Are ya ready, guyz?!

@Uncledaddy: my parents don't think I'm ever gonna move out, but I also help pay the bills and such so they don't care because that's how I pay rent
My oldest sister, on the other hand, has been quietly trying to convince me to "grow up and move out" but she's about ten years older than me, married with two kids, and lives with her MIL
Said MIL is sick and tired of having two little ones around (oldest just turned four, youngest is a year and a half) and would like some peace and quiet so she's likely pushing to get them to move out
So because she doesn't want to own a home and have to do all the budgeting and such, my sister is pushing me to move out
She also still views me as a 12-year-old, which doesn't help. She's also, thankfully, unaware of the arrangement I have with mom and dad. If she did, she'd nitpick that too
But now I'm turning to a rant for another time

Put ya guns awn!