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Forums Winter Solstice 2019 Unicorn’s Birthday Bash Hangout

eyry rolled a D100 3 times for; 16, 82 and 89. Totalling: 187
For a grand total of 187!
Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/13 14:53:31 )
@Avocado: yeah I'm trying to get him on this schedule so I can sleep better at night


Avocado rolled a D100 3 times for; 31, 96 and 55. Totalling: 182
For a grand total of 182!
Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/13 14:55:06 )

Best of luck on this endeavor.

Dice Game #2


eyry rolled a D100 3 times for; 46, 71 and 67. Totalling: 184
For a grand total of 184!
Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/13 14:56:23 )
it did kind of work already last night
he was so tired that he didn't wake me up to play haha


Avocado rolled a D100 3 times for; 53, 38 and 86. Totalling: 177
For a grand total of 177!
Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/13 15:25:59 )

Ah, progress.

:plasma-orb: :plasma-orb:
Dice Game #2
:plasma-orb: :plasma-orb:


eyry rolled a D100 3 times for; 26, 14 and 40. Totalling: 80
For a grand total of 80!
Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/13 15:30:01 )
haha omg your post style is getting soooo big

and yeah if he does tire out with just playing and doesn't get used to the feeding schedule, I don't mind going back to free feeding twice a day instead of taking it away like I'm trying to enforce now


Avocado rolled a D100 3 times for; 35, 83 and 34. Totalling: 152
For a grand total of 152!
Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/13 15:31:59 )

More style testing....

Dice Game #2


Avocado rolled a D100 3 times for; 97, 5 and 26. Totalling: 128
For a grand total of 128!
Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/13 15:36:41 )

You could just pick up the food for the day or the night. That would encourage energy burning at the time you want (play/exercise). But I've found morning and evening for about an hour works out well, from when I had cats.
The pixies and orbs aren't part of the style. But.... I might add them they look super cool. Add my text where it says 'dice game #2'.

Dice Game #2


Avocado rolled a D100 3 times for; 25, 47 and 80. Totalling: 152
For a grand total of 152!
Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/13 15:43:15 )

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner.


eyry rolled a D100 3 times for; 20, 69 and 82. Totalling: 171
For a grand total of 171!
Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/13 15:47:13 )
I'm not sure what you're describing haha. that sounds like what I'm trying to do now that isn't working (taking away for the day/night). but it's only been one day


Wildfire rolled a D100 3 times for; 84, 48 and 3. Totalling: 135
For a grand total of 135!
Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/13 15:49:28 )
Good morning (again).


Avocado rolled a D100 3 times for; 99, 84 and 91. Totalling: 274
For a grand total of 274!
Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/13 15:49:36 )


Ooooh, I thought you were only putting down small amounts at specific times and removing uneaten food, not free-feeding during longer stints of time.



Avocado rolled a D100 3 times for; 48, 55 and 77. Totalling: 180
For a grand total of 180!
Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/13 15:50:24 )

Good morning.



eyry rolled a D100 3 times for; 17, 96 and 26. Totalling: 139
For a grand total of 139!
Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/13 15:51:07 )
@Avocado: well I'm trying to do that now haha. xD I was just free feeding all day prior to yesterday. I'd set out food before work and then after I came home


Avocado rolled a D100 3 times for; 6, 83 and 19. Totalling: 108
For a grand total of 108!
Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/13 15:51:13 )

...Well, it had an 18 in it, does that count...?


Wildfire rolled a D100 3 times for; 41, 75 and 19. Totalling: 135
For a grand total of 135!
Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/13 15:54:58 )
@Avocado: How are you? Got any plans for the day?

Avocado rolled a D100 3 times for; 17, 71 and 75. Totalling: 163
For a grand total of 163!
Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/13 15:56:49 )

I'd say give it two weeks to see if it sticks. Cats tend to have a thing called 'object impermanence', which means while they know what things are, they don't really comprehend specific locations associated for specific objects, or finite amounts of them. They generally locate their litter box and food bowls by smell or muscle memory. (Not all cats are like this, you do have exceptions, this is just a generality.)

I do! I'm updating my desktop and downloading software today. Then, if there's time, starting up some art!



eyry rolled a D100 3 times for; 21, 10 and 34. Totalling: 65
For a grand total of 65!
Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/13 15:58:09 )
@Avocado: yeah I'm just worried about him not getting enough food since he's still a kitten. he's growing. gotta get nutrients.

art shop
isn't that lovely, isn't that cool and isn't that cruel

Wildfire rolled a D100 3 times for; 84, 7 and 3. Totalling: 94
For a grand total of 94!
Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/13 16:06:51 )
@Avocado: Oooooh, my favorite thing to do in the whole world! /not/ Good luck with the software stuff. I should probably do that too... ugh.

Gotta start on those errands. I'll bbl.

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Avocado rolled a D100 3 times for; 94, 65 and 45. Totalling: 204
For a grand total of 204!
Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/13 16:13:59 )

If he's a kitten, I would generally just stick to modified free feeding (put out much smaller amounts of food, but leave it out), and wearing him out with interactive play in the evening before bed. I recommend a weasel ball, if you can find one. Put it in a cardboard box! He has excess energy, and is learning life skills, like hunting and problem solving.



Avocado rolled a D100 3 times for; 2, 4 and 97. Totalling: 103
For a grand total of 103!
Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/13 16:14:31 )

Thanks I'll need it.


Candy Cane Lane
Curious Case
Unique Bases
Vaughn's Belt

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