Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/29 20:47:36 )
@wildfire: when I was hositalized with 2 strokes in my brain, the doctors tried to get me back into eating more ad diffeent meat than fish and chicken.. unfortunately all the tries were a massive fail. Threw up so much duing that time that I lost about 15 kg of bodyweight.
@Queen of Trash: It was good. I should probably take my tablet and sit outside for a bit... extending the break a little more (kinda) but I feel better now. I made "random food" for the kids. They're happy.
@Miss Sandman: yes, alive threads are good threads!
I made random food for them... but it's almost 4pm here now... so it's not lunch, not dinner...
@TeaTales: Well, apparently you weren't ready for it at the time. As long as you eat a wide variety of stuff you should be ok... but that's the key - wide variety.... and many people don't.
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/29 20:52:34 )
Yea I know. I usually follow what my instinct tells me I need when Im grocery shopping. sometimes I buy meat other times I dont and just buy a whole lot of veggies.. lately the love for dhal and beans is big, though I know I gotta eat some more meat at least untill alll the bruises and black marks from the haunted house are gone ^^;
@Queen of Trash: Let's see.... today I ate: an apple, a celery stick, a date "roll"/bite thing... and a few grapes.
@Miss Sandman: LOL, yes, except that I'll be making actual dinner soonish. This is an attempt to use up leftovers they were no longer picking at and to put something in the fridge they can eat when they want to yell "but there's no foooOOOood!"