1- color highlight at eye: pink/white
2- lipstick
3- shadow on neck
4- antennae are different shapes
5- butterfly wing pattern on right is more detailed
6- missing white highlights on right*
7- extra black "points" on the wings on the right
* do the various differences in white highlights count as individual differences? There are a few: top and bottom
1- lipstick color
2- whisker dots (4 vs/ 3)
3- additional nose line @ right
4- additional white fur "tufts" @ right
5- dot at center of forehead
6- missing dot over left eye/nose area on right
7- nose shape
8- extra stripes on cheeks @ right
9- extra stripes at the top of the head
10- line under the nose
Donator — Fujoshi
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/31 18:57:07 )
The fur suits are cute. But omg... it gets into uncomfy territory for me when they try to get me to draw them stuffs... I’ve had... interesting requests. And they’re willing to throw down A LOT OF MONEY. I just can’t bring myself to go down that path...