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Forums Hangouts Palindrome Palace | Eel Dreamers Welcome!

Donator — PrinCSS Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 09:06:02 )
Welcome to Palindrome Palace AKA thread 808!!

It started out as my procrastination thread, but now I just want somewhere to chat <3

I love making friends, having small conversations and hearing about things that you like.
Come in, take up a beanbag and feast on all the unhealthy food provided.
We have beverages of all sorts too

Donator — PrinCSS Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 09:06:10 )
The heck is an eel dreamer?

I thought you named your thread Paling Droom (Paling is Dutch for eel (you know, the fish) and droom means dream) :vanora_xd:

Donator — PrinCSS Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 09:06:16 )

Donator — PrinCSS Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 09:07:17 )
So I am working on a tonne of things at the moment - yay university!

I need a place to chat sporadically so decided to make this. Come have small conversations or just feel free to comment about what you're doing instead of studying/chores :D

Donator — Winchester Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 18:06:24 )
I'll post in here tomorrow <_< >_>

Donator — - Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 19:26:03 )
@Tuijp: Lol

@aly: Hi! I should be doing some language practice but I am playing ACNL instead. Also, got a wedding at 3:30 and I probably won't even get ready until 2:55. Lol

Donator — PrinCSS Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 07:20:28 )
@Elithiya: Welp now I feel horrible >>
I was just in a storm (like a mess of things) and wanted somewhere to write about it

@Shamrock Shamus: I feel almost bad getting you addicted to that game (;
But no ah!! You can still do it, you got this!

Donator — - Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 07:28:14 )
@Aly: Lol I have an addictive personality. It doesn't take much to get me addicted to something. Also, idk why but when I first played ACNL years ago, it couldn't hold my attention fkr more than 4 days at about an hour a piece. Now I plah it as often as possible

I went. I jad fun. I messaged you kn discord.

Donator — PrinCSS Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 07:37:53 )
@Shamrock Shamus: Drunkey :P

And yeah! I have an addictive personality which is why I try not to play games or watch TV Series. sometimes it's fine but other times I will sit there for days and do.. nothing because those are the things I'm doing. I forget to eat or anything ;A;'

I have so much to do so I might avoid discord and pop in here from time to time o/

Donator — - Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 07:41:02 )
@Aly: Okay. Well, you take care of what you need to and I'll be floatinf around here. Just ping me because othewise J get losr.

How tf do you forget to eat? I revolve around stuffing my pie hole (among other things...) Haha.

Also there is another procastination station on page three. Maybe...Procastination destination?

Donator — - Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 07:47:48 )
Oh, I see you've changed it. Lol. Indecisive/hesitation vents. Interesting.

Donator — PrinCSS Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/14 10:37:56 )
@Elithiya: Got a more generic name for the chat but will change it soon anyway cause I think there's a ballpit place somewhere already too? XD


I'm doing well! the other week I was a mess because I had something big due, now I've got big stuff due for the next few weels ToT

But I'm being good and working on my assignment due tomorrow ~

How're you doing? c:

Donator — PrinCSS Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/14 10:41:19 )
mwhaha perfect name for my perfect thread

Donator — PrinCSS Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/14 11:02:31 )
@panda: pingping come give me some love in here <3

what are you up to? x

Donator — Female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/14 11:03:29 )
Hey there :D I'm just browsing around.

Donator — PrinCSS Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/14 11:04:55 )
@Panda: For anything in particular or kinda just hopping from place to place? - but wait!
You don't look like a frog (;

I was also wondering how many volts you'reup to? If it's okay to ask, of course c:

Donator — Female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/14 11:06:39 )
I was going to be over 100k volts, but I recently donated a bunch and for my charity.

Donator — PrinCSS Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/14 11:08:19 )
I was thinking some crazy number like that! Lowkey I'm planning for a profile shop.. plus I want to get some of the September items before well.. September is over XD I only have 2k because I have been posting very very very little except for updates in my premade profile thread x.x;

It's really cool you're so excited and help out the users of this site naw <3 the greatest panda :*

Love the colors on your avatar too :D

Donator — PrinCSS Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/14 16:25:13 )
-rolls around-


Donator — Winchester Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/14 16:48:18 )
I thought you named your thread Paling Droom (Paling is Dutch for eel (you know, the fish) and droom means dream) :vanora_xd:

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