This hangout is designed to be a safe place for anyone to talk about anything that comes up in life.
That being said, please keep the
Voltra rules in mind at all times, including:
"Please keep content and discussions rated PG-13. This means no explicit mention of sexual content, drugs, or inappropriate images. This rule applies to the entire website, including but not limited to: Forums, Private Messages, Profiles, Etc."
- No trolling, harassing, spamming, or any other behavior against the Voltra rules.
1. Absolutely no judging or putting people down. This thread is a safe place for all users and no matter your personal opinions on what someone posts, you will NEVER post anything negative or demeaning. If someone specifically asks to have a discussion about a subject, everyone can share their opinions, but never be rude or judgmental.
2. Politics and controversial topics are not allowed here. This thread is a hangout where you can feel safe talking about your life, and not a place to have heated political discussions. Please see the
Serious Talk forum for such discussions.
3. Never call out another user. This is not a place to complain about other people, or air out grievances. If you have a problem with another user on this website please solve it between the two of you, or contact staff about the issue. Don't harass someone publicly.
Rules subject to be added as necessary