Donator — she/her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/13 16:29:53 )
@Bonnie: you have a lot going on, but it’s still clear.
And you got the colors balanced perfectly!
I tend to be more plain because I can’t find more that will fit. XD
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/13 16:41:06 )
@Lina: i dunno I started with a few event items and then I started to just add stuff that would fit. I tend to like a lot of layers, sometimes I can do simple but other times I can’t, I want layers. I just need o get used to the avatars here.
Donator — she/her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/13 21:16:44 )
@Bonnie: I love when work is slow.
I do all kinds of things for fun instead of working. XD
I usually have a book, and sometimes a coloring book.
And my laptop if it's really really slow.
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/13 21:21:23 )
@Lina: yeah, I just have my phone and work computer. I do also work on homework as well too, but that’s not as common as just being on my phone. If the phone line isn’t ringing we are good to go to just chill.
I guess it’s lucky we are a call center that has callers calling in. I feel it’s easier than calling out. We are a helpline so we aren’t even asking people for money. So I really just have a lot of down time.
Donator — she/her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/13 21:25:05 )
@Bonnie: That sounds really nice.
My last boyfriend worked at a call center and I used to visit him sometimes and hang out.
It was really funny because most of the employees would have their laptop out next to the work computer
And they would all play WoW together! It was a fun environment.
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/13 21:26:24 )
@Lina: oh wow! I’m jealous lol. That would be so much fun. My coworkers are a bit older and less nerdy but if I could have my laptop out I’d just be on here. It would be easier for me to be able to type on a full keyboard.
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/13 22:15:16 )
@Lina: yeah, I mean I get it but I’m addicted to my phone so I am just lucky to be at this job. If I get another job in the future it’s not a guarantee that I’ll be able to have it.
Yes I agree! Being a nerd is an amazing experience and I wish it on everyone.
Donator — she/her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/13 22:50:32 )
@Bonnie: I’m pretty addicted to my phone too. I’m so lucky to be allowed to use it at work.
It’s not like being a nerd means you have to lot specific things.
There are so many different kinds!
It’s more about being honest and open about your obsessions!
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/13 22:56:24 )
@Lina: yesss sometimes I can put my phone down but other times I can’t. I feel like I’ve become more obsessed cause now I pay my own phone bill so I am even more protective over it and obsess over it.
Yeah, nerd life is the best life. Just being able to enjoy the things you like to fullest extent is GREAT.
Donator — she/her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/13 23:23:41 )
@Bonnie: Sometimes I'm just bored and my phone can fill so much time.
I can do all kinds of amazing things on my phone.
I carry the whole world in my hands! XD
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/13 23:27:59 )
@Lina: exactly, I can read, catch up the latest (try to find the least biased) news, play games, chat, all kinds of shit which is great. I don’t know what I would do without one if I happened to lose it.
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/14 01:48:34 )
@Lina: yeah I have had one for years I’m not sure I could, I have my debit cards on there and other stuff. Yeah my phone is a back up to my wallet. I could lose a wallet and cancel all my cards and be fine cause I never carry cash.