Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/29 01:53:55 )
Now its about to remember the names as well as I can since last I read them was about 16 years ago ^^;;; I also read the book in danish where names have been altered. It wasnt rosethorn, the plantmage was a male ( and I mean to remember that rosethorn was his mentor ) that had been in prison at one point where moss grew that much I remember. So I guess Briar Moss... Though in danish his name is Thorn..
And yes Daja! <3 I do not remember the threadmages name, but I suspect Sandry..?
I also havent read Spy's guide to tortall and the lands of Tortall. yet.. its nott o be found in Denmark. Tried to buy it via an other site but their system had a a fail that did that I somehow couldnt pay with paypal despit them claiming they do take paypal. :/
Fanatasy, mystery and horror my favourite genres... Have you ever read Anne McCaffrey's books? they only have 3 translated in Denmark and finding the others is quite the adventure... At one point it was easy to find in my library untill they ended up changint the entire layout on the floor with fantasy books, and eded up mixing english an danish authours together. Havelooked in the M section serveral times with no luck T_T