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Forums General Chit-Chat 5 Positive Things Of The Day

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/16 06:36:40 )
1. It's Friday.
2. I get to hang out with friends tomorrow.
3. I made lasagna for dinner.
4. I've been posting more.
5. I found this thread.
Quest Link
Please Mention. I tend to poof and need reminding.

Voltie — Burnt Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/17 03:16:59 )
1 i did my first half marathon in 2 hours 11 minutes
2 i ate chik fil a for the first time in like 6 months
3 someone was giving out bacon to the runners
4 i just had amazing food from a local bbq place supporting future ems/firefighters
5 talked to my parents today

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/17 05:20:05 )
1. I got to sleep in a lot today.
3. Made a lit of progress on my mermaid blanket.
4. Pumpkin drinks at my fave coffee shop. (Hello dirty pumpkin chai! I missed you!
5. It's not raining, so I can walk home tonight and buy cookie supplies on the way.

Donator — Demoness Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/18 04:37:45 )
1. I talked to my boyfriend
2. I exercised for some minutes
3. I talked to my friend
4. I got to shower today
5. hung out with my cats

Voltie — Burnt Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/19 04:40:13 )
Yesterday cause I didn't do it
1 Returned home back to boyfriend
2 Enjoyed Dunkin Donuts maple pecan ice coffee
3 Enjoyed stuffed crust pizza
4 Pretty much relaxed
5 Accomplished some homework

1 My left foot is feeling better. It hurt to walk on
2 Learned something new at work
3 Got to show off my medal
4 I made it through the work day without being exhausted by the end of the day
5 Got to enjoy a smoothie today

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/19 05:28:10 )
1. cut my hair mega short
2. ate some nice crackers for dinner
3. have a plan for tomorrow
4. watched two of my favourite tv shows
5. found my favourite shower gel, it was hiding in my lil shower caddy thing :3

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/21 04:23:17 )
1.Went to the doctors and had pretty decent health.
2.I can call anytime in peak vista to have talking sessions about my depression which is great and it's convenient for me.
3.Got some calcium tablets as well as my antibiotics for my acne and birth control.
4.Overall had a pretty good day.
5.slept real good.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/21 04:49:47 )
1 drank a lot of apple juice today
2 ate some protein for the first time in a while
3 mini-marathon of one of my favourite shows
4 was remotely productive
5 idk number five, I had some yummy chocolate??

currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Voltie — they/them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/21 06:43:58 )
1.) I got things I ordered in the mail.
2.) I slept all day and feel super rested.
3.) I'm listening to good music.
4.) I had a cute dream that my dog was a cowboy puppy. xD
5.) I bought a lot of makeup that should ship soon.

Voltie — Burnt Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/21 07:20:23 )
Again yesterday
1) Made it through the work day
2) Dinner was good
3) Coaching Soccer practice helps destress
4) Cuddle times is always nice
5) Found out plans for the future of my career field

1) Knowing my friend is safe
2) my oatmeal was yuuuum
3) Hot chocolate is great
4) Class went by kind of fast
5) My mood started off blehh, but got better throughout the day

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/22 06:29:07 )
1.Figured out when I will take my birth control.
2.Slept pretty well.
3.Got more vitamin C smoothies that I love to help me get through the week.
4.Leveling my New Character on BnS.
5.Getting more ideas for Zykahl's banner outfit. :vanora_sun:

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
[My Website]

Voltie — Burnt Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/23 05:00:46 )
1) Kept busy at work
2) went on a 4.25 mile run and felt like nothing
3) Youth soccer went well
4) spent time with my birds and the cat
5) Boyfriend is always yay

Today lets see
1) Friday need I say more
2) pumpkin oatmeal and caramel aapple spice latte for breakfast, i love the fall
3) pancakes for dinner too
4) fuller house binge watching today
5) today was rather relaxing compared to earlier in the week

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/23 05:24:48 )
1. Rewatched Deadpool
2. Pigged out on some snack cakes
3. Had a pretty nice nap
4. Played some WoW
5. Played some Minecraft

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/24 13:02:31 )
1. I only cried once today. #Improvement
2. I finally got to make pepper steak for dinner. <3
3. I finished an assignment for school that I hadn't even planned on doing. #Productive!
4. The puppies have been extra well behaved today.
Eh I couldn't quite come up with 5 things. D:

Donator — King Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/24 13:49:09 )
1 the world didn't end
2 I wrote a little bit (I want to do more of that)
3 gave my number to cute people
4 my ankles didnt hurt when I woke up and I could actually walk
5 I'm probably gonna draw when I get home
Dressed as goblins!
Do it all again!
See the friends all again!

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/25 03:28:06 )
1. I mega slept in
2. Had delicious leftover pizza
3. Have the day off, so I can finally draw
4. Destiny 2 installed painlessly on PS4, hooray

Voltie — Burnt Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/25 08:04:20 )
1 Cleaned the Birds Cage
2 Cinnamon Toast Crunch
3 I made chili and corn bread
4 I learned new things from the newspaper
5 Got to mostly relax today after a really long week [quote=Dread Pirate]1 the world didn't end

1 Accomplished a lot of cleaning
2 Accomplished groceries
3 Boyfriend cooked
4 spent time with boyfriend
5 cat didn't bug me in my sleep like he usually does

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 07:17:34 )
1. A customer called in to thank me personally so that was nice
2. My roommate let me have his leftovers!
3. Gonna finally play Destiny 2 with my bud
4. Was able to make some art plans
5. Uhh.. Monday is over, I guess. :'D
pls ping me, ty!!


quest | etc

Voltie — Burnt Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 07:40:58 )
1 Today went by quickly
2 Main office had M&Ms
3 Tried fish tacos for first time. Turned out good
4 cuddle times with boyfriend
5 Helped out boyfriend at PT with running

Voltie — they/them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/28 04:48:53 )
1.) I received the makeup I ordered online and I'm so happy with my purchases.
2.) I woke up at a normal time and got shit done.
3.) I bought some jeans and a really cute shirt on sale.
4.) I hit my steps goal on Fitbit.
5.) I saw my grandma.

please @ me if you want a response
art by blinkini

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