that sounds yummy though <3
we have korean bbq places here but they're all about an hour drive away. too much ice on the road to bother anytime soon, but i really wanna take my bf to one one of these days!
I spent the last portion of thanksgiving at work, selling tvs. they had all the tiny and broken ladies to sell these heavy tvs too! my manager's knee was swelling out of its brace, I have a bad shoulder (something with the tendons, I need to get it checked) and the third lady is just old and wont cooperate with instructions anyways. All she did was force drama onto everyone.
Most of the work was on me and my manager, until I banned her from moving. Then it was just me maneuvering tvs onto carts or pallets until a guy from another department ran over to help
and back at it again in a couple of hours, rip