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@Tsundererra: hey tsun i hope its okay if i start tomorrow with your drawing =O today morning i had a bit personal problems with my BF and was crying like 2 hours..... now i cant see anything right >_< sorry dear i dont wanted to delay it this long!
@Tsundererra: its okay we made up again but we had a fight in years. its pretty hard for him to understand this pregnancy thing.
i need to wear my glasses now on the pc but tomorrow everything will be fine again dear, thank you ^^ how about you today?
i need to wear my glasses now on the pc but tomorrow everything will be fine again dear, thank you ^^ how about you today?
TSUN ★ TSUN ★ TSUN (≖︿≖✿)
@Miss Sandman: Pregnancy is hard to wrap around for anyone not going through it, but people usually still try to be understanding.
I’m glad you made up already~ ^^ Just relax for today, and even tomorrow too if you need it.
I’m doing ok~ I went grocery shopping and now I’m just chilling on the couch. It’s a very slow Sunday.
(✿ ♡‿♡) DERE ★ DERE ★ DERE
@Tsundererra: yeah he tries his best but sometimes hes just like DUH...... your shops have open on sundays???? our grocerys never open on sundays just some little shops like flower shops
and no tomorrow will be fine again ^^
and no tomorrow will be fine again ^^
TSUN ★ TSUN ★ TSUN (≖︿≖✿)
@Miss Sandman: This might have been an off day for him, so maybe he slipped up. He is only human.
Our shops are open every single day of the week. xD Most stores do close early on Sundays (at around 17:00-19:00), but some don’t. Our society likes to work us like dogs.
(✿ ♡‿♡) DERE ★ DERE ★ DERE
@Tsundererra: he is human but well he cant ignore me for half a week and than came with sorry i missed you too much so i avoid you to have less heartpain....... and i was like wtf are you serious??????????
omg..... this is ridicolous! in the hometown of my BF the stores closed at 1 or 2 pm on a saturday because they just dont need to be open longer in this town! xDDD
omg..... this is ridicolous! in the hometown of my BF the stores closed at 1 or 2 pm on a saturday because they just dont need to be open longer in this town! xDDD
TSUN ★ TSUN ★ TSUN (≖︿≖✿)
@Miss Sandman: Omg, he ignored you for half a week because he missed you too much?! D: What strange logic, I don’t blame you for feeling the way you do... and it prolly feels 1000x worse because you’re pregnant and you have borderline personality (it would drive me crazy to have someone do that to me too).
Omg, stores close early even on a Saturday over there?! I can’t even imagine our stores doing that, even in our smaller towns. The weekend here is when everyone goes out shopping. When I worked retail, we were open until 23:00 on Saturdays because it was a busy money-making day.
(✿ ♡‿♡) DERE ★ DERE ★ DERE
@Tsundererra: yes i also was like wtf youre doing this to me???? and he told me how much he loved mánd that he is really sorry he did this but i was really really angry dear...... i just told him he cant do such a thing to a pregnant woman and the next time he do this i will ignore him for 2 weeks straight to make him feel the way i was just so angry and dissapointed in him. but now its good again i dont may think so much about it because i will get angry gain XD
the thing is, it is normal here with the closed stores so ppl dont think about going shopping on sundays and just in the morning on saturdays.
the thing is, it is normal here with the closed stores so ppl dont think about going shopping on sundays and just in the morning on saturdays.
TSUN ★ TSUN ★ TSUN (≖︿≖✿)
@Miss Sandman: That is a messed up thing to do even to someone who isn’t pregnant. I’m just glad it’s resolved and that maybe he has learned his lesson.
That’s very interesting~ Saturday’s and Sunday’s are shopping days in Japan as well, so maybe they took that idea from us.
What do people usually do on the weekends over there? Are restaurants still open?
(✿ ♡‿♡) DERE ★ DERE ★ DERE
@Tsundererra: yes he definetly learned because i snapped...... usually he is the person who snaps faster than me... iam calm and patient a little crazy but not forcing....... at the beginning he even snapped if i dont wanted to hear his type of metal.... BUT if i snap he knew something he did horribly wrong!
the the good points of him, he tries his best all the time and he is so cute! he is a crazy as me and i love him so much! ^^ (dont wanna talk bad to much)
do you have a BF??? i think we never talked about this point :O
@Tsundererra: restaurants are open, museums are open zoos are open, ususally we use the weekend to go to party or make a nice time with the family just things we have fun with =)
the the good points of him, he tries his best all the time and he is so cute! he is a crazy as me and i love him so much! ^^ (dont wanna talk bad to much)
do you have a BF??? i think we never talked about this point :O
@Tsundererra: restaurants are open, museums are open zoos are open, ususally we use the weekend to go to party or make a nice time with the family just things we have fun with =)
TSUN ★ TSUN ★ TSUN (≖︿≖✿)
@Miss Sandman: Ooooh, you’re one of those people that takes a lot to piss off, and when you’re angry, everyone involved knows they messed up. xD
Just because he did this bad thing doesn’t make him seem bad to me. He seems like a decent guy for the most part, and I’m just glad you guys worked it out fast. That’s really good~
And naaaah, I don’t have a BF. It’s weird, but I’m ok without one. My last relationship was so stressful in so many ways, I kinda like being alone.
It’s good that all the entertainment areas are open~ but oh man, I can even imagine what to do if you plan on having a party, then on that day you realize you have forgotten something, like drinks, snacks, cups/plates... I have a Wal-mart near me that never closes just in case for those moments
(✿ ♡‿♡) DERE ★ DERE ★ DERE
@Tsundererra: yes iam the silent one xD thats good =) he dont deserve to be seen as bad just because iam mad at him =)
oh was itthe guy with the proposal =O? andas long your happy with everything is fine! you will see if you miss to have a BF youre ready to get a new one though =)
honey bun we are germans....... if we plan something we will buy it right away like half a week ago so we have time to get something if we something forget ;D
oh was itthe guy with the proposal =O? andas long your happy with everything is fine! you will see if you miss to have a BF youre ready to get a new one though =)
honey bun we are germans....... if we plan something we will buy it right away like half a week ago so we have time to get something if we something forget ;D
TSUN ★ TSUN ★ TSUN (≖︿≖✿)
@Miss Sandman: He keeps you happy most of the time, so I know he can’t be bad just from this. :3
And yesssss, that was my last relationship. TAT I swear, I got such bad trauma from dealing with all of that... but maybe one day if I meet the right person, I won’t mind dating again. But I’m happy with the way things are for now.
Ahhhhh, I forgot how exact and prepared you guys are. xD I was watching a German comedian on Netflix that made a joke about how everything has an inspector and paper work, like even the smallest nail on an escalator. We Americans are a mess. We buy the stuff and forget about it until the day of, then when we’re using it, we might be like OH SHIT, WE FORGOT THIS! >3>
(✿ ♡‿♡) DERE ★ DERE ★ DERE
@Tsundererra: oh dear i can understand that! it must be scary to think this could happened again! and yeah i wish you luck with this =) i met my BF at the internet. i came freshly out a relationship and i was so devastated i make fun of ppl on dating sites (like pervs) it was really funny though xD and than i met my BF on fb it was wierd XD
what youre looking for in another person? ( i dont know how to spell this anwser right i hope it understandable)
yes we are wierd.... xD
i get crazy if my boss staple dokuments like 5 times.......... its such a small thing but it makes me mad xDD
and we plan out festival trip always perfect! :D
what youre looking for in another person? ( i dont know how to spell this anwser right i hope it understandable)
yes we are wierd.... xD
i get crazy if my boss staple dokuments like 5 times.......... its such a small thing but it makes me mad xDD
and we plan out festival trip always perfect! :D
TSUN ★ TSUN ★ TSUN (≖︿≖✿)
@Miss Sandman: Hahaha, omg, that is so funny how life works. A lot of people these days are finding people to date online, so it’s not that strange/creepy anymore. My boss met her husband on a dating site, and they’re super happy together.
I think for me, the most important things are humor, and if he is considerate and understanding. If a relationship happens again for me, that’s ok. If it doesn’t, that’s ok too. ^^
Oh man, German people would LOOOOVE working in Japan then. They are particular with the amount and direction of the staple, and hate creases/wrinkles in papers. When I was getting my bank account made, I made a mistake in writing something on the form, and I scratched it out, and the all the Japanese people jumped from their seat because more than one line means the whole document is void, one line is for mistakes.
I wish most of my friends planned like Germans for our outings.
(✿ ♡‿♡) DERE ★ DERE ★ DERE
@Tsundererra: yes i was surprised too... he wrothe me "hi youre cute" and he resebles someone i knew so bad on his photo that he was imidiatly sympatic to me XD
awww and never ever forget the loyality, he need to be loyal to you or i cut him *nods*
do you have special features you like? like blonde or brpwn hair, blue or green eyes?
sorry iam too courious! xD
naaaw i think japan is even more strict than us with dokuments! xD my boss really is dont caring..... if she needs to be fast she rips the paper from the stape and iam ! OAO wth boss noooooooooooo
we learned in elementary school the same rule about striking XD we need to take our little rulers strike our mistakes one time and write the correct anwser niceley behind the mistake.
awww and never ever forget the loyality, he need to be loyal to you or i cut him *nods*
do you have special features you like? like blonde or brpwn hair, blue or green eyes?
sorry iam too courious! xD
naaaw i think japan is even more strict than us with dokuments! xD my boss really is dont caring..... if she needs to be fast she rips the paper from the stape and iam ! OAO wth boss noooooooooooo
we learned in elementary school the same rule about striking XD we need to take our little rulers strike our mistakes one time and write the correct anwser niceley behind the mistake.
TSUN ★ TSUN ★ TSUN (≖︿≖✿)
@Miss Sandman: I’m glad he resembled someone you thought positively of instead of negatively. That might have kept you guys from getting together! O: How long did you wait until you met him in person?
You’re right, loyalty is a must. xD I appreciate the threat of cutting him, that’s sweet. We can double team him if that ever happens.
I’m not too particular on looks, as long as he bathes and gets hair cuts. I swear, I’ve been interested in so many different looking guys, and it’s always after being exposed to their personality, not from their looks. What is your ideal guy? It might be your bf since you‘ve been together for so long. :)
Oh man, your boss works like an American! xD I wish there was a way to compare German and Japanese people’s particular ways with documents, because I’m sure you guys are the same. My elementary students would use rulers too to cross out stuff, and they have these hard plastic sheets they use behind pages in a notebook so the next page won’t have bumps from writing.
(✿ ♡‿♡) DERE ★ DERE ★ DERE
@Tsundererra: we wait 3 weeks.... before we skyped and have phone calls everyday it was pretty fast ^^
yes than we destroy him together *powers up*
and thats intristing you dont have a certain type. baths are really importand :D my bf wasnt cutting his hairs in years so like me we are metalheads we care about our hair but cuts.... well no ^^
I like if my man are white or asian (never dated an asian guy but i think they are appealing) i dont know why iam like this, i dont have anything against black guys or indian guys they just dont are appealing to me =O oh and i dont like blonde guys...... they always look like whimps xD
and my type is if he is a little chubby i like my BF to be a bear :D my BF is a teddybear with a cutesy face >w<
yeah my boss is always in need of making fast money for herself so thats normal though. she really is succsessfull, so it works =O
okay bumps from writing are pretty normal though!
yes than we destroy him together *powers up*
and thats intristing you dont have a certain type. baths are really importand :D my bf wasnt cutting his hairs in years so like me we are metalheads we care about our hair but cuts.... well no ^^
I like if my man are white or asian (never dated an asian guy but i think they are appealing) i dont know why iam like this, i dont have anything against black guys or indian guys they just dont are appealing to me =O oh and i dont like blonde guys...... they always look like whimps xD
and my type is if he is a little chubby i like my BF to be a bear :D my BF is a teddybear with a cutesy face >w<
yeah my boss is always in need of making fast money for herself so thats normal though. she really is succsessfull, so it works =O
okay bumps from writing are pretty normal though!
~Pls Ping me~
Nothing fancy to see here!!!
Nothing fancy to see here!!!
TSUN ★ TSUN ★ TSUN (≖︿≖✿)
@Miss Sandman: 3 weeks is decent time to start Skyping and calling every day. My cousin would do that with new guys she met online the same day. :viodone:
I think your preferences are normal~ most people have certain types they’re attracted to. My cousin was really into middle eastern Hispanic guys, and one of my best friends looooves black guys.
And by having their hair cut, I mean it looks nice, styled, and the ends are cut. Long hair can look good if it’s not from neglect and doesn’t look greasy (metalhead long hair is ok~ xD)
Awwww, I love blonde haired guys, they are really pretty to look at. Maybe you don’t like pretty boys like I do. I am curious how you and your bf look like together. :D You should post a family pic (once the baby is born) so we can all see this awesome metalhead family.
(✿ ♡‿♡) DERE ★ DERE ★ DERE

The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi
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