so over on another site, there was a thread where someone had snooped through their boyfriends' phone and found out he was cheating. quite a large number of people were saying that the OP was horrible for snooping, and to me that just seems really wrong.
I personally don't think there's anything wrong with snooping.
1- It's not snooping if your partner gives you permission to look through their things whenever/gives you their password/etc.
2- It's fair if you allow them to look through your stuff as well.
I personally see no need to hide anything on my phone or pc from my partner, because I have nothing to hide. He's the same way. If you feel like you have to hide things or as if it's a privacy invasion, then I feel like you're probably doing something wrong. Privacy is important, of course, but when it comes to your partner, (if you've been together for a decent length of time, like a few months) then why would you need that much privacy? Privacy using the bathroom or something personal like that- I understand. But if you have nothing to hide, then it shouldn't even be an issue.
What's your stance on this? And why?