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Forums Role Playing Torrent Oblivion [1x1x1]

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 19:25:02 )
[This RP is for Dowan, lazymarshmallow, and Mica. Feel free to read along.]

Long ago, the world was threatened by a great evil. Humans laid down their weapons during this time, and put an end to their petty wars in order to confront this entity of terrifying power. Kings and queens, for the first time in many violent centuries, sat peacefully across from one another. Kingdoms rallied under a single banner, and a magnificent force the likes of which has never trodden the earth again marched into the heart of darkness-

"But grandpa, wasn't the Great Evil squished by only a small group of people?"

. . . Why do you want me to tell you the story if you already know it?

"Shut up, Joseph. You always ruin it for the rest of us!"

"But don't you remember? Grandpa told us this before-"

"Just continue, grandpa. Please. Ignore Joseph. He's just a poopie-head!"

"Don't stick your tongue out at me!"

"Poopie-head, poopie-head!"

"For the love of Pokemon, hush you two!"

NOW then. . . as I was SAYING before I was so rudely interrupted. In a time looong before our own, there existed a band of mercenaries. They were nothing particularly special, but their talents did include slaying monsters with relative ease, and occasionally slinging an effective magic spell. If anything could be said about them, they were loyal to one another even before the fighting ceased.

My story, dear children, begins with this unseeming band of heroes. Friends who knew not the true suffering of the world, but who would cleave through mortal bindings and discover the Great Evil at their own pace. That is right, children. Thus begins the tale of those truly responsible for the shielding of the end. . .

For the slayers of the Torrent Oblivion.

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 20:29:28 )
Jamie Asher sat with his feet dangling off the edge of a rocky outcropping, fishing rod in hand. His lavender eyes opened and closed in an attempt to stay awake, to desperately stave off a fisherman's greatest adversary: boredom.

The rock he had diligently found - or rather, stumbled upon - was settled perfectly over a wide, clear pond deep within the Evergreen Forest. He swore he could see many different kinds of fish swimming about in the clear blue waters, but they were clearly mocking him. They would dart over in small clusters, seemingly look up at him, and open their mouths as if to laugh.

He held the rod in one hand for a moment to release a mighty yawn, and that's when it happened. A small tug on the line. But it grew very strong very quickly, and his yawn was cut short as the rod was almost snatched out of his grasp. He almost choked on some saliva while leaping to his feet, grabbing the rod with both hands and reeling wildly.

"You cheeky little...! You're not getting away with that!" He shouted into the pond and heard a flock of birds dart from a tree to the right, obviously unamused by his cries. He spun on his heel and braced the rod against his shoulder to struggle against the fish... no, the beast that was on the line. He started stepping forward with all his might, digging his bare feet into the foliage and dirt to find some purchase... and pull!

The amazingly loud splash was followed by an enormous plopping sound in front of him as the beast emerged from the pond, and dropped quite literally at his feet. The water it took from the pond doused Jamie, drenching him entirely. His short silver locks matted to his face as tiny fish-like organisms wiggled in his soaked black-silver underclothes. None of that mattered, however, as he laid eyes on the beast before him.

"W-whaaaaaa?!" A swarm of animals leapt into hiding at the shout.

The colossal, speckled blue toad looked at him with lazy eyes. Its mouth went left and right in an agonizingly slow manner as it chewed on the fishing line.

"I... I..." He hung his head. "We can't eat you!" He fell to his knees in defeat and the toad snatched the rod into its mouth with a long, thick tongue.

Voltie — she/her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 20:56:44 )
Marshall Lowe grumbled ice blue eyes narrowed as he trudged through the Evergreen Forest collecting firewood as he went. Just because he was crap at cooking did not mean he had to be on firewood duty all the time. He's only burned water fifteen times or so... that wasn't much at all!

'Oh hey! Mushrooms! So bright and red with white spots too! It can't possibly be poisonous. Let's pick all of this. I'm sure those guys will be happy. Mushrooms are tasty.' Nodding at himself approvingly, he dropped the large bundle of firewood from his back to collect some mushrooms.

Unnoticed and hidden in the bushes, eyes watched closely as the slim human picked mushrooms. Beside him lay an almost humorously large bundle of firewood about more then half his size.


Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 21:41:20 )
"Gotcha!" A distinctive sparkle in her bright green-yellow eyes gleamed brightly as her arrow hit it's mark on the rather large hare, the precise shot instantly killing it. Satisfied with her prey and the basket full of herbs and ripened fruit, Canette Locksburg soon made her way towards the designated camp. Soft wispy pale brown hair flew in curls as she began a brisk walk back with the sky vibrantly clear, complimented with the cool breezy winds.

Her staff was tied to her back, a silver wood finely carved into an intricate design that held the red gem securely within it's grasp. The large brown bag had clinking sounds of her bottles, mysterious substances of many kinds. She wore a long robe that cup off from the waist where practical dark red breeches covered her legs and sturdy brown boots to finish off her attire.

Canette reached the camp site and began to work quickly on the hare, skinning it while humming a deceptively cute song despite her current activities...

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 21:59:57 )
Jamie returned to the camp after a short run. He parted some branches in his way, and stepped through a large bush to emerge on the outskirts. There, he saw Canette happily skinning what appeared to be a small animal while humming an adorably addictive tune. He sweatdropped and debated on slowly retreating, but the heavy boots that went up to his knees made far too much noise to hide his appearance.

"Heya Canette," he said aloud while settling on a large log they had pulled close to the fire pit. The silver armor strapped to his body clanked as he sat, and he absentmindedly brushed some dirt off of it. "Good to see at least one of us struck gold. You need some help over there?" He leaned forward and folded his hands, watching her out of curiosity.

"And hey, have you seen Marshall yet? Maybe I should go look for him..."

Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 22:10:31 )
Her song paused the moment her knife did the final slice. As soon as it was skinned, she left it to hang on a close by branch to work on the meat. A gentle smile greeted him, her hands stained by the blood and gore of the animal as she turned her attention towards Jamie. "No, I'm good!" A bubbly tone emanated from her voice as she sliced the head from the hare. "I got super lucky, the little guy was nibbling on some fruit which I picked as well. We'll have a small treat for dessert!"

A slight concern swiped across her face as she thoughtfully looked around for Marshall. "Perhaps you could go look for him, there isn't much left to do here except make ourselves comfy. Seems we'll have clear skies again today, good fortune indeed."

Voltie — she/her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 22:27:51 )
Humming to himself and swaying a bit, Marshall happily entered the camp. He had a bag of mushrooms and enough firewood to last a couple of days. For some strange reason his short auburn hair looked somewhat scruffy with leaves sticking out.

"James!Canette! Ihavefoundussomedeliciousmushrooms! Itriedsomeandittastedfantastic! Kindaspicybittersweet!" he said in a jumbled mass of words.

Excitedly, he proudly showed his bag of mushrooms to them. The bag had very vibrant red mushrooms in it and there was a suspicious looking fog emanating from the bag.


Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 22:36:28 )
"Yeah, I guess I should-" Jamie hoisted himself up and was about to take a step when Marshall suddenly appeared. He barraged them with words in a way that only he could achieve, and showed off what could only be described as the most suspicious collection of... mushrooms, that Jamie ever saw. The mysterious fog emanating from the bright red color only amplified the knight's desire to back away from the bag.

"Welcome back, Marshall! Uh, are these... really edible? Have you tried them yet?" He swallowed audibly, but kept a smile on his face even as sweat started to form on his brow.

Voltie — she/her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 22:44:12 )
"OhyesItoldyouIdid! They'rebittersweetandspicyandreallydelicious! Doyouwanna..." before he could finish, Marshall collapsed backwards.

His body lay completely still and no movement could be seen. Suddenly, a sound was heard.

....zzzzzZZZZZZ.... snort.... hmmmnnm.... zzzzzzzz


Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 23:09:07 )
The colors of her face began with a bright welcome for Marshall but as he spoke, the smile turned into a blank stare that seemed void of all amusement. With the final slice of the meat, she wiped her hands with a rough looking cloth and walked towards him. "Jamie could you help me move him?" Seemingly not at all surprised at his antics, she dragged him over to his cot for rest. After Jamie helped her drag their strange friend to sleep in a more comfortable resting place, her eyes soon sparkled over the shroomish substance he brought over.
"Oh my goodness, is this perhaps from the family of..." her words trailed away excitedly as she smelled, examined and prodded the fungi.

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 00:32:54 )
Jamie took a step back and looked at his two companions with a lopsided smile. One was, at times, a little dense, and his demise may have just been caused by a strange mushroom out in the wilderness of a forest they had never fully explored before. The other was seemingly seduced by the very specimen that took their friend to a land of dreams where residency could perhaps be permanent. Well, they were the friends he chose, and together they would make a name for themselves as mercenaries.

Once they made their way through Evergreen Forest, they would find a small village by the name of Yoah. There, it was rumored that a monster was stealing crops at night. Boring as it may have sounded to veterans, it was a chance to make some money for those just starting out, and help people to boot.

He only hoped the monster was not a mushroom, or they were very likely screwed.

"You think you can wake him up, Canette? Probably wouldn't be good if he slept through dinner, but..." He laughed a bit. "It would mean more for us."

Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 06:47:36 )
Canette had quickly removed her notebook, ink and quill from her belongings to draw and document the new fungi. Her fingers flipped through the pages of other similar shrooms and quickly began to jot down the information with an impressive speed. Jamie must have said something, she heard his voice but the words he spoke flew over her head. The sketch was quickly drawn but oddly accurate, along with the patterns on the head and some shading to add some realism to the image. There she laid down it's symptoms and as she did all this, her eyes sparkled with excitement and passion.

When she was done, she realized Marshall had still been asleep. With a slight frown, she looked over at her companion and checked his vitals as well as if he had any other open wounds that could have caused the strange sleeping spell. Her hand began to glow a soft light green, hovering it over his body that snored comically loud. So far nothing too terrible had befallen him but she suspected he would indeed not be awake for dinner. Considering he had ingested some of the shrooms, she made a mental note to leave him some food for the morning when he woke.

"Jamie," her voice sweet as butter. "The consensus is he is merely asleep, with no damage to his vital organs or exterior. He will likely wake in the morning, feeling perhaps a little sick but he deserves it. Looks like we will have to take turns with the watch tonight! I will quickly roast our dinner over the fire after you make it. Then we have some edible greens to eat along with it and fruit."

Voltie — she/her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 07:00:07 )
Meanwhile as his very close comrades were pondering his situation, Marshall was dreaming.

In color.

In technicolor.

Very bright technicolor.

In front of him stood his greatest fear. The horrifying vision of his nightmares. It was tiny but no less terrible for its diminutive size. The eldritch abomination from the depths of the Abyss who had unfortunately tricked him into becoming a disciple.

He was once more dressed in his apprentice uniform and he was sitting in the Lotus position in front of his master. “Master! Why are you here? I thought I had escaped you successfully!” he exclaimed dismayed his face horrified.

It opened its mouth to reply.
"O%*66+#< ^ . ~ )."

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 15:17:02 )
Jamie watched Canette get out all her supplies and laughed softly. She probably didn't hear a single thing he said, but that was fine. He had gotten used to it whenever she saw something new, or the curious side of her was triggered. When that happened, she had to document it, and no one - or at least, no one in their current group - could pull her out of it. But ultimately she meant no harm, and such diligent recording would only serve to improve their travels in the future.

While she went about her business, Jamie took it upon himself to start the fire. Since he had a flint in his bag and Marshall brought back a ton of firewood, the process was effortless. In mere moments, he had a moderate flame going with which to roast the hare, but... he would leave the actual cooking to Canette. As if on cue, the girl began talking to him again and he nodded with a smile.

"So he's probably going to be fine? That's good. I was a little worried for a moment there, but this IS Marshall we're talking about," he chuckled a bit and gestured to the fire. "Already got it going for you, too. Figured since I was so unlucky during fishing, this is the least I could do. Oh, but you wouldn't believe what I saw!" His eyes suddenly lit up as he began telling her of the toad.

Voltie — she/her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 21:53:06 )
All was silent and the forest was peaceful when suddenly..."NO! Never again!" a scream resounded.

Marshall sat up suddenly gasping for breath in horror. Ten seconds later there was no sign of it. "Huh? What happened?"he asked looking around. "Oh! the mushrooms were a doozy..."

"Hey my comrades, what's for breakfast? he asked.


Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/11 20:24:20 )
Canette completely tuned out Jamie's story as she prepared food and ate for the night. The hare was delicious and both of them had their fill, not leaving any for their sleeping comrade. She took the first watch since she wanted to continue monitoring Marshall's condition which had a pretty good output. After waking Jamie for the other half of the watch, she soon drifted off to the next morning...

Marshall's jarring voice woke her rather instantly. Still sleepy but already sitting up, she grumbled a few words under her breath and looked around the camp. Seemed like nothing happened that night, a good sign in their travels. "Nothing is for breakfast, Marshall... I doubt Jamie got anything to eat while we were asleep."

After she got up and tied her hair, it dawned on her to start lecturing him. "What the heck were you thinking? Didn't you learn from the previous incident? The last time was actual poison! What would have happened if Jamie hadn't found the tweedleweed we needed?!" Exasperation filled her face. but she was also in brief disbelieve at his rather unpredictable antics.

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/11 21:48:56 )
Jamie was already awake by the time Marshall let out his scream, but he tried his best to stay focused on the task ahead. Besides, Marshall was prone to nightmares, and the scream just then wasn't nearly as bloodcurdling as some other sounds he had made before. And Canette, to Jamie's knowledge, was still asleep at the camp. If anything serious happened, she would be there, ready and waiting. Hell, she was probably berating Marshall even as Jamie held his sword above the pond.

He was laying on his stomach with a hand propping him up a bit. His head was peeked over the side of the water, and his eyes were wide open waiting for a fish to swim by. He had left his armor back at the camp so he could move more swiftly, but he couldn't catch a break. The fish all darted before he could stab one of them every time they came close, but he didn't have a choice. The toad yesterday completely ate the fishing rod he was so proud of.

Fishing with a spear... or in this case, a longsword, was his only alternative, but he had been at it so long already. Eyes narrowed in determination, he waited for his chance even as a large purple ant slowly made its way through his leggings. He blinked as he felt the tiny legs upon his skin, and then his face went pale as tiny teeth sank into his flesh.

He screamed in pain as the firey bite sent him reeling off the edge of the shore head-first in a comical flip. The microscopic foe that left its mark on his ass flew out of his pants and through the air, legs twitching. "Ow, ow ow ow..." Jamie reared back and sat in the pond with his back to the shore. "I'm so freakin' unlucky," he sighed as more and more fish started to swim up to him.

Voltie — she/her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/13 04:57:14 )
"But Canette they looked so good and I'm famished." as he was saying this his stomach grumbled loudly. "Besides you know you don't have to worry, I have a great constitution! It was a really hard earned great constitution too. I woulda been fine in a couple of days." he said with a huge smile. "I've drunk Belladona and Oleander tea before and I hear it's poisonous. It only gave me a small headache."

Getting up and stretching he gave a sigh and then rummaged in his pouch. "Can you cook the squirrels I brought Canette?" he asked handing her a couple of dead squirrels. "I did find a couple of them after I found the mushrooms. What were they anyway? I thought they looked delicious."

Looking around Marshall wondered where Jaimie was. He cocked his head to the side as he heard something in the distance. It sounded like a large splash?

Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/14 19:38:53 )
Her mouth widened as he described their enticing appearance. Words escaped her while he casually shrugged off the whole experience, seemingly suicidal in his antics for interesting things. While it was true that Marshall's constitution was above average, Canette slowly walked away from him to begin making preparations for the day, like packing up their equipment and skin the food Marshall had brought.

"I didn't know you brought some game, Marshall! I forgot to check your rucksack after we put you to bed." She said thoughtfully, already her mood becoming chipper at the loot. "I'm not sure what the mushroom was exactly, I didn't find any of it in my books but it looks similar to this particular family..." Her long explanation was interrupted by a familiar mewling sound and a loud splash.

"Jamie?" She curiously said while grabbing her staff, giving Marshall a concerned look and quickly heading off towards the direction of the sound.
Apparently out of a gig. --v
RLC Commissions always available! PM me or add me on discord: micami#8341

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/17 22:10:08 )
Jamie had climbed his way out of the pond by the time they arrived, but it was difficult and he was bent over with his hands on his knees. It took him a moment to notice them, and he looked up sheepishly. "Good morning, guys," he panted out. "I was hoping to fish us up some breakfast, but uh... that didn't go so well."

He stood upright, then, but grimaced slightly at the pain in his rear. That bite hurt and he had no idea if it was poisonous, but he wasn't feeling any adverse effects. "Anyway, I think I'm alright." He ran a hand through his drenched hair, and spent a bit of time squeezing his clothes to drain the immediate excess of water out of them. "No fish, but I guess we can always get some wild berries? They're usually pretty good if Canette gives the okay." He gave a look to Marshall as if to say 'listen to her this time.'

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