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Forums General Chit-Chat Moving & Unpacking

Donator — Miz/Mizzy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/6 00:54:41 )
Been really busy lately
Mostly moving / packing & working
But now it's mostly just work, organizing & unpacking
The tedious stuff like putting together shelves & bookcases are - well - tedious ¯_(ツ)_/¯

So I'm just very exhausted these last few days

Mostly have been watching Bojack, Kabaneri & doing some budget planning since I got my new phone & a rad tablet I can now draw on ouo

I wanna go with the app procreate but sadly it's only i.o.s based (apple) & so, right now I can only finance a TabS4
Sucks to suck, Miz ¯_(ツ)_/¯

When the room is all put together I'll be taking pictures! The room is a dark purple with a loooooootttt of posters owo

Hope everyone is doing ok!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/6 01:40:06 )
@mizuie: i used to move a lot when i was younger. being taken from family home to family home to foster home and adoption. been all over the united states. i always loved moving.

different rooms. different house plans. different decorations. i loved the idea of having my own home. it is very expensive here so we are selling everything to downsize into a stealth van for a couple years around our town.

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/6 03:27:30 )

@mizuie: Moving can be so exhausting, but I've moved around a lot as a kid so I enjoy it. I'd love to see your room, it sounds nice!

Donator — Miz/Mizzy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/6 18:38:06 )
Oh gosh look at that
So careless of me
Leaving a trail of behind me
tsk tsk tsk
Thank you Nigel

I like that too, different rooms / house plans / decorations etc etc
Going thru the stuff youd like to keep & the stuff you wouldn't
I love the unpacking part, just not the packing stuff up & the moving
A stealth van huh ? Sounds interesting, I've always wanted to do that - yet - being that close to my family doesn't sound ideal
Thayd be on my own time

@Lufi: As a kid I always wanted to move & a part of me is always like,, if I could start it all over I would have loved to finish high school out where I live now
It was up in the air when I was about in 10th grade whether we'd be moving or not & we didn't
We ended up doing it right after I graduated, tho we only moved 6hours north from where we originally lived
I was there less than 2 years seeing as when I saw that opportunity to move out i took it & I took it fast
I really wish I had that experience as a kid moving around, - it would have been nice, but it sucks to suck
Now it's only a dream like thing I reminisce on sometimes

@Totalanimefan: it really is, yesterday we had a large rush of conference people that first started off as a rush - but then - we figured out it was an international professor conference
Usually when there is a large conference at the hotel next door we're told
It was a very busy day & I was (&am currently) super exhausted & sore
They should end the conference today about 2pm, but yesterday I was so sore i ended up taking a bath, slept for a a good 3 hours & then I ended up just relaxing for a good while until I went to sleep (so no organizing)
I think I'll do a rinse & repeat & then tomorrow will be more organizing

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