It's a bird! It's an airship! No, it's actually...ME, Spark, your most electrifying host, bringing you news of some really great stuff coming your way!
Hm? What? I'M a bird? I...oh yeah, that does sound about right...
A-Anyway, moving on!
October Commons
First up we've got some spooky commons coming along! All you Volties wanting to get witchy with it finally have the chance to do just that! Just be sure to practice safe spellcraft...
Don't want people turning into newts after all...even if they get better after!

Raver Mask
*User-Designed Item, available in 5 variations*
Designed by kiwi, pixelled by ghost

Left Star Earring
By Q t e a p o n

Right Star Earring
By Q t e a p o n

Witch Hat
*Available in 6 variations*
By Q t e a p o n

Witch Broom
*Available in 7 variations*
By Q t e a p o n

Cute Bow
*Available in 5 variations*
By Q t e a p o n

Cute Bow Earrings
*Available in 5 variations*
By Q t e a p o n

Let's not forget to thank our Item Technicians for uploading:
Lilypoo, Hadsvich, Valefor, Francisco and Dipper!
Support Ticket Feature Launch!
Support Tickets are now a part of Voltra, and are there to improve your Voltra experience as a whole. You can mark your tickets as urgent, report users from their profiles, and report posts from forums. You can also send tickets in anonymously, but you won't be able to receive replies. We hope this feature helps you feel safer and more at home in Voltra, while giving you easy access to support, whether it be reporting something that made you feel unsafe, needing a thread locked or moved, or bug glitches you wish to inform us of, and many other things.
Upcoming Reaping Ritual
Thaaaaat's right, my dear Volties! We've got something exciting in the works that'll hopefully be loads of fun for everyone involved! I'll keep the deets to myself for now, but rest assured that more info will be made available soon. I can guarantee it'll be something to really look forward to!
2000 User Milestone Closing In!
Woah! Will 'ya look at that! At the very moment of this Surge, we're 18 users away from reaching our 2000 user milestone! Now THIS is amazing! Voltra's been growing pretty well, and I'd like to thank each and every one of you wonderful Volties for sticking by us through all this time...
Here's to more great memories and even more Volties to share 'em with!
Community Discussion Questions
Wanna take part in the Community Discussions? Of course you do! That's exactly why I, in an unbelievably brilliant stroke of...uh...brilliance...had this prepped just for all you curious Volties:
Click that big ol' link and let the questions fly! They'll be answered answered to the best of our abilities!
Coming Soon!

:plasma-orb: Reaping Ritual [TBA]
And that's a wrap! Thanks for tuning in, Volties! Hopefully you're all excited for the stuff that's coming along! I myself am looking forward to that upcoming event...believe me, I'm just supercharged with excitement!
With all that said, it's time for me to jet! Ciao!