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Forums Winter Solstice 2019 Unicorn’s Birthday Bash Hangout

inatlaka rolled a D100 3 times for; 8, 4 and 68. Totalling: 80
For a grand total of 80!
Donator — Divine Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/12 10:10:22 )

@ruby: Ah I see. Yeah ive seen photos of Oregon and it looks lovely. One day I will road trip there with my family. ♡
How is the weather in NC?


Ruby rolled a D100 1 times for; and 48. Totalling: 48
For a grand total of 48!
Artist Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/12 10:18:10 )
@inatlaka: I’ve been to a little over half the country and in my opinion nothing is as pretty as Oregon lol although I might be a little biased xD
If you go you have to see Multnomah Falls!
And if you’re in Portland I highly recommend the Oregon Zoo (and sit on the goat xD theres a mountain goat statue in the beginning and growing up there you always got a pic of you on the goat xD)
And Pittock Mansion, which is at the top of the hill in Portland. It was the house built by the founder of The Oregonian newspaper and it was ahead of its time when it was new. And it has a GREAT view of the city! Those are some of my favorite places :3

Ruby rolled a D100 1 times for; and 100. Totalling: 100
For a grand total of 100!
Artist Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/12 10:19:28 )
@inatlaka: ugh the weather here is so gross! Its like summer 3 4ths of the year. Hot and humid. And I’m not even in the really southern part. Being from the Pacific Northwest I’m not cut out for this kind of climate lol
Nice for a visit but not to live

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/12 10:20:11 )
@Ruby: I am going to, right now, I was talking to someone. and thank you for telling me to go to bed.

@eyry: aah I see, well I am going to sleep for a bit I stayed up to late.

Artist Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/12 10:21:31 )
@Unicorn: sleep well! Did you see my ping about getting number 8?

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/12 10:22:04 )
@Ruby: yes and yes sent you a trade

Artist Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/12 10:22:25 )
@Unicorn: yeah my bad just saw it haha thanks!

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/12 10:23:52 )
@Ruby: Your welcome off to dreamland I go and good night. Sleep well when you go to bed.
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Ruby rolled a D100 1 times for; and 25. Totalling: 25
For a grand total of 25!
Artist Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/12 10:27:34 )
@Unicorn: Goodnight! Sweet dreams~

Artist Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/12 10:28:35 )
@Unicorn: oh! I got a 7 on page 50 too!

inatlaka rolled a D100 3 times for; 52, 8 and 95. Totalling: 155
For a grand total of 155!
Donator — Divine Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/12 11:29:22 )

@ruby: oh man that sucks. Here it gets windy and rain. But im ok with that. I sometimes get scared of the howling wind.


inatlaka rolled a D100 3 times for; 13, 82 and 79. Totalling: 174
For a grand total of 174!
Donator — Divine Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/12 11:30:23 )

@unicorn: good night♡


°<°art by Keturah🖤🦖🖤

Donator — She Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/12 11:39:00 )
@star2000shadow: The new EI hair? Oh good, I can get it xD

Donator — She Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/12 11:47:18 )
@Avocado: aha thanks for letting me know about the hair 20 pages ago xD
btw, love your skelly avatar
Buying/drawing art for: Showstopper, Bouncer, Yes Dark Master

Artist Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/12 11:58:29 )
@inatlaka: oh man i hate howling wind. Fortunately the area I’m in doesn’t typically get really bad storms but I’m always terrified its gonna turn into a tornado. Theres been smaller ones in my state close-ish to me but not in my town.
But the wind can get crazy strong sometimes

Wildfire rolled a D100 1 times for; and 33. Totalling: 33
For a grand total of 33!
Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/12 14:17:38 )
Good morning. What's going on?

Wildfire rolled a D100 3 times for; 7, 98 and 77. Totalling: 182
For a grand total of 182!
Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/12 14:18:53 )
It looks like a couple people won prizes last night - congrats, guys!
┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

eyry rolled a D100 3 times for; 16, 6 and 46. Totalling: 68
For a grand total of 68!
Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/12 15:26:12 )
@Unicorn: oh hope you're sleeping well :)

art shop
isn't that lovely, isn't that cool and isn't that cruel

Avocado rolled a D100 3 times for; 43, 11 and 58. Totalling: 112
For a grand total of 112!
Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/12 15:27:14 )

I'm surprised you found it in all this chatter! This has got to be the most rollicking thread I've been in in awhile.

Dice Game #2


Avocado rolled a D100 3 times for; 93, 89 and 78. Totalling: 260
For a grand total of 260!
Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/12 15:29:20 )

Look at that, it's mocking me, already. I suppose it wouldn't be the same if it didn't!

Also, congrats on the winnings last night!!!

Dice Game #2

Candy Cane Lane
Curious Case
Unique Bases
Vaughn's Belt

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