Winter '19 Plasma Orbs (RIGs)
Hey Volties!
Your feedback is always really helpful and much appreciated, so we want to continue this trend with our Summer '19 Plasma Orb sets! Your feedback will help us rethink how we design and create these items.
This season's Plasma Orbs are:
Common Orb Winter ‘19 / 3000 volts
*Note: some background poses are not shown in preview*
Astrologer | rare ghost
Leo | common Bean
Gemini | common Bean
Libra | common Glume
Taurus | common Glume
Aquarius | common Q t e a p o n
Pisces | common Q t e a p o n
Unique Honey Hair | very common Lilypoo
Unique Witch Hat | very common Lilypoo
Unique Oversized Mug | very common Lilypoo
Unique Bulky Knitted Scarf | very common Lilypoo
Unique Baroque Skirt | very common Lilypoo
*Item credits for very common items are for unique recolors and patterns applied to original item*
*A small selection of all special recolors and/or designs are shown in previews.*
Aries Plasma Orb / 150 ohms
Scorpio Plasma Orb / 150 ohms
Scorpio | rarest Alethna
Cancer | rare Frossy
Virgo | uncommon ghost
Taurus | common Glume
Aquarius | common Q t e a p o n
Pisces | common Q t e a p o n
Now we know that sometimes perhaps a set is not your cup of tea or doesn't fit your particular style, so try to look for things that we could use constructively. Like for example: If this pose was made this way and you could equip it like this then I would find use for that set more in my outfits. Or another example would be: This particular mod or pose is being repeated, I'd like to see x and y being offered as well.
In order to create a standard rating we will be doing a five star rating review. So for each set your reviewing do a 1/5 ; 2/5 ; 3/5 ; 4/5 ; 5/5 to let us know how much you like the overall set.
We are looking for feedback regarding the way the sets layer, originality, variety in poses, etc. But don't restrict yourself to these categories, those are just some suggestions for the direction you can take your feedback in.
We do ask that you try to keep your feedback constructive and don't just say "It looks bad, I don't like it." As it's not very useful to us.
Here is a template we put together for you to use.
[align=center][spoiler=[b]Common Orb Winter '19 (Overall)[/b]
[b]x5 uniquely recolored/patterned commons[/b]
[spoiler=[b]Aries Plasma Orb(Overall)[/b]
[spoiler=[b]Scorpio Plasma Orb(Overall)[/b]
[spoiler=[b]Winter 19 Plasma Orb Collector's Bundle[/b]]
[b]Punky Plasma[/b]
[b]x5 uniquely recolored/patterned commons[/b]
[spoiler=[b]Aries Plasma Orb(Overall)[/b]
[spoiler=[b]Scorpio Plasma Orb(Overall)[/b]
[spoiler=[b]Winter 19 Plasma Orb Collector's Bundle[/b]]
[b]Punky Plasma[/b]
Thank you for taking your time to write this feedback, you are being very helpful!