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Forums Winter Solstice 2019 Voltie Memories (Anonymous Messages)

Npc — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/25 23:42:37 )

"Ah, winter really is perfect for reflection, isn't it? I always find myself so thoughtful this time of year... What do I think about you ask? Many things, of course, but one of my favourite to look back on is all the memories I've created with my dear friends.

In fact, I think it would be nice if you would all join in with me! Are there any nice memories you've had with your fellows volties? Or perhaps a nice sentiment you would like to share about them? Send them to me privately, and I can relay that message for you anonymously."

Npc — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/25 23:45:14 )
The Rules
• Each user can send a DM to Vontell containing a nice message you'd like to relay to another Voltie.
• You can send messages to as many Volties as you wish.
• Please keep these messages heartfelt and positive. Negativity will not be allowed.
• Vontell will post your messages on this thread, anonymously. This will be updated daily.
• Everyone who participates will have their name entered into the raffle, which will end on January 8th.
• For the above reason, please refrain from using mules/multiple accounts. They will not be entered.
• Winners of the raffle will be announced January 10th.

The Raffle
• Winners of this raffle will be awarded a bundle containing all Solstice event items!
• Three winners will be drawn.

*Note: Mules do not qualify as participants. Use one account only, we will be checking IPs at the end, if you used more than one account to submit entries, you will be disqualified.*

Npc — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/25 23:46:14 )
Anonymous Messages

“have a very happy new year, miss you all!”

“You all work so hard to keep Voltra running, and I’m always so impressed by your commitment and passion for the website. I don’t know how you all manage to do it with all your other commitments. You’re awesome!”

"Your art is boss. Thanks for the pixels you do!"

“your pixels are getting better and better and I always enjoy seeing what item you're going to come up with next

“Where you at girl? I miss you.”

“I LOVES YOOOOOOOU. Just thought you should know that.”

“I admire your dedication to your art and characters, it's always fun to see what you're going to add to toyhouse next. you're very generous with the art you do for others, too!”

“you're always so on top of your art and i'm very impressed with how dedicated to it you are! it looks like it's a lot of work to keep up with, but you do such a nice job at it!”

“it's been a blast talking to you! your creativity is contagious. keep on being you!”

“Your constant support and encouragement really keep me going sometimes.
You're a truly fantastic person and a wonderful friend.”

“You are so sweet and creative, I love knowing you and being your friend!”

“Your banners and the like are some of the best I've seen.Love what you do, and I'm super appreciative you put up with me! Keep being awesome~<3”

“You make the best banners and icons. You are really talented.”

“Knowing you has been a wonderful experience. If I ever need someone to talk to, I know you’ll be there for me. Thank you!”

“We've barely chat, but I've seen you posting around. You have some of the best avi's I've seen, and I look forward to seeing what you do next~”

“Thanks for always chatting with me. Our Typos unite us.”

“You are hilarious! You always make me laugh and smile. But I know I can count on you for a serious talk if I need it. You’re a good friend!”

“Hey, we don't know each other, but welcome to Voltra! You seem really chill, and I'd love to actually get to know you~<3”

“You’re such an amazing friend and a great artist. Thank you so much for helping out in tough spots!”

“you have an amazing sense of aesthetic and I love seeing all the OCs you create. also your art is to die for and your items are top tier”

“I miss seeing you around <3”

“I love knowing you and having a chance to talk to you. You are so cool and kind. Thank you for all you do!”

“You are a posting legend, it doesn't matter if you can post all the time or not. You're friendly and fun, and that's the important things. Quality is always better than quantity. We love you! :)”

“I’ve known you for a long time, and all that time has been amazing! You light up any thread you are in.”

“you're very sweet and I love seeing how passionate you are about your interests! also sending you blessings that virgil will notice you someday ;3c”

“You are such a sweetie pie, it's been a joy to know you! I hope you have a fabulous wedding and come to visit sometimes because you will be missed!”

"You're a blast to RP with. Thanks for being such an awesome sounding board!"

“You're great and all, but you need to be.. I dunno maybe about ... 20% cooler. lol.”

“you seem like you work very hard as a mod, thank you for all you do”

“Congrats on winning Avi of the (bi)Week recently! You seem to have one hell of a knack for avi creation!”

“hey been a while since I've seen you around I hope you're doing okay! also in general I hope you've been more kind to yourself and mindful of your needs :c it's okay to worry about yourself sometimes and to ask for that to be respected, okay? and if you ever need anyone to talk to, you know there's people there for you (like me)

it's always fun to see you get into something new or talk about things you're interested in! it's nice seeing you get that passionate about stuff

also more dip art in 2020”

“darling dipdip...sweetest boy...

i hope you're doing well. i miss seeing you around but you 100% need to take care of yourself right now, okay? remember we'll always be here for you if you need or want to talk or gush or anything like that though.

also i'm so glad we finally have some refs of your characters! now we can both shower you with gifts and dunk on them. it's official.

here's to hoping your new year is a good one! party hard, but not so hard that we have to come down there and rescue you from a tree or something. ;>”

“DIPDIP! You're such a hardworker, even when you might not believe that it is the truth. You do so much for others and always worry and try your best, and that really counts you know. I hope you can be more proud of yourself, a lot of people admire you. I hope that things look up and you can shed some stress off, because I want to see you enjoying yourself more and having fun! Your art is better each drawing you show too, and I want to see more of your ocs, and if they have stories you have to share! We thorsty over here. Keep doing you and now that you have lots of love for you ok?”

“I swear this awful discord has ruined you ADFLKJ but im glad these nasties haven’t scared you away and you’re willing to embrace this vile nonsense.
I know things have been very busy/rough for you lately so I hope real life takes a back seat soon so you can relax a lil.
you do a LOT OF WORK, online and offline, so please remember to take care of yourself.

BLESS for adding characters to your toyhouse, it makes drawing them more convenient ;3c I hope you add more soon!
I love when you share your drawings with us, including the sketches and the doodles, bc you have such a unique and confident style. I hope to see more of it in 2020, keep going dipdip!”

“I love chatting with you~<3 Thanks for being so kind and sweet. Stay awesome.”

“You are a wonderful friend. I look forward to every conversation with you! Thank you for being there for me!”

“You are so easy to talk to and you are always around <3”

“Night owls FTW. You're really cool to chat with~<3”

“I'm so happy you joined Voltra! ever since I met you on the bumpage I knew you'd be a great friend

“Every ping from you makes me feel excited and happy. You are so charming and delightful to talk with!”

“Thank you for creating this amazing community!”

“I know you do a lot for the site (obviously, lol) and I know you have a lot going on in your life. Thanks for making Voltra as awesome as space as it is, from me and all the users that call this place our online home.”

“hope you had a good holiday! thank you for creating this site and keeping it running”

“You are a wonderful, kind, and strong leader. Your kindness and dedication are why Voltra is so wonderful! We are all lucky to have you and Voltra.”

“Congratulations bird boy! You finally made it! I’m so happy that all your hard work has paid off!”

“you're very sweet and you make amazing winged items!”

"You do too much for the site. Y'need to take a break! XD"

“Thank you for everything you’ve done for the site! I don’t think we can thank you enough.”

“you do so, so, so much for voltra. you're always going above and beyond for this community and are constantly giving us such beautiful content! ghost items always make me happy because you can tell how much love and care and thought you put in to them. i'm excited to see what else you have in store for us - but that doesn't mean overwork yourself. you need a bREAK. i demand you take a vacation and play pokemon and fallout. dr's orders.

your art is always so pleasing to look at and i've been thoroughly enjoying the direction you've been taking pieces lately with that film look. more please, i am hongry and only ghost art can fill my tummy with the proper nutrients. give me the BOYS.
DON'T OVERWORK YOURSELF AGAIN THOUGH. but i'm also excited for more SK shenanigans and cannot WAIT to meet these other characters so they can get properly dunked on.

you're also a nasty little trash man and i will crack your secrets in 2020. watch out.

“It wouldn't be Voltra without your art and characters. You are so talented and hard working.”

“I hope that you can catch up on some sleep and not be trapped in the basement.”

“Ghost, you work SO hard for Voltra and pump out so much work so quickly. It’s incredible. Your work on events in particular is inspiring and the events absolutely could not be the successes they are without you. I’m so glad you enjoy working on Voltra and think it’s fun but I hope you don’t get overwhelmed or stressed from how much work you take on. You’re a really amazing, passionate, kind, multitalented person and I truly admire you and your work. I hope you have a wonderful 2020!”

“The time has come again to publicly shame you with sweetness. It should be always though, because you're the best. Sure, you're stinky and a nasty boy, but that's part of your charm. I couldn't be more blessed to not only have met you, but be your right hand man, the nasty peanut to your sticky jelly, the uh.. Well, you know I'm dumb, but the beef is that I love you a lot and I'm glad we're a team. I can't imagine how I'd be right now without having met you, seriously. It's really comforting knowing my decade starts with you in my life ;'3c
You inspire me to do better, in art and other things so I pwomise I'll work hard! So you better not fall behind huh, cause if you lose to me, how embarrassing jhdjkfdhf. And I know you work hard and get busy, but I do hope you can make time for games for yourself, but if I can invade then, prepare to regret ever inviting me. Gonna make your life hell.
See your stink around and don't forget our brawl in the dumpster, we gotta fight the bears and then trash it out until we both die.”

you work so hard on this site ghost AFDLKJ your graphics and illustrations make voltra look so polished, and your items blow me away. every. time. DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE EVENTS…

I’m looking forward to SK in full color (bless…) and I wanna meet all those cool characters you uploaded to TH…. SO make sure that in 2020 you take some time to yourself and sin draw whatever your heart desires and take GOOD NAPS and eat yummy food

you’re one of the most genuine and hardworking people I’ve ever met, and it makes me really happy to see you put your heart into things that you really enjoy. I hope you’ll continue to let that passion drive you to amazing heights.”

“Your art and creativity always amazes me. You are such an asset to the site. I hope you know how much we appreciate you. <3”

“I hope all is going well for you! I enjoy the unique style and aesthetic you bring to all your items, they're very creative”

“hey stink squad, how's it hanging? okay but yeah for real, you need to be more kind to yourself in 2020 you hear me? this is the year of good vibes and treating yourself. YOU. DESERVE. IT.

thank you for being the Costello to my Abbott, the Laurel to my Hardy, the third comedy duo that you've never heard of. I'm truly bwessed to have met you and I'll say this every chance I get until the day I finally destroy you

oh yeah also make more art more art MORE ART I wanna see more discussions of your OCs on my desk ASAP. you have good ideas and it's gunna be a good story

I pwomise to play more games with you sorry Im always all over the place ;'3c we'll farm more and shoot things”

“DAN AND SIR THEO LIVE ON...the most wholesome of boys. can i offer you a soup?? before marriage? or is that too scandalous?????

you're such a joy to be around. you're super kind and it's obvious how much you love and appreciate your friends. it's always so upsetting to see how you're treated at home and you deserve to live your life the way you want to. get those snacs and mcdonos...tell the others to [redacted]! texas home will be such a fun and loving environment.

i'm so excited to learn more about your characters and am glad you've been posting a bit more about them lately! they're all so cute from what we've seen so far and it's obvious you care for them a lot. i'm also super impressed with what all you've managed to accomplish with farm game, and i'm sorry you have to deal with us always giving you the STUPIDEST ideas and characters JHGFJDSGFA. it's gonna be a masterpiece when it's finish though and you'll rightfully deserve all the praise when it goes big and you get hella $$$. just please remember to fill our food and water bowls when you live in your mansion and we are but filthy animals at your doorstep.

also please say hello to torgo and tell him to stop stealing lizards. i love him though.”

“You are honest and funny and that's a great combo.”

“BLESS for uploading more of your OCs to toyhouse, bc now I have refs to go off of ;3c I’m excited to learn more about them, so pls if you share something in the discord don’t let me miss it
your humor is unmatched, I swear every time you say something I spit out my drink. the way you seemingly effortlessly throw witty and clever comments everywhere is part of what makes you such a cool person to talk to. I appreciate how honest you are, and I admire your fearlessness when it comes to making a stand for the things you believe in.

I wish you the best in 2020, in school, in life, in farm game, and everything else you set your mind to. you’re my favorite clown /honk”

“I hope things are going well for you! it's nice when you're able to pop in but make sure you're taking care of yourself first and foremost

I say it every time but it never stops being true! you have like breathtaking art and composition skills and Im always amazed when you post your work...

I hope the art exchange isn't draining you too much! you always put in so much work >;o”

i hope you're doing well. i know we've said it before but always feel like you can reach out to us if you need to. sending you lots of love though.

also HELLO MVP FOR DOING THE ART EXCHANGE ONCE AGAIN? my favorite time of the year. gotta make sure you get a super special hachi exclusive gift for putting all the time and effort into this for us all to enjoy.

also your art has been extra fire lately. i'm always completely floored when post a new piece. you inspire me so much.
miss seeing you around the cursed disco but i know you've got a lot going on right now, so we'll wait until something absolutely disgusting pops up in conversation before you decide to pop in. that always seems to be what summons you, huh? is it just coincidence?? guess we'll never know…”

“Thanks for opening the Secret Art Exchange!”

“HACHI MACHI. It is required by law to start that way so... but yeah, I know the year was harsh on you but you still organized and ran the secret art exchange sucessfully, which BLESS because it's really fun and I think everyone really loves it. Thank you for bringing something like that to the community! And like, you have amazing, beautiful art too. Also, you're like a cryptic but when you grace us with your precense it's always nice, so I hope to see your face more often this year and I hope things go well for you!”

“thank you for all the hard work you put into keeping the item museum up to date, it looks like it would be tedious work!”

"I started talking to you I believe because of La Llarona, a ghost I had just heard about for the first time days before and i was so excited to talk more about it. (Bit of a supernatural need here) Since then we have had nothing but fantastic conversations and I always enjoy seeing you around the site."

“I'm very grateful to have met you when i first joined and safe to say, voltra wouldn't feel the same without you. you have such a welcoming vibe and you spread kindness and humor wherever you go <3 I'm so glad we are friends!”

“You are so sweet and kind, you always brighten my day!”

“you seem really sweet and you have adorable art!”

"ART GODDESS. Nuff said."

“do you even realize how extremely talented you are? I don't think you even grasp it sometimes >;c but that's okay, it's my job to remind you every chance I get ;3c

for real tho you have an amazing imagination, a clear and unique aesthetic, a fantastic eye for colour, and really cool ideas that are going to make for an incredible and successful comic I GUARANTEE.

okay that aside let's talk about you now. you're a very kind, thoughtful, and considerate person and you deserve a lot better things outta life. don't be afraid to ask for help because we'll always be there for you”

“Thanks for being so kind to this noob.”

“I always love talking to you. I hope that 2020 is good to you and you allow yourself to be good to you.”

“You are so kind and wonderful. You are a gift to anyone lucky enough to know you!”

“First things first, I will give you a gator but you can't tell pie. Seriously tho, you're such a hard worker and your art is amazing and you do it so fast too!? How do you do that!? I'm really excited to know more about the story, it's legit very interesting so far and seeing you so passionate only makes it better. Can't wait to see your goofs do stuff, and the aesthetic is just so beautiful, it's going to be great. And god, I hope the year goes really well for you, but soon texas... I can't wait to real deal hang out and stop you from destroying the house. I'm like, really happy I've met you through the power of daddy shrek and memes. (Daddy shrek is serious business) And like, 2020 better be good to you or I will kick its ass. Love you <33 I will meet you in the pit also.”

“the art you’ve been posting of your comic IS SO GORGEOUS
I love the colors you use and every drawing of yours is like a whole world that I wanna travel to…
I have so much faith in your abilities and creativity and TALENT I know this comic will be amazing. I can’t wait to read it and tell everyone about it. I’m rooting for you

thanks for always offering to lend a shoulder. you’re a wonderfully kind, caring, and thoughtful friend to those around you.
take care of yourself in 2020!! no more eating bags of cheese or other strange things, be a good fruit.”

“Thank you for sending me Piggies all the time! They brighten my day!”

“you have such a cute sense of aesthetic and I really love the avatars you come up with. thank you for always being so positive, too”

“thank you for always stepping in to help out, you make very fun writing pieces!”

“Everytime I see you in a thread, you make me smile. You are so amazing!”

“I know things have been difficult lately but you are such a strong person I know you can pull through!”

“You are just the sweetest and I love the odd time we've chat~<3”

“It has been a really tough year for the both of us, losing someone so close and precious is incredibly painful. I am glad you were with me through it all, its nice to have someone who understands. The first Christmas without them is challenging to say the least, but I know they are watching over us wherever they are.”

“you're always very helpful and positive, and I want to thank you for all you've done to help me out and accommodate for staff. I hope things are going well for you, I know you've been going through a rough time, you deserve some good things”

“You are strong for being to get through this Christmas. I love all of the work that you do for Voltra.”

“You is da bestest poo, and no poo can compete. c: Ily.”

“you are one of the nicest people I've met on here and I always get excited to get a ping from you. AND you make adorable arts. you are pretty freaking amazing, girl!”

“I've missed you, where have you been hiding?”

“You are the best rainbow in town!”

“thank you for being the most supportive friend ever and chatting with me in our ridiculous style!! one day I will visit you. eventuallyyyy”

“Your art is lovely, and I've really enjoyed chatting the odd time we have~<3”

“You are one of the first I really clicked with. Thanks for being so sweet. And I send you and your baby bump so much love!

“You are simply badass! I love talking with you!”

“not sure if you check but I hope you're doing well! I always love to see your monthly art”

“you seem really nice, I hope you had a lovely holiday”

“I know you're busy so not sure if you'll see this, but I really enjoy your art!”

“you are always responsible for gathering the group on avatar sites. glad you also recruited me back on here to the avatar forum life”

“I adore your chibis. Thanks for offering them to us users!”

“You’re such a kind soul! We are lucky to have you. ; u ;”

“you really were a breath of fresh air to the site and I'm so glad you joined staff! you're always very positive and patient, and I really admire your dedication to your work. thank you for all your hard work, it's absolutely amazing seeing everything you've accomplished and how responsive you are! you're also very kind and it's always a joy to talk to you”

“I love chatting with you and you do so much for Voltra so quickly. You are amazing.”

“thank you for putting up with our nonsense and being so patient with me when I am the way I am. I really appreciate all you do and I hope I can repay it all some day. you also always give the best advice and I really appreciate how real you are

you make some of the best avatars on this site and your art always makes me so happy to see, I hope you're able to find the time and energy to make more

“i wanna start off by saying how thankful i am that you always take time out of your day to help with issues we're having. you've really, really been helping to keep me grounded and maintain my composure lately. i'm sorry if it's draining on you but...i really, genuinely appreciate it.

sappy shit aside:
where's that pie art you've been talking about recently, huh? we need the gOODS.
the stuff you've been doing recently has been so gorgeous, as always. it was very nice to see your art from the past decade too! you have such a nice storybook style...i wanna see a whole fantasy book written and illustrated by you sometime. it would be absolutely phenomenal!
i'm hoping 2020 will also be the year we get more information about your characters and their stories. i'm so curious about them. like how did winning the hunger games truly change meridia? also i'm sorry we destroyed meridia and ceci but...them's the perks of befriending us.

SAY HELLO TO THE BOYS. especially mr fluffball mallow...i have no bias to them but.....big fluffer...i love him.”

“GREAT FROG BE BLESSED. Hewwo though pie, the wise rock that keeps us from sinning. Nah but, you have amazing beautiful art and I can't wait to see more. Your characters are really interesting too, I need to see those toyhouse profiles get meatier and learn more, I love them. You're also the nicest, honest person ever, I love that you are not afraid to say the truth, but you're always so nice about it. And hey, you have beautiful furry babies, tell them hi for me too!”

“you tell it like it is, and I appreciate how genuine and upfront you are. those qualities make you a super dependable and reliable friend to have!
I’ve said this before, but you’re the voice of reason and you give well-minded and solid advice, but also you can throw one-liners like nobody’s business and I die every time

your drawings always have such a warm, cozy feeling and I love that and I’m always impressed by your pixels.
also your avatars? always gorgeous.. you put so much thought into the theme and the overall mood, and you use items in such unique ways!

I hope 2020 treats you well and that you have lots of free time to play games and snuggle your floofy cats ;3c”

“thank you for always being so positive and thoughtful! you really do a lot for this community. your art is also amazing and I'm a huge fan of your style and how creative you are with every piece!”

“Thank you for all that you do for Voltra.”

“Your kindness is unmatched. Every post from you brings warmth to Voltra. You are truly a great friend and a delight to be around!”

“Where have you been? I miss seeing you around.”

“I appreciate how you're always trying new things with your art, and I'm impressed by how quick you can work!”

“I haven't really chat with you here on Volt, but I'm someone who stalks your, and I love your character designs~<3 Whether you make 'em yourself or you buy 'em, you got a good eye for what looks good!”

“I absolutely love talking to you! Ps, your art is adorable!”

“You are always so chill and easy to chat with.”

“You are a wonderful, kind person and a fantastic friend!”

"You are easily one of the kindest people I've met on this site. "

“Thank you for always coming to talk to me whenever I pop up on Voltra. You’re one of the sweetest people I know and I am so grateful to call you my friend. <3”

“I want to thank you for being you. You really are the heart of this community and do so much for everyone. I really can't think of a single negative thing anyone could ever say about you, you're very sweet!”

“Totalanimefan, I love seeing you around the site so much. You always brighten my day and help make Voltra a really wonderful place to be. You might be the kindest and friendliest person I've spoken to, and I strive to be as kind, warm, and open as you. Keep being you!!

“Thanks for being an awesome Voltie. You are kind and sweet.

“you're always so upbeat and positive! i thoroughly enjoy chatting with you on here!
thank you for organizing the secret santa this year, it was such a nice and thoughtful thing for the community!

have fun with RF4 and the re-release for the switch. hopefully you're still on to chat while you binge it but ;> enjoy it to the fullest!”

“pretty sure I'm not the only one who agrees that you're a pleasure to talk to any hour of the day. thanks for always being there rooting everyone on”

“You're such a sweetie and I appreciate your friendship very much!”

“You are one of the nicest, kindest, most generous people on Voltra. You are always thinking of others and bringing love to everywhere you go. You deserve all the best in life! I hope you know how wonderful and special you are and how many of us love and appreciate you.”

"You're a social butterfly, but you definitely help keep the site alive~<3 How the hell do you do that? I can't imagine being that lively."

“you do so much to keep this community active and you have a really good sense of humour. I admire the passion you have for the site and I hope we can keep up with it! also your art is incredible and I'd love to see more”

“You are my shera here on Voltra. Thank you for being you. When I see you posting.... I quiver XDDDDDDD


“You just might be my closest friend on Voltra. I love our funny and sometimes serious conversations. I hope Otakon 2020 will be good to us. Congrats on being the top poster. You deserve it. ^_^”

“It's been a pleasure to know you since the moment we met. You are an amazing friend!”

"You're always a sweetheart and willing to listen when someone's down. Thanks for that!"


“You’re such a kind person and even though it’s been a while since we’ve spoken, I always enjoy seeing you around on site! I hope you have a great day”

“you have amazing art and really interesting OCs from what I've seen!”

"I've always admired the confidence and spunk you exude."

“Your dedication to everything you do is admirable!”

“thank you for always stepping in to help out”

“Thanks for pinging me and being awesome in general.”

“You are an amazing person. So kind and generous! I’m lucky to know you.”

“it's been a while since we've spoke so I hope you're doing well!”

“you're amazing, i'd love to see your art sometime!”

"You are the cutest hecking thing! I can't get over how adorable your little self is."

“you're adorable. Have a cookie.

“It has been my great pleasure to get to know you. I hope I can get to know you better.”

“Your wild creature creations are sure to not disappoint. Hope to see you do those again in the future.”

"You're all very lovely and I'm very sorry that I don't post as often as I should. :vontellcry:"

“thank you guys for making me laugh!! the art of virgil and his ice cream was brilliant, and you guys are hilarious (':”


Npc — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 05:51:33 )

@vengeance: I've always admired the confidence and spunk you exude.

Npc — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 05:52:50 )

To all my roleplay partners;

You're all very lovely and I'm very sorry that I don't post as often as I should.

Npc — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 05:53:44 )

@Colin: You're a blast to RP with. Thanks for being such an awesome sounding board!

Npc — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 05:54:26 )

@Tsundererra: You're a social butterfly, but you definitely help keep the site alive~<3 How the hell do you do that? I can't imagine being that lively.

Npc — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 05:54:41 )

@Unicorn: You're always a sweetheart and willing to listen when someone's down. Thanks for that!

Npc — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 05:55:08 )

@TotalAnimeFan: You are easily one of the kindest people I've met on this site.

Npc — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 05:55:23 )

@Alethna: Your art is boss. Thanks for the pixels you do!

Npc — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 05:55:37 )

@Ghost: You do too much for the site. Y'need to take a break! XD

Npc — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 05:55:52 )

@Kiwi: ART GODDESS. Nuff said.

Npc — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 05:57:01 )

@Inatlaka: "I started talking to you I believe because of La Llarona, a ghost I had just heard about for the first time days before and i was so excited to talk more about it. (Bit of a supernatural need here) Since then we have had nothing but fantastic conversations and I always enjoy seeing you around the site. "

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 05:59:51 )

Look at all the sweet messages already <3 we have a wonderful community here on voltra!


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 06:09:57 )

Omg, thank you to the person who wrote that. You’re so sweet. <3


The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi

Donator — Divine Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 06:34:58 )

::blushessuper hard::
oh man thanks
this is so sweet.


°<°art by Keturah🖤🦖🖤

Npc — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 14:00:10 )

Ah, it appears a message has arrived for... me? This is a surprise! I must thank you!

@Vontell: You are the cutest hecking thing! I can't get over how adorable your little self is.

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/27 03:53:51 )
Thak you! to whoever wrote this about me.


@Unicorn: You're always a sweetheart and willing to listen when someone's down. Thanks for that!
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/27 07:32:24 )

This thread is such cuddly feels <3

Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/27 08:43:06 )

Is it bad that I'm stalking this thread to see what people are saying to others, and to see how people react to what is being said? ~<3

Warm Fuzzies all around. Lol

My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me

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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.