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Donator — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/8 04:21:59 )
its a big ol thunderstorm right now o:

i like lightning its cool

Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/8 04:24:09 )
o3o I've seen two lightning strikes today and there's still thunder rumbling here.
Lucifer's Pet

Donator — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/8 04:44:16 )
ye same I turned off my lights so I could see the flashes

Donator — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/8 05:35:18 )
my window is always open. :p

I have to close it if the rain is pouring into my room though.

Ping me!


Donator — Whatever Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/8 06:01:01 )
Are ya ready, guyz?!

Had some rain but no lightning or thunder here

Put ya guns awn!


Voltie — Nayu Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/9 15:13:31 )
@Shark: send it my way ;3; it hasn’t rained here in days, I’m so sad.
Ping me for attention. I tend to wander.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/9 16:29:30 )

I hate thunderstorms. I am scared of them.

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