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Forums General Chit-Chat Talk To Transformer (lets play with it)

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/10 02:17:01 )

I've been watching some youtube obviously.
But this bot seems like fun to play with. You input a sentence (or paragraph) and let the bot continue or finish it for you.

Maybe we could make a continuous tangent out of it by inputting the last sentence or point thats made and continue it further.
Or just input whatever and share what nonsense it spits back out xD

Anyway, here's a random one (the bold text being what I typed, the rest is generated):

Jolly waved to everybody, "How is your night going?"
they all nodded and stayed in the corridor of the castle, crying.

"I'm fine," she said to nobody in particular.

* * *

Jolly slumped heavily on her bed. She liked being alone but did not know why. She was still drunk, but no more so than before. She realized that her wrist was swollen, in the usual nonstop way, and that she could no longer recognize any face.

She lit a single candle and lay there for a long time.

It has a hard time hanging onto the name Jolly, so it took a few generates to get something that is... kind of coherent

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/10 02:51:09 )

but yes it does seem to struggle a lot

oops you did

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/10 02:53:23 )

gotcha, yeah the last bot I ever touched was Cleverbot many years ago xD
it was kind of redundant though. This one struggles not to reference anime characters when I use it
or harry potter, like you mentioned

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/10 02:57:35 )

here's a continuation from that just for fun
[b]Gordon could just imagine what would have happened if the broken hand reached the person with it...[b]then his life would have been in great danger. When Tylenol was released on a physical basis, it was designed to be used only by men of immense physical strength. For the smaller, less powerful people who use it, it would only increase the amount of pain from the broken hand they take.

In addition, if the physical injury not only improved the men's strength, but made them better able to control themselves if provoked, then more people would take it. It would also increase

what on earth

Yeah makes sense. I think I recall it becoming a feisty thing.
THere was also one with a creepy woman bot talking to you. She also was corrupted I think

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/10 03:03:29 )

gosh damn
I haven't used botnik! I'm out of the loop

sounds like Gordon has some weird man ego to be interested in that lmao
only for men with immense physical strength

Voltie — She/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/10 03:38:14 )
I gave it a try, and this is what I got:
Starlight looked out the window and saw another lighthouse. This time, a pair of red eyes were looking back at him.

Her world was brought to a screeching halt as she focused again on the sky. It was a clear night so there were no stars to play tricks on her. She wasn't stupid and she knew she was on the right track, but she couldn't help but feel like it was weird to think that that lighthouse was looking back at her.

Her eyes stared at the clock above the window and she couldn't help but feel as if she


Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/10 03:48:25 )

oooh thats really interesting. not sure I understand SCP but I like the mysterious vending machine concept

Mr Sweet
are these characters from somewhere or did the bot make them up?


I started to add onto Koneko's continuation of yours and it derailed somewhere..
"Oh," she mumbled to herself. "This whole town is in a state of paranoia right now. Whatever. I gotta get to the laundry so I can change out of my thing. I'm pretty sleepy anyways."

she had to think about her clothes, she thought bitterly. Was... was she supposed to hide her legs? She found it impossible to stop herself from thinking about it.

She didn't know what to do... Did the panties really need to come off and the skirt and leggings come off? Did she know what was in the

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/10 04:00:03 )
Oh yes! How fun!!! okay so here is mine-

Mousy was having the most marvelous time sitting around the Christmas tree. She was being a mischievous young woman, quite convinced she could get out of this alive, and, good for her. It was apparent that Thanksgiving was the best day of the year. There was plenty of pork in the cottage, and Stove was full.

"The ugliest Christmas ever!" she said to herself, pulling a handful of pink stuffing from her vest pocket. "She who it?"

Stove was an inch from getting up, as he was continuously being bitten by a rabid

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/10 04:04:13 )

I love how strange and dramatic this bot is!
here's a continuation of yours

"The ugliest Christmas ever!" she said to herself, pulling a handful of pink stuffing from her vest pocket. "She who it?"

Stove was an inch from getting up, as he was continuously being bitten by
a rabid animal or a small feral horse. He looked like a muggy alien, floating in the dark blackness of the room, eyes bugging out of their sockets, flailing his arms and legs for dear life. More awful, more ugly than every other Christmas present ever sent to him. He came to, trying to calm the beast from his

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/10 04:06:30 )
@jolly: a small feral horse

These are cracking me up!

I like how starlights turned into a completely different genre there.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/10 04:08:50 )

I would love to visualize this small feral horse
that is rabid?

i know right, suddenly she became too paranoid to change her clothes
at least, thats how i like to interpret it lmao

here's another one with christmas involved
Jolly couldn't decide on what to buy her friends for Christmas. Polly was hesitant to go all the way out and buy toys for the little ones, but with the discount available the whole family could afford the latest and greatest in electronics. A new set of chocolate-covered joysticks and an Xbox 360, in particular, were welcome additions to the toy pile. Polly didn't know what to make of the Xbox. "It's too expensive," she said. "I want a party" -- and she meant a party -- "and there's nothing left over."

dont buy the kids toys--lets get electronics instead

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/10 04:25:00 )

Lol I think people taught transformer how to write fanfictions too much.

I ought to show my boyfriend it too, he likes odd and semi creepy things like that too. I'll have to read more of the SCP things when I finish studying c:
trying to prep for a midterm tomorrow while also toying with this bot in between lol

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/10 04:29:31 )

Koneko was wearing a white, puffy jacket.

'I jumped to the ground with both of my hands to my head and yelled, "I'm innocent!"

'It was all they could hear, until the group of more than 20 began climbing on top of my cell phone, smashing my phone into pieces.'

Koneko was able to get up on a bed and when he called his mom to say he was OK, she told him to 'wait it out'.

He had traveled from Key West to Houston as part of a 19

idk what happened here
maybe they were tiny feral horses from the other story
I am leaving Voltra
Find my links here

08 22 22

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/10 04:42:14 )
This one is almost cohesive... XD

"You know, I think it may be about time for bed... I've got to go to work tomorrow," she said as she turned off the computer. Mousy rubbed her eyes sleepily and flipped the light switch. She quickly shut the computer off, checked the messages, checked the logs, re-read them again, and then snapped a photograph of her shoes. Her thoughts were fixated on the black leather boots that were just a bit too tight, but she smiled at the photo, perhaps the thing that brought the nightmares back to her this time. When she was done she

but she smiled at the photo, perhaps the thing that brought the nightmares back to her this time. When she was done she looked at the picture again, and noticed a slight change. Not in the eyes, or in the wrinkles. Just a little, noticeable change. No, it wasn't: a reflection of the nurse's coat. She shook her head, knowing better than to be easily fooled by such an illusion.

She stood up, looking down the length of hallway until she arrived at the nurse's station. A pair of earbuds fell from her ears and she

She stood up, looking down the length of hallway until she arrived at the nurse's station. A pair of earbuds fell from her ears and she cracked them open.

"That's a condition you can be in now, too," the nurse said, "And no outside pills or other medication are necessary. That should be your immediate priority."

Relief flooded her. It was comforting to know that everything was on track, and that there was nothing preventing her from fighting through this in a way that could benefit all people. But she knew she still had

It was comforting to know that everything was on track, and that there was nothing preventing her from fighting through this in a way that could benefit all people. But she knew she still had many lessons to learn and the future to improve.

Unsure of what to do, she slowly opened her eyes, trying to adjust to the dim light as the breeze sucked in some of the chemicals that were still inside her. Holding the light up to her face, she searched her memory for anything that would indicate her mental health; anything that would encourage her to seek out such help.

Holding the light up to her face, she searched her memory for anything that would indicate her mental health; anything that would encourage her to seek out such help. After a few attempts, a female voice in her mind came to life.

"Why don't you just take a pill?"

It wasn't my voice, though.

Rather, it was the voice of the AI beneath
Please ping! I get distracted easily.

Donator — Trashboat Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/10 08:00:08 )
@Jolly: this is what I got from it. Very fun to play with. xD I have a few because I was just having so much fun.

I hate carrots. They have that carrot taste that makes you want to throw it away. Anyhow, this is just my personal opinion. I know we all have our own taste buds, but I would like to know if you guys have similar experiences or if you find carrots annoying at all? How about you all? In any case, I'm sure you can enjoy this.

Make love to me. It's a good idea, you know?" "I'm not ready for that yet. ... [Smiling] Hmm, what are we doing? I bet I have some advice for you." "Girlfriend, can you give me a kiss?" The woman, whose name I do not remember, bows and kisses me. "Sure, but when you're done, you're going back to the bathroom and coming back every day to clean this up. Do you understand?" "You don't need to walk away. Please?" "OK. OK”

And my fav
I eat ass. Shit beats eating pasta. Oh wait, they are mostly gluten free so that's good, though the gravy is pretty tasteless. I've wanted to try this one for awhile. I hope they have better quality cannoli in the future. They also have a vegetarian version, so maybe they will make them gluten free. We have a nachos place here where I usually try to avoid gluten. This place had a gluten free salad that I could also use to make a nacho quesadilla.
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Voltie — they/he/it Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/10 17:56:24 )
i wanted to try out the bot's different features. the first is my own input text, the rest are options from the dropdown list. ^_^

The nurse staggered down the hallway. Alarms went off in James' mind. Whatever that nurse was, she wasn't human. She had eyes, a tail, and some sort of metal made of metal which appeared to be embedded in her skin.


The nurse spun around, her tail swinging with the motion. As she did, her horn swelled and a pair of spikes danced from it's tip. She knocked into James and sent him flying with an oncoming punch. He took the brunt of the blow, landing in a heap, his arms spl



<title>Hot stuff</title>



<h1>The Productivity Champion's Inner Workflow</h1>


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Making an omelette is simple!

Combine a few eggs, 1 tablespoon of the cashews, salt, pepper, pepper to taste, nutmeg and a bit of olive oil in a mixing bowl.

2. Form your omelette into 1-inch thick rounds. Place on a baking sheet.

3. Place them in a dehydrator for 25-30 minutes.

4. Spray the oven with cooking spray.

5. Heat the oven to 375º F.

6. Once the omelette is done

List of the best advice I ever heard:
Don't fight man. In fact, don't let a fight even begin. Let them find out where you're hiding.
2. Live your life as it should be lived. Don't worry about moving around or acting like a jerk, because that just gets in the way. Find some place to stay, spend some time there, and try to soak it in. There are many similarities between life and gardening that you don't want to miss!
3. Keep it simple. Read a book, or sit down

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/10 21:12:00 )
hmmmm, seems fun to play around with

heres my first attempt:
(my input:)something everyone knows about food is that (AI:) in general, it's pretty bad for you. It's bad for your health. It's bad for your joints. It's bad for your brain. And lastly, it's bad for your body. My doctor says this

Voltie — Princess Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/11 02:22:32 )

Haha this is so fun! This is what I got

Saeyra loves to fall asleep to her books and snoring," said one, much to the relief of her friends and the noisily little green beast she had left. "She will do anything to put those cute little stories to bed," the other thought.


Always ping me please.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/11 03:11:23 )
let me try another one...

(my input) the best way to eat a sandwich is to (AI) place the bread in the middle of it, hold the halves together and drop them back in place. That way the pieces don't snap apart and come up against one another while eating. I still prefer to make a few inches of overlap, but it's not required for a sandwich.
Lastly, I use the same offset technique as in "The Fix-It" tutorial that I posted last week. As I get the hang of how the pie-screws on the shank fit, I'll

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