Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/11 16:27:10 )
I flipping hate the danish weather >>; I had a list of the items for the photo challenge wih my username on it in my bag, you'd think everything woul be fine.. but so far pretty muh every day of the even has been distracted by either my volunteer work, or wind and chilly AF rain... Went out today to try and get the photos from the list as it was only super cold and super windy.... but the bloody wind go a hold on the list and dragged it away. couldnt find it again ><
can take outdoors photos today then. :/ ( aka no sky/cloud/twigs/sand/dirt/earth .. and well definitly no snow or pumpkins or witchhat either and my amehyst pendulum go stolen 4 years ago )... me and my... 'luck' *sighs*