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Forums Role Playing [IC] Breaking the Secrecy - HP Roleplay with LWD

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 19:39:56 )
Many generations after the war that made Harry Potter famous a new generation is beginning their path into the world of magic. Wizards and witches in the ministry are talking about lifting the statute of secrecy that has been protecting them for so long. The muggles have access to technology that are discovering more and more secrets that have lain hidden from their eyes. More and more muggles are giving birth to magical children and discovering the world themselves. Being "pure blood" is now incredibly rare as people are accepting that love can be found in other locations besides long standing wizard families.

The year is 2200 (to make it easy) and it is the middle of the summer. Letters have gone out by owl to children across the country to say they have been accepted into Hogwarts, the school of witchcraft and wizardry. Though, things are a little different than they were when the famous Harry Potter was in school.

One such change is that most classes are combined into one large class. Some classes like Potions and Herbology have Theory class, as well as practical lab classes. The lab classes are separated by house so that the teacher can focus on more individualized work due to the dangerous nature of the things in the class.
Older students in year 7 that are looking to teach in the future often come to these labs as teachers assistants as part of their more focused class schedules in their final year.

7-9:30 Am Breakfast is in the Great Hall
9:45-10:45 AM: Class Block One
11 Am - noon: Class Block Two
Noon-One : Lunch and Owl deliveries
1:15-2:15 PM: Class Block Three
2:30-3:30 PM: Class Block Four
3:45-4:45 Pm: Class Block Five
5-6 Pm: Class Block Six
6-8 Pm: Dinner
10 PM curfew, no students allowed in the halls

Year One Schedule:
Class Block 1: Monday and Wednesday: History of Magic with Professor Harriet Dursley
Tuesday and Thursday: Defense against the Dark Arts with Professor
Class Block 2: Monday: Theory of Herbology with Professor Longbottom
Class Block 3: Gryffindors: Tuesday: Potions lab with Professor
Thursday: Herbology lab with Professor
Slytherins: Tuesday: Herbology lab wtih Professor
Thursday: Potions Lab with professor
Ravenclaws: Wednesday : Potions lab with Professor
Friday: Herbology Lab with professor
Hufflepuffs: Wednesday : Herbology lab with Professor
Friday: Potions Lab with professor
Class Block 4: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: Charms Class with Professor
Tuesday and Thursday: Transfiguration Class with Professor
Class Block 5: Monday: Theory of Potions with Professor
Class Block 6: Friday: Flying lessons with Professor
Midnight: Tuesday: Astronomy

Year 1
Herbology Theory : The ghost of Neville Longbottom
Herbology Lab : year 7 Student/professor
History of Magic: Professor Harriet Dursley
Defense against the Dark Arts: Professor
Charms: Professor
Transfiguration: Professor
Potions Theory: Professor
Potions Lab: Year 7 Student/ professor
Flying: Professor
Astronomy: Professor + Year 7 student

Year 2 -3 additions:
Arithmancy: Professor
Muggle Studies: Professor
Care of Magical Creatures Theory: Professor
Care of Magical Creatures Lab: Year 7 Student/professor
Divination: Professor
Ancient Runes: Professor

Year 4-6 Changes
Care of Magical Creatures Lab: No year 7 student
Potions Lab: No year 7 student
Herbology Lab: No year 7 student
Astronomy: No year 7 student

Year 7 Changes:
NEWT Herbology: Professor
NEWT History of Magic: Professor
NEWT Defense against the Dark Arts: Professor
NEWT Charms: Professor
NEWT Transfiguration: Professor
NEWT Potions : Professor
NEWT Care of Magical Creatures
NEWT Arithmancy: Professor
NEWT Muggle Studies: Professor actual muggle
NEWT Divination: Professor
NEWT Ancient Runes: Professor

Other Staff:
Janitor/Hall Monitor:

@ littlewhitedragonlet: I have the schedules for all years, but I figured we only need year one for the moment. I haven't picked all teachers, figured we can fill that in as we go just so we have it. you know.. make it up the first time they go to a particular class. I'll be posting my characters bio in my next post.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 19:42:58 )
My Characters:
Hufflepuff :
Character Name: Nadiya Rookwood

~ Year: 1st
~ Pet:Brambleclaw

~ Notes

Pronunciation: Nah-d-uh rook-wood
Gender: Female
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Nationality: English
Blood Status: pure blood
Wand: cedar, 10 inches, unyielding
Core: Phoenix feather
Wand Hand: Right

Skin: Pale white
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red, long about midback, and generally straight with just a touch of wavy to it.
Height: 4'5" (a little on the shorter side)
Weight: 79 pounds
Voice Style: soft spoken and warm
Sexual Orientation: unsure of her orientation, she hasn't really thought about it but she knows she finds guys cute, and girls pretty.

Habits: incredibly loyal to friends and family
Nervous -> bites her fingernails, twirls her hair, bites her lip. General fidgety-ness.
Hobbies: cooking
Wealth: Her family is considered to be about middle class based on wealth.

Favorite Things:
Animals -> Turtles
Colors -> Green
Drinks -> water
Foods -> Tacos
Hated Things: blood, hate
Found in these Locations: Library, greenhouses, by the lake
Favorite Quote:
Dream Job: Own her own restaurant

Happiest Moment: Accidentally growing a tree when she was little that she could have a playhouse with her little brother before they started drifting apart.
Worst Memory: pretty much every argument with her family ever.

Relationship with Family:
Her family is a long line of Slytherin pure blood elitists. Shamed when Augustus Rookwood was a deatheater in the age of the great war. They all hope to bring back the glory of their family someday and Nadiya is the biggest disappointment being as shy and undriven towards power as she is. She believes more in equality than anything else and it makes her relationship with her family very shaky.

She has one little brother and no other siblings.

Boggart: anyone she loves screaming out for her to stop. Crying in agony as new wounds appear on their bodies. Make it turn into laughter from being tickled.
Mirror of Erised: Her family hugging and accepting her for herself and being happy with their situation instead of pushing for power.
Amortentia: unknown
Patronus: unknown
Animagus: unknown

Best Classes: Herbology, Potions, Charms
Mediocre Classes: Transfiguration, Astronomy
Worst Classes: Defense Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic, Flying

Childhood Recap:
Her family tried to raise her to bring back the power of purebloods but her heart wasn't in it. She got into many arguments with her family even being struck a couple times for disobeying. She often wandered off to be alone in the woods instead of spending time with her family. She adores her little brother and loved spending time with him until he started to accept the ambitions of their parents where they began to drift apart.


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 08:21:29 )
My Characters

House: Ravenclaw
Character Name: Albert Lupin

~ Year: 1st
~ Pet: Hedgie (male, named after Hedwig)

~ Notes

Pronunciation: Al-bert Loo-pin
Nicknames: Bert, Albie
Gender: male
Date of Birth: June 22
Place of Birth: Scotland
Nationality: Scottish
Blood Status: Half-blood
Wand: Ash, 11 1/2”, surprisingly swishy
Core: Basilisk Fang
Wand Hand: left

Skin: tan-olive undertones
Eyes: natural- brown; metamorphic normal- one blue, one brown
Hair: natural- sandy brown/blond; metamorphic normal- purple or Ravenclaw Blue
Height: 4’11
Weight: 81lbs
Outfits: ---
Voice Style: somewhat snooty, gets monotone when he’s nervous
Sexual Orientation: he THINKS he’s bisexual, but he’s not too sure…other people are weird.

Happy- flapping
Nervous- chewing on his necklace
Angry/scared- non-verbal, meltdowns
Hobbies: reading, playing the piano
Wealth: on the rich side

Favorite Things:
Animals -> thestals
Colors -> teal and purple
Drinks -> earl grey tea
Foods -> beef roast in a bread bowl, salads, roast beef
Hated Things:
-loud noises
-being touched
-being low on spoons
Treasures: books, his kindle, Hedgie

Found in these Locations: library, kitchens

Favorite Quote:

Dream Job: clerk at Flourish and Blots

Happiest Moment: Floating his wolf plushie down from the top of the cabinet when he was a toddler.
Worst Memory: being hugged by his great aunt on his mother’s side and freaking out; not the freak out, though, but the angry yelling the adults did because of it.

Relationship with Family: Gets along well with the Magical side of his family, but has a somewhat strained relationship with the muggle side due to his ASD diagnosis.

Boggart: his mom crying as his aunt screams in the background
Mirror of Erised: him, surrounded by books, his family in the same room happy but not bothering him
Amortentia: unknown
Patronus: unknown
Animagus: unknown
Legilimency: unknown

Best Classes: History of Magic, Charms, Astronomy
Mediocre Classes: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Herbology
Worst Classes: Flying, Transfiguration

Childhood Recap: Albert grew up well, thanks to being the main branch of the Black family due to Harry Potter reinstating Andromeda Tonks as a Lady of the House of Black after the War. This made Theodore “Teddy” Lupin the Heir to the Black Family, and Lord Black upon Harry’s death in 2156, at the ripe old age of 176. When Teddy died in 2179, he made sure to leave his family secure and more wealthy than the Black family had been since they pledged their loyalty to a madman.
Albert has known very little external hardship, as no one dares talk badly about him, the honorary great great grandson of THE Harry Potter.
However, his muggleborn mother insisted he be tested for ASD when he was 5 years old. At the age of 9, he officially has an Autism Spectrum Disorder. He gets very annoyed when doctors try to insist to his parents that its okay because he is one of the “high functioning ones”. They have gone through many doctors, since he was diagnosed.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/14 02:19:30 )
Nadiya waved goodbye to her family after they helped her lift her trunk on to the Hogwarts Express. They had been excited when she got the letter, but the summer had slowly turned into yelled arguments when she showed no ambition to be in Slytherin like the rest of the family had been. Turning her back on them as she climbed on to the train felt like a weight lifting off her shoulders. Her brother was the only who who had shown any sadness about her leaving even though they had already been drifting apart as they got older, and than even more so when she got her letter to accept her into Hogwarts.

She tugged on her trunk to try to drag it down the corridor to find an empty compartment, but the thing was so much heavier without a trolley and it always felt like she had no arm strength. Setting Brambleclaw's carrier on top of her trunk she got behind it and pushed using the strength in her legs. Even than the blasted thing was super heavy, she decided that she would take the first empty compartment she found no matter what, and hopefully it would be soon. Reaching the first door she brushed her long red hair up and out of her face letting it trail down her back. Her green eyes peered into the compartment hopefully.

Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/29 07:39:52 )

Albert hummed a tune happily, the hand not holding Hedgie's cage playing with his necklace. His parents knew he'd get his letter, of course. The changing hair and eyes were a dead giveaway. His grandpa Teddy had left an instruction book on how to get more control over the metamorphic abilities in the Black Vaults, so that there were no future generations who went to school unable to control them even slightly. He was glad; his hair changing with his mood would have been bad around his mum's family. They were all muggles and didn't know about magic.

Sitting in what he had now dubbed his compartment, he swung his legs and looked out the window to see his parents. Spotting them, he let go of his necklace to wave excitedly. He would miss them, and Hogwarts would be a lot of now things to deal with. He wasn’t really looking forward to the first month, if he was being honest...

He twisted around quickly as the compartment door opened, coming face to face with a small girl.
"O-oh! Hello! Are you...are you looking for...somewhere to sit?" He got out awkwardly, feeling nervous.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/30 06:56:56 )
She looked the boy over curiously, guessing him to be a first year like herself and she crossed her fingers behind her back as she gave a little wave with the other hand. "Hi, my name is Nadiya. I am yes." She bit her lip at her stumbled words. "I mean I am looking for somewhere to sit yes, would you mind sharing your compartment with me? My trunk is super heavy and I don't want to trek it all the way down the train and back looking for a place to sit." She took a deep breath to get her air back after saying the second bit in one quick breath.

She held her right hand out to shake, weather he said yes or no to the compartment she had introduced herself and it was only decent to offer her hand as acknowledgment of their meeting each other.

Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 02:51:45 )

He bit his lip, wringing his hands together as his gaze dropped down to staring at them. Oh no, she wants a handshake. What am I supposed to do? Okay think think…what had dad said to do if someone wanted to touch him but he didn’t know them? This is a horrible time to forget something Dad said. What was he supposed to do?

He suddenly looked up at her, eyes wide and slightly panicked, as he realized almost a minute had passed and he hadn’t done anything but sit and fidget. His next words, and to be fair his next tangent, leapt from his mouth, barely pausing for breath between sentences and leaping topics.

“I’m so sorry! Uhm yes, yes you can sit here! You don’t need to drag your luggage anywhere, I don’t know what I would have done if Dad hadn’t helped me get mine up. Oh! Do you want me to help you put your trunk in the overhead racks? It’s just you might want to take out a book or something ‘cause I’m not sure if we’ll be able to talk the entire train ride and I’m rambling now, I’ll be quiet sorry.” He’d stoop up during his ramble, reaching for her trunk before he stopped moving at the end of his word vomit and seems to curl in on himself, as if trying to become smaller.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/9 01:07:59 )

Nadiya stared at the boy as he fought some internal monologue. But patiently she waited and than suddenly words started tumbling from his mouth and slowly giggles bubbles up from her throat turning into happy laughter. Finally getting her laughter under control she spoke "Wow, looks like I'm not the only one nervous. You must be a first year two. I'm sorry if you're not accustomed to handshaking. Where I grew up we shake hands when we meet people. " She put her hand down and smiled at him. "Thank you for being willing to share the compartment with me, and I would really appreciate the help getting it put up there. I don't think I'll need anything while we're traveling, though I don't actually know how long the trip is. Maybe I should take out something to do while I wait, that's a good thought." She bit her lip and started twirling her hair suddenly realizing maybe she had been rude by falling to a fit of giggles. She blushed and tried to pass it off as having been trying to decide what to pull out of the trunk before they got underway. guess I'll pull out my cookbook for now." She realized she was twirling her hair and stopped, dropping her arms to the side. She blushed and opened her trunk quickly pulling the book out and than closing the trunk again.


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/6 01:54:56 )

Al watched Nadiya from under his bangs, happy to see that she wasn’t upset, though the giggling was a little off putting. Maybe it was a girl thing? His cousin didn’t giggle, but then again she was older. So hopefully it was perfectly normal and he hadn’t done anything silly or stupid yet. He brightened and stood taller as she talked, nodding when she mentioned being a first year and trying to hide a blush in his shirt collar when she said thanks. Al fidgeted a bit while she stood silently twirling her hair, before rushing into action as soon as she had gotten her book out and securely closed her trunk.

“Oh! You’re interested in cooking? Do you think you’ll like potions? I know some people say they’re a lot alike so maybe that’ll give you a leg up. Not That I think you need one! Oh dear…” He puffed up his cheeks slightly, biting his bottom lip, before exhaling in a long breath.

“Do you want to put your trunk on the overhead racks now?” He smiled bashfully at Nadiya.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/7 20:55:54 )

"Oh yes, I adore cooking!" She beamed, than her face fell as he mentioned potions. "Oh well.. you know, I hope that potions is fun like cooking. To be honest I've avoided to much about it at home. . . I guess I'll find out when we get to Hogwarts." She shook herself mentally not wanting her family troubles to sneak into her demeanor she forced a smile back onto her face. "Oh i don't know about that. i could be a complete failure." Her smile turned back to genuine, lighting up her eyes when he offered to help with the trunk again.

"Yes absoultely. Thank you again. This thing is so heavy. I'm so glad we only have to get it to the train and not lug it all the way up to the school." While they lifted the trunk together Nadiya nervously asked, "So what house are you hoping for?"


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/26 23:47:46 )

Albert was a bit confused about Nadiya saying she had avoided potions at home. Should he ask? Or was this one of those things his parents said was inappropriate to ask someone about if you didn’t know them very well? Urk…better be safe and not ask. Always good to avoid offending people you want to be your friend…

“Oh!!! I want to be in Hufflepuff. Though Ravenclaw would be good too!!! Honestly I think any of the houses would be fun to be in…they’re supposed to become like your family no matter where you end up, right?” He smiled shyly at Nadiya, shuffling his feet a bit after they’d gotten her trunk up. After a beat he bit his lip before plopping back down where he’d been sitting, stuffing his hands under himself to avoid fidgeting with them.
“What house do you want to be in?”

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/16 17:55:21 )

"Oh God I hope they don't turn into my family!" nadiya burst out not thinking as they finished pushing her trunk into the storage racks. "ER you know. Cause my family should stay at home? Uh. Right..." She plopped down on the seat across from him, "I'm hoping for those as well. Hufflepuff would be the best. Ravenclaw wouldn't be bad, but I really don't want Gryffindor or Slytherin."

She stared at the ground and twirled her hair around her finger nervously. Was she saying to much. Maybe she would get looked at weird for being a Rookwood if people remembered her great great whatever grandfather.


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/15 22:01:56 )

He got the feeling that he was going to be confused about a lot of things his new friend said. Maybe she had an older sibling she didn’t get along with? His cousins were always fighting…Albert supposed that if he had siblings he might not want his house to be like his father either.

“Well, I’m sure you’ll get in whichever house you want! I don’t think they can force you to go somewhere you really, really don’t want to be.” Albert laughed nervously, hoping it didn’t sound forced. Why was talking to new people so hard?

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/02/24 02:37:50 )

Nadiya swung her feet back and forth under the seat nervously; she was still short enough to be able to do that. "It's up to the sorting hat, but I don't know exactly how it works. I'm terrified that it'll see my blood and put me in the house of my family." She rubbed her arm and avoided Albert's eyes as she looked out the window at the passing landscape. "I really don't like my family." Her voice got quieter and quieter as she mumbled in embarrassment, " I'm sorry for my outburst. My family isn't exactly the best, and going to Hogwarts is really my escape from them. I'm terrified that their reputation is going to follow me here. Not that I'd trade them away for other family..." her voice trailed off and she fell silent.

Finally, she raised her eyes to meet his, though she had to play with the ends of her hair in order to face him. "I'd understand if you don't want to be friends when you find out who my family is. Though I hope you won't hold it against me. You seem really nice already and I'd love to be friends."


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/12 20:48:31 )

Albert watched Nadiya worriedly, concerned for her. Maybe she had a bad family like daddy said some people had? Hopefully they weren’t though…bad families were really mean, like when that one lady was yelling at her kid for dropping his ice cream when he was bumped in to by an adult.

“I promise I won’t hold it against you! Even if we’re sorted into different houses we’ll still be best friends, right? I’m not gonna let some silly hat or silly people tell me who I can hang out with.” Albert puffed up his cheeks in indignation, getting a stubborn look in his eyes as if daring anyone to try.

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Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/13 13:16:41 )

Nadiya looked up the him in complete surprise. "Best friends?" It took her a moment to comprehend what he had said and than she leapt across the compartment and hugged him. "I've never had a best friend before!"

She realized what she was doing and pulled away embarrassed. "Oops sorry." She giggled awkwardly, "guess I got a little bit excited."

Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

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