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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/2 04:45:51 )

@Yumi: that's so cool!! at one point as a kid i dreamed of becoming a graphic designer <3
how are you liking it ??


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/2 04:47:56 )

@ephenay: Oo did you ever end up pursuing design? If not, what are you doing now if I may ask?

I'm really liking it so far! I didn't think I'd ever enjoy it so much but I can't imagine doing anything else right now for a career.


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/2 05:22:02 )

@Yumi: i haven't been able to pursue design sadly. I'm currently waiting to be able to pursue a full career. i really love art, especially illustration and concept, but I'm pretty hesitant to go through schooling for it >_< art takes a lot of energy out of me and while i enjoy it, art on demand would take the fun of it for me. i used to study computer networking, so I'm thinking of exploring more IT design. or PC repair. or accounting, since i do enjoy math. yeah I'm kinda all over the place lol

that sounds like the dream at work :')
it's so awesome to see somebody actually enjoy what they do! did drawing help a lot with your career?


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/2 05:36:41 )

@ephenay: I totally understand that! That's one of the main reasons I chose not to pursue art, as well as the fact that doing it as a job would make it become like a chore. Not to mention the schooling fees! I think all those options sound pretty enjoyable, especially IT design! I was originally studying accounting, but unfortunately, I am horrible at math, which made accounting a nightmare for me LOL

I think it's normal to be all over the place (I still am at times xD). I guess we never really know what exactly we want to do until we fall into it sometimes.

Hehe, hopefully, it'll be a dream at work :D And yes drawing did help a lot! It was mostly the creativity and composition skills I learned that transferred over. But most of all, I never would have thought of doing design if I hadn't started and kinda given up on drawing.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/2 07:35:30 )

@Yumi: that's a good way to look at it ! can definitely see how the creativity and composition transfer over with graphic design. gotta make it appealing to the eye, somehow right? XD

i hope to have a career i will like one day. i try to remind myself, baby steps lol. schooling fees are what really hold me back, so when i do go in, i don't want to make the wrong choice. but from what i hear, it's kinda necessary for some of us. like how you studied accounting before design ~
now that i think more about that.. how did you end up in that situation?? parents maybe? :O


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/2 07:56:45 )

@ephenay: Yes, baby steps is the way to go! I think having that mindset is much healthier than thinking we have to achieve everything quickly (which I thought before ). I have racked up so much school fees because of it but I'll deal with that later on (I live in Australia though so our Government lets us take an interest-free loan). was me who made that decision haha! My parents were telling me to go into a creative career and I didn't listen to them in the first place. I initially wanted a career that can bring me a lot of money because I always read that there's not much money to be made in a creative career. Oh, how wrong I was LOL! That's what I get for chasing money.

Surprisingly, I don't regret doing accounting first though. It removed all the "what if's" for me despite the fact that I consider it the biggest mistake of my life to date xD


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/2 09:00:55 )

@Yumi: wow, i wouldn't have ever guessed! that's awesome on your parents part. lesson learned XD but it is wonderful you have that outlook on something you'd call a major mistake~

hmm interest-free loans sound pretty nice. i wonder what that must be like. if there is a similar program in the US, i don't know it. the best luck I've had is a school program in high school where your last two years, you go to college and they pay the tuition. it was nice, but i made the mistake of not getting a degree. but same thing, there's less what-ifs haunting you XD


Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/2 10:03:09 )
@Yumi: Yeah good timing joining like me, haha. I love your avatar BTW.

What kind of graphic design do you do?
Buying/drawing art for: Showstopper, Bouncer, Yes Dark Master

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/2 10:04:57 )

@ephenay: Haha yes, I figured I should make the most out of that mistake :D

I think it's something some students take for granted here. We don't realise that we're very lucky to have that option and so some of us don't take our education that seriously. It's probably because we don't see the fees until we start earning a certain salary and the Government takes a portion out of it as part of our tax XD

Hmm i'm not quite familiar with the education system in the US, only that some people do community colleges as another option? Otherwise, I'm not sure if it's the same case for IT design/PC Repair but in Design, some employers are willing to hire somebody without a degree. However, they end up having to do quite a few unpaid internships to get the experience to make up for it

@djinn: Hello again from the event thread! Thank you :D

I think I'll be doing corporate design, like powerpoints, flyers, posters, etc since that's what my new job will expect me to do. I used to casually design for my university while I was a student there and I got to illustrate for some mini-campaigns :)


Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/2 15:10:29 )
@Yumi: Welcome!
Your avatar already looks stunning. Nice job!


Oh my love, I know you are my candyman
And oh my love, let us fly to bounty land~~

Közi (“Kouji.”)

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/3 06:09:18 )

@kozi: Thank you! I love the way you've used the new items on your avi!


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/3 07:43:10 )

@Yumi: omg i'm so sorry! i didn't even see this ping
btw, that makes total sense. yes, community college is an option for two-year degrees or certificates and while it is cheaper than university, the financial situation is just as messy XD student debt is no joke and is actually a major problem in my country. and yet, degrees are starting to have less meaning in the work force. it would be lovely to have a similar program here so there wouldn't be so much struggle for those who want an education!

hope your night/day is going well btw! :)


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/3 07:51:53 )

@ephenay: That's okay! I sometimes end up missing my pings too :)

Oh wow, I didn't realise it was that bad in the US. I wish they would give more opportunities or create more programs for those willing to learn! I think it's good in a way that degrees aren't seen that important though (though my parents will disagree with me LOL), it gives people the chance to enter a career without the financial barrier.

And my day has been going really well so far, thank you! Voltra has been so much fun :vanora-celebrate:


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/3 08:14:41 )

@Yumi: yeahh it's sadly gotten this bad. whenever i hear about how much less it costs in other countries, it still trips me out XD
my state has taken measures to fight against it, so I'm verry lucky to not have debt after going to community college. it's not a bad thing perse to weigh people more on experience! but after so much sacrifice, it would just suck for it to be without much meaning

so happy to hear you've been enjoying it here ^-^
which forums do you like so far?


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/3 08:36:50 )

@ephenay: That's good to hear that some states are doing that :D And you're def right about that! Those years to get a degree was hell so there's got to be some payoff. I think 50% degree and 50% for experience in most jobs would be pretty cool.

I've been liking the General Chit Chat a lot so far. Some of the topics remind me of journaling prompts but in an online forum setting so it's fun to post there. Which forum do you find yourself posting usually on here? *o*


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/3 08:45:48 )

@Yumi: i agree, that would be pretty dope. seems more reasonable

that's awesome! the general is a good place! i joined maybe two months ago? so now i want to collect all the shiny items XD being a volt fiend, spamming undercurrent gets me a good amount. also arcade is fun! event forums are pretty nice too, since the cap there is 50/per post and you get candy canes <3 lowkey, I tend to gravitate towards the art shops/galleries and roleplay. seeing others be creative is so amazing to me *-*


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/3 10:33:46 )

@ephenay: Oo i'm in the same boat as you are then, def want to collect all the items here

I didn't realise we could get so much from the undercurrent, i'm gonna try that out now :D I've frequented the event forums too but sometimes it's hard for me to jump into the middle of an ongoing convo, the candy cane thread is nice though! I agree about the art shops/galleries, it's fun to lurk there and see all the creativity ^ O ^


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/3 10:55:52 )

@Yumi: yess, get that money! get those items <3
it's nice to have when the site is slow, especially now since it's early morning. this is the usual time i'm active XD


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/3 11:04:39 )

@ephenay: Hehe I'm so tempted to buy Ohms too but I need some self-control :vanora_xd:

Now that you mentioned it, I just realised that it's been pretty quiet on Voltra! Kinda feels lonely around this time. These time differences can be hard ;_;


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/3 11:20:12 )

@Yumi: lol ikr??
it suucks, but hey we aren't alone. on weekends it's usually a little better too I've noticed ~

are you wanting a specific item? :o


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