@Tsundererra: Florida Man is from all over. There are some really ... weird... areas of Florida. And as my son has told me, Florida Man exists partly because apparently our laws don't restrict news the same way as other places, so "Florida Man does X stupid thing" becomes a headline, whereas in other places, it would never make the news...
Donator — She/Her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 21:15:30 )
Questing: Soulcaster | Woodland Fae | Fall Harvest | Sticky Fingers | Leo | Astrologer x3 | Capricorn
oh my gosh the little blue reindeer plush is ADORABLE 'huggles it' i so has got to make an avi with it. hmm and find someoen selling the skirt with the gold constalation paterns 'contemplates'
@inatlaka: It's from a series of news headlines "Florida man hides from cops in swamp, gets eaten by alligator" (seriously!!!) type things... it's a bunch of idiot criminals doing extra stupid things....
Donator — Fujoshi
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 21:17:30 )
@Wildfire: Oh, I didn’t know that. I think you guys also get more traction because some of the things those people do are weirder than what I see in my local news, but we also don’t have Alligators.
@Priestess of Pie: YEP. You nailed the weird part of the country. Wish you could extend that circle a bit more to cover all of Georgia too.
@Tsundererra: yeah, the alligators definitely add to it! Some of the people are just really stupid ... but again, according to my son, who's looked in to this, it's more about our laws not limiting news the same way as other states. And Florida is big. There's lots of opportunity for somebody to do something stupid enough to make a headline