Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/1 17:29:15 )
@wildfire to thoe who hav not read the system / clan books for Vampire the Masquerade or vampire the requiem, it is easily confusing. to me it is rather simple... at least untill a certain point where my characters 'vamparent' decided that she was not 'modern enough' so he left her, young and untested to try and survvie on her own. which went well for half a year... then some ' acident' happend and she could very well have died at that moment if it hadnt been for a other vampire that passed by and helped her out and decided to take her under his 'wings' and sorts adopt her.
They have a hillarious contrast. He is a vampire of clan that can communicate with animals prefer to live in the forest and ll in all move around while being animallike ( he got both scales and a tail to prove how close he is to the animal kingdom )
She on the other hand has been raised and polished to be a polite and cultural 'pretty but gifted doll' that her 'vamparent' could show off while selling her art and clothes she made. Her magic skills are the most basic of basic; either she an make you respect her or she can make you fear her.