dunno man, but he's a fuckin' monster!" An individual with a lip piercing whipped out a knife.

The two holding Joey threw him aside and rushed to the front. "Hmph," one of them grunted. "What are you punks scared for? He's just a kid, and you're armed! Don't give the Blood Brothers a bad fuckin' name, you hear me? Now take him out." He was an older man and looked to be one of the head honchos of the operation, if it could be called that. His head was perfectly shaven and he had a scar that sliced down one cheek and into the neck.

"Blood brothers?" Eugene scoffed as he staggered to his feet. He reared his head up and raised an eyebrow, fingers twitching as if imitating claws. There was a hunch to his form that gave off even more of an animalistic air. "How fuckin' lame. Oh, I get it! Is it cuz you all bleed so easily? Thass it, right? In that case, pretty fuckin' clever!" He let out a roar that sounded like laughter, and it echoed throughout the large chamber. "Well, whatcha waitin' for? COME ON!"

One young, trembling looking man looked to his sides, gripped the knife that was in his hands, and charged forward with a wild cry. Eugene ducked under his swing and sent a fist into his stomach. He doubled over in pain but was grabbed before he could fall, and felt his feet leave the floor. He was suddenly airborne as Eugene spun him once by the arm, and let go to launch him into the far wall. The knife he once held spun up into the air and then fell neatly into Eugene's waiting hand.

"Just give me a sec, ya?" He turned his back to the remaining men who looked at each other, sweat dripping from their brow. Walking swiftly to the captured girl, he leapt up and sliced the ropes that held her aloft. Her lithe form fell into his open arm, and he smiled softly. "Rest easy," he gently brushed her cheek with the back of the hand holding the knife, and held... a gentle expression. An expression cut short by a sudden searing pain in his shoulder.

A small knife was impaled there, thrown by an antsy punk.

Eugene ignored it, though, and laid Kyla gently on the floor. He cracked his neck a few times and rose slowly. He didn't bother with the knife. Impaled as it was, it would stop the bleeding. Turning on his heel, he beckoned them simply. "That hurt, yo, but I promise to repay you for it."

Donator — Female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 16:32:31 )
Erica made swift work to get to the location in question. Worst case scenario...she realised that there was a very good chance that she'd have to clean up after her brother. Best case scebario, she was able to watch. How would that not be good? She'd always been happy to watch her brother fight, but not so happy to be fighting with him, as had happened a few times in the past.

She still had scars from when they were kids, and she managed to get his attention in a less than ideal way. She didn't hold it against him though. They both had their things to deal with, and she knew that he'd been expelled from one school as a child because of her inadvertent actions.

She climbes into the cheap car she a had, slid the key into the ignition and took off, not even bothering to worry about her seatbelt. What did she care for the moment? She was in a hurry, and praying her brother didn't send any more messages too. Last thing she needed was to crash.

It didn't take long, about fifteen minutes (with her breaking a few speed laws on the way) instead of the usual thirty five, to reach her destination. She didn't hurry inside though. Instead, she made her way in calmly, making sure to remain silent and unknown.

As she walked, she left her hand be unbound a little, let the black marks that were creeping down her wrist be visible.

"Let's see if I can help you all lose all reason because of the sheer anger within ya." She said quietly as she made her way up a couple levels. Erica knew where she was going, and knew damned well.

Once she was on the upper level, she just gunned as she over looked what was going on down below.

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 17:57:59 )

What Erica witnessed first was her brother thrusting his elbow into the chest of what could only be described as a punk. The majority of his assailants seemed to be young men, but there was one individual that stood out to her - an older man with a bald head and scars across his features. He was also the only one wearing fine clothes, and he seemed to only be observing the fight, arms crossed with a stoic expression.

The punk lost his footing and Eugene pressed his advantage, ducking low into a sweeping kick that floored his opponent in a blind instant. Eugene turned in time to catch a man's wrist before he could stab him. He bent the arm at a sickening angle, pulled the man close, and slammed his knee into the man's groin to down him. Two down. Including the incapacitated Dave, seven were left.

"Urgh!" Eugene let out a cry of pain as the young one who threw the knife earlier leapt to it and grabbed the handle to drive it deeper. He flailed wildly for a few moments before lashing out with his left hand, punching the kid in the throat and launching him into a crumpled unconscious heap. Six.

He stomped a foot down onto the floor and braced himself for a larger man running at him, head bent down as if the man fancied himself a bull. The man's head crashed into his chest, but his feet only budged backwards by an inch or two. The man blinked in surprise and found his throat with an arm wrapped around it. "Sorry 'bout this, but y'know... life doesn't always go your way." A few merciless moments and cracks later, and the man's head was facing the ceiling with his front collapsing onto the floor.


A gunshot rang out as a bullet bit into the floor at Eugene's feet. He straightened himself and narrowed his eyes at the scarred man who was then holding a pistol. "That's quite enough, you fuckin' freak. I've seen all I need to know. You're gonna come along quietly, or..." He pointed the gun at Kyla, then, but made no motion to smile. The situation clearly wasn't amusing to him. "You get it, right?"

Eugene kicked away the corpse of the large man and chuckled. "That's fuckin' expected of ya. Whatever." He rose his hands slowly in a display of surrender as the survivors staggered to their feet. He was surrounded, but he didn't look worried. He rolled his neck in a stretch of sorts and for a brief instant, Erica could have sworn his eyes were on her. That he knew she was there.... despite not exactly being 'her brother.'

"That's right. Now, my men are gonna beat the shit out of you and make sure you can't pull anything again. Just go along with it or I put a bullet in that whore's head. Understood?"


Donator — Female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 18:11:54 )

So you're aware of me... That's... Good to know, actually. Erica thought as she met his gaze as well. She wasn't going to complain about him knowing she was there, and likely who she was. Meant there was a very low chance she'd have to try and explain it all to him, again. It wasn't anything new though, the need to explain things,and it was a rather irritating thing to have to do.

She sighed lightly, silently, before carefully grasping at the bandages Round her hand and wrist.

Oh I hate doing this, and I really hope you don't get caught up in it... She thought before hiring her lip and unwrapping her wrist a bit more, allowing the black tendrils that were crawling across her skin to be more visible.

They pulsed lightly, kt was barely noticeable, but she felt it. She felt that light sensation, and she felt the air change around her.

She knew it as very likely they noticed it too. She was, as people called those that were unusual like her, a freak. Then again, her mother was too, and her brother was. It seemed to be a genetic trait.

All three of them had it manifest differently, and Erica was still trying to learn how to handle hers. She had no idea if her brother had any idea about his yet, but now was certainly not the time to ask.

As she was there, she didn't notice someone sneaking up on her before hearing a creak, looking over, and just sighing. She held her marked hand out, some more of the bandages falling away to reveal quite an intricate 'mess' of black tendrils that seemed to go up and possibly cover her hand.

"Oh please." She said, her voice almost bored as she felt another pulse from them, the air shifted again, and she watched his expression seem to shift to one of pure unadulterated anger. Or perhaps fury was more accurate. It didn't matter, she'd been hoping for something that wouldn't net him lunging for her, as he did.

She'd been hoping for something that wouldn't reveal she was there, as they toppled over the edge toward the hard tiled floor.

She'd been hoping for the chance to get out of there with her brother without getting directly involved.

As she hit the Flor, the weight of the one that had been up there with her, the one that had quite honestly been pushed past all reason with fury, landed on top of her,she let out a cry. That had really hurt. She was sure she'd be fine... But that really wasn't pleasant.

Now it was a question of what would happen.

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 20:49:18 )

As the scarred man was making his demands, he felt strange. The power radiating from Erica's arm began slowly seeping into his psyche, and his vision started to turn red. He gripped the gun so tightly that his fingernails cut into the skin of his palm, but he couldn't focus enough to fire. He clutched his head with his other hand, and that's when it happened. One of his goons fell over the side of the upper floor and crashed in front of him with a woman in tow.

Eugene moved quickly, then, circling the mess his sister had made to thrust his palm into the outstretched arm of the scarred man - the supposed ringleader of these 'Blood Brothers.' The man's forearm snapped up from the force, and he screamed in rage. Eugene snatched the gun from his loose fingers and pistol whipped him across the side of the head. He swung the pistol with the momentum to aim it at the thug currently pressed over Erica, and shot into his back.

Twice for good measure.

Even enraged by her power, the man slumped off of her and onto his side, whimpering like a wounded animal from the bleeding holes in his back where the bullets were still lodged. With a careful eye on the remaining forces, Eugene walked over to his sister. He held out one hand while keeping the gun trained on anyone who dared to move.

"So you're his sis, huh? Thinks about you a lot," he smirked. "Up you go, then." He beckoned her to take his hand. The remaining few members of the gang were confused on how to act. They were hesitating with some stealing a glance at Kyla, thinking to use her as a hostage. After all, they had no idea what they were getting themselves into with the sibling duo.

Donator — Female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 02:16:20 )

Erica nodded.

”Yeah, that’s me.” She said as she grasped his hand, seeming to be ignoring everyone else for the moment.

”I thought they’d all be dead by the time I got here, to be honest.” She added after a moment before shrugging.

”Need my help for anything?” She asked after another couple seconds before pausing a moment and looking around.

”. . . “ She didn’t say anything as her gaze rested on the girl that they’d grabbed. She didn’t have anything to say. It wasn’t hard to tell they didn’t care about giving her any dignity, and it was even easier to tell she was very likely nothing more than a means to and end. If anyone cared about her… it was very likely that they didn’t care enough to allow her the dignity of being in a less… ‘whore’ style of dress. Even if it was because what she’d been wearing had been torn and cut.

She didn’t know what they’d wanted her for, and certainly did not want to know, either.

She looked back to the man that was her brother - physically at the moment anyhow - and just met his gaze, her deep violet eyes almost peering into his red ones.

”Just tell me what to do, and I’ll do, and I’ll do what I can." She paused a moment, smirking.

"We'll properly meet later, at a better time than this."

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 12:05:10 )

"Kinda didn't think I'd piss off an actual gang," Eugene shrugged with a hand on the back of his neck. "There's probably somethin' else goin' on, but y'know... I'm not the smart one." He tore his gaze away from Erica for a moment almost jarringly, and took a swift look to the right. "Man... what a pain in the ass. That kid from earlier just bolted. Josh, was it? Joey? Fuck if I remember..."

During their entire conversation, the group of ragtag students and would-be gang members stood very quietly. It looked as if they had some... idea as to what transpired, but none would dare speak up about it after seeing their brethren obliterated. Now it was as if they were awaiting their fate to be realized by two monsters who had them utterly cornered, waiting to devour them.

"Hey," he faced her with a more serious expression. "Think ya can do somethin' about their minds? Maybe make 'em go braindead or some shit? Killin' them now would be in poor taste for a punk, is all..." He took one of her hands abruptly and placed the gun in her grasp before going to the unconscious Kyla. He ruffled his hair for a moment in thought before carefully arranging her body over his back... making sure to avoid the knife.

He pushed himself upright, then, and made sure her head was resting against his with her arms on either side of his neck. Wrapping his arms under her legs, he glanced to Erica to see what she had decided.

Donator — Female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 12:24:05 )

When she was handed the gun, Erica just sighed before just making sure the safety was on, and sticking it into the waist of her jeans. She hated carrying guns, but this wasn’t the first time she’d a need to. She watched him grab Kyla, sighing lightly as he did so. She was a girl that she’d encountered a few times in the past. They weren’t friends, not by any means, but they did know each other, and they did talk every so often. They were friendly acquaintances, if Erica had to classify their relationship.

”Yeah…” She said before sighing, again. It was something she found herself doing a lot around anyone.

”I can…” She added, trailing off lightly. She hated doing it, it always took more out of her than she cared to admit, but she could. Oddly enough it wasn’t something that bothered her on a mental level. It was annoying, but that was about it. She never felt guilty about it - granted, that was probably largely because of what she could do… or rather what she’d found she’d could do thus far.

”Maybe, anyway. I’m not entirely sure about the extent that I can do shit.” She then admitted as she started to unbind her hand completely, revealing a rather intricate mixing and weaving design that looked to be vines of some sort.

”I know something I can do though.” She added before smirking lightly. Her hand, she felt the entire thing throb. Everywhere there was a mark she could feel almost a strong heartbeat there, and could feel the air changing slightly. What it was for the air, she’d never figured out, but she wasn’t really going to try and puzzle it now. It made no difference to her what the cause was.

I hope I can aim this well… She thought before stepping forward a bit, and making sure that he was behind her with the girl. Once she was sure that she wasn’t going to hit them, she brought her hand out in front, and Eugene, or whomever was in the forefront for the moment, was able to see the air seem to shake around it. There was a quick wave, almost as if there was a shockwave without sound from her hand, before it all went still.

Everyone that had been ahead of her was almost instantly rendered to their knees, clutching their heads with pain in their faces. Weapons clashed to the floor, people collapsed to the floor. After everyone was down, she just laughed lightly before making ehr way over to one of the downed men. She grabbed the gun, quickly cleaned it with an antibacterial wipe that she had in a pocket, and placed it in the hands of one of them. She did some fumbling with it, and their hands, to make it not look so clean, before taking aim at a random target and pulling the trigger - making sure her hands didn’t touch it at all.

Once that was done, she made her way back over to where her brother was.

’Need a place to crash for the night?” She asked as she used the same wipe to clean her hands and wrap the marked one again.

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 12:50:19 )

Eugene - or rather, the individual controlling his body at the moment - watched her intensely. It was likely his first time observing another power, and he showed it. The excitement on his face was evident as she revealed the black markings and seemed to distort the world around them. "Whoa," he let out a soft gasp after she had done her work. The men were clearly unconscious, but their true fates were unknown.

"That was amazin'!" He walked up to her with a smile.

She asked him if he needed a place to stay and he thought about it. He had no idea the state of Eugene's apartment, but there was another issue at hand. "Think that'd be good, ya. Besides, I kinda wanna y'know..." He shrugged the shoulder that still had the knife protruding from it, and couldn't help but grimace slightly. "I can take it, but your bro? Prob... probably can, but... I dun wanna hurt him anymore." His tone shrunk at the last few words, and she could barely make out what he was saying. He looked away then, and scratched his cheek in slight embarrassment.

"What should we do with the girl, though?"

Donator — Female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 12:56:16 )

Erica froze when he mentioned Kyla.

”I…” she started before sighing.

”Best bet would likely be to take her back home, get her into bed, and … let her wake up. I can see, try, and do something regarding her dreams, so that she doesn’t have any recollection of this… event.” She then said.

That’ll take a lot out of me though… she thought, but didn’t let those thoughts show on her face.

”I know where she lives.” She added. ”And thankfully, she lives alone.” She added before looking around.

”Come on, let’s get out of here.” She said before sighing. before I collapse… I gotta do all this first.

As they started to walk out of there, she looked toward her brother again.

”I’ll also help with your shoulder. Mom taught us both first aid when we were young, once we realized what either of us could do.” She told him. ”I can make sure that,” she motioned to the protruding blade, ”won’t cause any problems.” She paused a moment.

”Although I have to ask,” she started, backing into the door to open it as she was walking backwards, facing him, ”Is he aware of anything that goes on around him when it’s… not him?” She asked.

”Or rather, when it’s you, specifically. Instead of someone else.” She then added.

”Mostly, I’m wondering if I will need to explain any of this to him tomorrow.”

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 13:22:58 )

"You're askin' the wrong person," he let out an exasperated sigh.

"I don't get any of this, y'know? One day it was fine... and I was me. I was just a punk, y'know. I beat people up for no reason..." He brushed past her and out the open door, waiting for her to join his pace before continuing.

"I had a lot of fun, y'know. Kicked ass and took names. But it was fuckin' strange! I was really strong, and pain... well, pain was nothin'." He let her guide them as he spoke. He caught sight of a car, but his vision was growing somewhat blurry, and he felt an odd sensation on his cheek. Something wet?

"Then, well, I guess I pissed off the wrong dudes. And uhm... my sister who... kinda your age I guess..." He stopped, then, and maybe only Erica could see that he was crying with seemingly no knowledge of the tears falling.

"I was... I was gonna get her, y'know, and make up for what a stupid bro she had, but... but... I don't..." He lightly punched himself on the temple and shook his head, blinking twice. "Woo, fuckin' sorry for that feels trip. Dunno what got into me. I dunno exactly what happened after that. I just remember hearin' a voice, and it was your bro. And... for a long time now, thass all I been hearin'."

"I don't hear him now, if you're wonderin'. So... sorry, but I think ya gotta talk to him."

Donator — Female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 13:28:50 )

Erica didn’t interrupt him as they walked, and he spoke. She paid attention, and took note of everything, but she didn’t interrupt. She remained silent until he said what he did at the end, and made it apparent he was done.

”Look, I’m probably not the best person you could talk to, but if you ever need someone to, just beat my brother til he agrees and hunt me out. I’ll be wherever emotions are running high.” She commented with a serious tone, but a light laugh afterwards.

”Seriously though. You’re part of him. I can’t not help ya out if you need it.” She added before pausing as they reached her car.

”I do have to wonder what happened to you though.” She then admitted as she opened the back door for him to lay Kyla down.

’Because… that’s just odd. I’ve no idea how Eugene’s deal works, I barely even know what it is. All I do know, is that I can be talking to him physically, but there’s a very real chance it isn’t actually him.” she added. ”And that At first Mom was worried he had split personalities.”

Once he’d stood back up, this time without the girl on his back, she closed the door and made her way to the trunk.

”Get over here. Let me do a quick preliminary thing with your shoulder. It’d be better to not sit in a seat and drive that blade even deeper.”

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 14:30:48 )

"That's fuckin' weird," he commented on the split personality issue while leaning with his side against the car, back to her.

"Couldn't imagine livin' with somethin' like that, y'know? Voices firin' off inside your head, takin' control of ya at anytime..." He shuddered despite himself, or maybe it was due to the careful removal of the blade that had been jabbed in his back for the last few minutes.

"Guess I can't really talk, though, seein' as I'm one of them 'parently." The treatment came and went smoothly without so much as a complaint from her patient. Even the sterilizing process didn't so much as make him flinch.

"Thanks though," he said suddenly as they settled into the car. "Maybe I'll take ya up on that offer someday, but for now... I'll lay low. Don't really know how to give control back to your bro, though, if I'm bein' honest. Maybe it's got somethin' to do with sleep?" He shrugged as she started the ignition.

Donator — Female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 21:46:29 )

Erica sighed lightly as he said all he did.

”I’ve no clue.” she said.

”Although he did always seem to be … more himself, I suppose, after he got a few hours of sleep, yeah.” She added. It wasn’t something that could be easily denied, either. She’d noticed it when they were younger, and she was sure that others would have by this point too.

”That shoulder really should be looked at - professionally - but knowing my brother he won’t. Thank whatever the hell is out there that Mom taught us both how to treat wounds. I think she knew that at least one of us would avoid medical attention if we could avoid it.” She commented after a moment.

”Also, here’s a question,” she started, turning onto the road and starting down it, ”the hell should I call you? You’re obviously not the same person as my brother, despite the physical thing, so I’m curious. You got a name?” For someone that could fight as well as he, she really didn’t want to slight him. Not that she ever wanted to slight anyone, for that matter.

She couldn’t help but notice, also, that he was unaffected it seemed from what she did earlier. That was a relief. Her brother had always been a 5o/5o split as to whether or not it would hit him. She never knew how it would hit him either, the few times it did. To see that this time seemed to be a miss, was something that she was always happy to see. She didn’t say anything regarding it though.
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