Lol had a D&D session last night, and while everyone is off doing like super important things. My character spent the entire time trying to mail off a letter. She's designed to not be the brightest bulb on Broadway. So someone with shiny fiery red hair walked by her, and she completely forgot what she was supposed to be doing. She followed the person with the pretty hair, just to ask if it was soft and if she could touch it. The person let her do it, and everyone is just awing at how cute my character is. The fiery haired person was there for someone else's part of the story. My character finally remembered she was supposed to be mailing a letter. So round two of trying to get to the post office thingy. She gets distracted a few minutes by seagulls and chasing them. Again she remembers what she's supposed to be doing. Finally mails her letter, but doesn't understand how magic mailboxes work. Her letter disappears, and she just slumps onto the ground crying that she fucked her letter up.
That was mine. Do y'all have any good ones? Funny? Sad? What have you?
That was mine. Do y'all have any good ones? Funny? Sad? What have you?